types ig

Quick species background/evolution
The 5 Gods intentionally and unintentionally made 5 types of Black Killers. Starting with the First Breeds the original Black Killers, but after centuries later 3/5th of the population evolved, because of environmental changes. 1/5th going through a couple of genetic mutations and the rest being changed by the Gods. Each have their own unique characteristics and traits with Copycats being able to shift into different species to the Pure Ones’ friendly and domesticated behavior.  (smooth tuff hair)

♦ - 1st gen | ♥ - 2nd gen | ♠ - 3rd gen | ♣ - 4th gen

Random species notes
• BKs can have thumbs & straight up hands depend on the type
• BKs have their top canines(or fangs/tusks) in front of their bottom canines, unlike dogs & wolves which are the opposite
• They also have tongues similar to cats
• They have winter coat & summer coats
• Most BK have black fur while some have absolute black fur (look up absolute black paint)
• They’re cathemeral and omnivores
• BKs can mate with other species, but it’s rare (epically when it comes to having kids)
• Having really long tails or ears is pretty common
• They’re fur can be really dense at times
• Are also both venomous and poisonous
• Are a very clean species

♦(1)First Breeds - Common: The parent species of Common Killers, Pure Ones, Copycats & Experiments.♦
The original Black Killers who are still around this time of day. The creation of the 5 Gods: Amura, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, & Pride. Are the original Black Killers that ended up being the parent species for several different types of Black Killers, because of either half of the population being separated, sudden environment changes and the Gods deciding to fuck around with the species more. They’re now called “First Breeds” and are still around til this day.“ 

Description: whiskers + small freckles + tuffs / slanted baggy eyes + narrow pupil between 2 small lines / long narrow eyebrows / long muzzle + sharp nose / long large ears / short spiky fur + medium tail
Ranking(s): All ranks, but are commonly God rank
Average height(s): 7' to 8'5 // 2' - 3'3 | 5'10 - 7' | 7'7 - 8' | 8'5 - 8'7

Fun facts

  1. Are the 1st Black Killers to exist 
  2. Are the 2nd most aggressive type
  3. Is very protective of the pack's pups/litter  
  4. Are very protective Pure Ones  
  5. Hostile towards True Gods 
  6. HATES humans and elves 
  7. Are extremely religious

♥(2)Pure Ones - Uncommon: The most domesticated type of the bunch and are commonly called the “dogs” of the pack.♥
Pure Ones are the 2nd offspring of the First Breeds. They're called “Pure Ones” because of their pacifist behavior. They don't hunt for food as they are mainly vegetarians. However, will attack threats and those who threaten the pack's pups.

avg: 4'10 to 6' // 1' - 2'5 | 4'2 - 5' | 5'7 - 6'
small eyelashes / large round eyes + large pupils / small round eyebrows / short muzzle + round nose / short large ears / thick fluffy fur + short tail

Fun facts (all ranks)

  1. The smallest in the Black Killer species 
  2. Average height is 4’ to 5’5” tall
  3. Very few are over 5’5” tall 
  4. Are the most docile out of the species
  5. They’re often mistaken as large wolf-dogs
  6. Can be found in Zoos, Dog parks, Family homes, and other heavily populated areas 
  7. Are the easiest to tame which has caused scientists to capture them for a variety of reasons

♥(3)Common Killers - Common: First Breeds that have adapted and evolved to their environment over the years, but still show some First Breed characteristics.♥
"Common killers are pretty well known to humans, elves, & other species. Commons normally do the hunting, patrolling, nursing, & other pack roles. Common killers also take up a pretty large chunk of the Black K. species on a wide scale." 

freckles / slanted eye + / eyebrows / long muzzle + round nose / long large ear / thick poofy fur + medium tail

Fun facts (all ranks, commonly adults)

  1. Have a similar appearance to First Breeds
  2. Most Commons are females 
  3. They have very large irises  
  4. Are often adults or alphas 
  5. Have large pointy ears

