Demigod & Demigod's assistants

🔥 Jersey - The Demigod of Cannibals🔥: "An infamous Demigod that's worshiped as a God in a massive cult of cannibals. Despite their nature of holding living creatures hostage for the sake of a host, they're very compassionate to their followers and often try to educate them about the modern world." (cult leader)
Jennifer - Jersey's favorite host: "Don't even think about touching her."
Philip - Goat

🔥 Kenny 🔥: "Wrath doesn't know what the fuck Kenny is doing so they're putting him on standby until they figure out what the actual fuck to do with them. Kenny doesn't speak so they rip people's heads off so they can... which is a problem" (often writes about setting those they hated on fire)

Selene - The Demigod of Demons [wrath]

🌊🌕 Ray - The Demigod of lost souls🌕 🌊: "Ray is a caring and loving demigod who tries to help kids who have died at a young age. They originally resigned on Earth, but later moved after the loss of followers in Scotland."

🎋E.S. (eye sea)🎋 [sloth] 

🎋T.T. (talking tech)🎋 [sloth]

🎋Fontanne Danica Haruki - The Original Demigod of Spring🎋:
🎋Dax Birch Kai Theros - The Demigod of Summer🎋:
🎋Gaia Teresa Jora Zea - The Demigod of Fall🎋:
🎋Yas Yukio Whittaker - The Demigod of Winter🎋: sloth
🎋☁️ Maia Olwen Freya Jonquil - The Demigod of Spring☁️🎋: Daemon [pride lineage] / father is a Nephilim