♥(4)Copycats - Common: The Gods decided to fuck around with their powers and now these guys are shapeshifting masters (plus mimic other creatures).♥
Copycats are Black Killers that specialize in mimicking other species. They can mimic their speech, behavior, appearance & size. This gives them a better chance at hunting and being undetected by any threats. It’s usually a long and time consuming process to successfully mimic another species. As it’s been proven to be a extremely difficult task to mimic another species’ speech and behavior. They’ll normally stalk and observe the species before mimicking them, but some fake being orphans of the species for better understanding."

extra / eye + brows / muzzle + nose / ear / fur / tail (varises)

Fun facts (all ranks)

  1. Despite being a common type, they’re rarely seen, because of their skills
  2. It’s extremely hard to tame a Copycat since they’re so hard to find
  3. Mainly have similar fur coats of a canine (Ex. Husky, Coyote, Wild African Dog, German Shepherd, etc.)
  4. Often pretend to be a different species for hunting purposes or to avoid threats
  5. They can also mimic humans, elves, & other humanoids, but it’s a rare occurrence
  6. When mimicking an animal that’s 10 times bigger  or smaller than them can take around 2 hours (or an hour 1/2) to fully shift
  7. Commonly befriend other species that can also mimic (Ex. Wendigos, Parrots, Demons, etc.)

♠(5)Kemonomimis - Legendary: A birth defect similar to a Halflings'. The only difference in this birth defect is that this only happens after they have shifted into a human(or elf).♠
"Kemonomimis have predominantly human characteristics and have minimal Black k. characteristics like the ears & tail. Generally kemonomimi characters have their ears and tail covered up with large cloak that often touches the ground. Most of those who live in human/elf populations who can't fully cover their tail often say that their tail is just some fancy fur they bought from a flea or dark market."

♣Kemonos (subspecies) - RareA subspecies of Kemonomimis where the only difference is that they had better luck shifting back to their original forms.♣
"Kemonos possess a large percentage of Black K. characteristics in ratio with their human parts. Kemonos unlike Kemonomimis live in Black Killer packs, but those who do live in human/elf populations wear masks, gloves, large cloaks & sometimes shoes."

♠(6)Halflings - Uncommon: A birth defect that causes Copycats' ability to shift back to their normal form is effected so that it will still show characteristics of the animal they shifted into beforehand.♠
"Halflings are Black Killers that have characteristics of other animals like their speech, behavior, appearance & etc. They can also have more than 1 characteristic of an animal. For example some can have the antlers of a deer and have the tail and markings of a tiger. However, they can't have characteristics of humans, elves or other humanoid creatures. It usually takes a halfling almost a year to have more than one(q) characteristic of an animal whether it's their speech, behavior, or appearance. Halflings usually get their abilities from their parents either being halflings or copycats."

extra / eye + brows / muzzle + nose / ear / fur / tail

Fun facts (all ranks)

  1. Can rarely be tamed by humans or elves
  2. Can have the same furcoat as Dogs, Horses, Cats, but most have a mixture of different species
  3. Are mainly seen with other halflings & sometimes copycats
  4. Commonly befriend animals that they have same characteristics as
  5. Are often captured and sold for entertainment purposes

♥(7)Experiments - Very rare: Animal testing done by humans and elves gone very very wrong. The fact that they’re still alive is a beyond them.♥
"Experiments are the unfortunate Black Killers who were captured and tested on from military, Dark marketing, or other unknown, but cruel reasons. These Black Killers tend to be in a lot of pain and at times hunting or patrolling isn't very much an option for them. They’re kinda treated like veterans when it comes to them escaping and finding their way back to their pack as they're often hundreds of miles away. Most of them have grown extra limbs, eyes, & etc. They also have some.... failed to heal certain wounds completely, causing the wound to heal poorly. They are however very useful when it comes to information about human and elf behavior."

avg: (fb po ck cc ke ha - gi gk tg)
hair / many eyes / vary brows, muzzle + nose, ears / messy choppy fur / missing or deformed tail(s) || usually keep traits from their original form

Fun Facts (pups to alpha, sometimes legends)

  1. Very few escape the testing labs 
  2. Many are in constant pain from the mutation and poorly healed wounds
  3. Can have pups but are in too poor of a condition to raise them properly 
  4. The extra limbs and sensory organs are completely functional 
  5. Have a constant fear of Humans and Elves

♠(8)Giants - Rare: Born from a mutation that cause Alphas to much taller then they should be. This mutation seems to only shows up in Alphas.♠
"Giants are alpha Black Ks that are over 6'11" and are commonly found in small packs with other alphas. They're the 3rd most aggressive type of Black K. Despite only being a few inches taller than the average alpha they are often confused with Legends thus why they're called Giants. Most Gods make them generals as even though there are 6 Gods in total their schedules are still very packed and they often need Giants to lead the alphas who patrol the pack's territory."

tuff / eye + large pupils between 2 small lines / large round eyebrows / long muzzle + round nose / large ears / bulkley fur + long tail

Fun facts (alphas - no gods or legends)

  1. Giants are 7" or 7'1" tall which isn't very much of a height difference 
  2. Can be confused with a legend but lack many common details a legend has
  3. There is normally 10 generals around the territory
  4. Is slightly more aggressive than an alpha 
  5. Rarely have pups of their own
  6. There's a very rare chance of an alpha giving birth to a giant
  7.  Only alphas can give birth to a giant

♠(9)Gatekeepers - Legendary: The surviving pups born from Experiments. Are known to have many birth defects.♠
"Are the result of Experiments having pups. Gatekeepers are born disabled since the chemical testing on their parents have affected their parent's reproductive system. They’re born with missing eyes, limbs, tails, fur & etc. The Experiments who are parents tend to have a very hard time raising their pups from all the pain. So the pack's Gods will tend to help the Experiments raise their pups. Gatekeepers also can't hunt or patrol as their disabilities will tend to slow them down. However, over the years Gatekeepers have been able to overcome their disabilities and often patrol the entrances of their God’s dens. Thus giving them the name Gatekeepers."

eyelashes + hair / blind or dull eyes / varises eyebrows, muzzle + nose / disportionate or deformed ears / matted choppy fur + deformed tail(s) 

Fun Facts (all ranks)

  1. It’s extremely rare for Gatekeepers to have pups
  2. The majority of Gatekeepers are either blind or missing patches of fur
  3. Are mainly seen either at the entrances of the God's dens or in the legend’s nursery
  4. Some are born with one eye 
  5. Are mainly around the entrance of their God’s den

♠(10)True Gods - God: ♠
"True Gods or Ex-Gods are the most aggressive Black Killer type. They used to live in fairly larger packs and were consider the “alphas” of the pack, but for unknown varies reasons most have left their pack. Now a days most are seen traveling around with their mates and young. Most humans and elves try to avoid crossing paths with a True God, because of how aggressive they are as in the past, many have tried hunting and killing True Gods for fame & money. However, very few accomplished this without being killed, brutally wounded or paralyzed. Those who do cross paths have a 4% chance of living, since True Gods often kill on sight for food. Some BK packs do allow True Gods to join as “Ex-Gods” where they’ll often patrol with the pack’s boarders as a way to increase the pack’s safety. However, it’s still very rare for a True God to join a pack and this is especially true if there’s First Breeds. Who are extremely hostile towards them, which is why most True Gods travel instead of joining a pack."

Ex-God symbol / half-opened ringed eyes + tiny pupils / narrow medium brows / long muzzle + pointed nose / large long ears / short bulky fur / long tail

Fun facts (god)

  1. Are the only type that are God (and sometimes Legend) rank
  2. They’re the only type who’s rank symbol varies
  3. In some history books, there’s been a few depictions of True Gods being used for war as a last resort 
  4. True Gods often travel to small villages, towns and camps to live near 
  5. They’ll often make their dens by heavily populated thorn bushes, hard to traverse places and sometimes active hunting grounds
  6. Most live in heavily trapped hunting grounds as it’s easier to catch food
  7. Female are the most aggressive and should be avoided at all cost, especially if they have pups
  8. Pups are also very aggressive, but normally won't attack
  9. Humans & Elves call them True Gods, but those in their species call them “Ex-Gods”
  10. They were rumors that True Gods were used in underground fights
  11. The rumors ended up being the true, but only 4 True Gods actually remain since the incident
  12. The 4 are called Massacre, Demise, Slaughter, & Assassination (or Assassin for short)

first breed / pure one / common killer / copycat / kemono(mimi) / halfling / experiment / giant / gatekeeper / true god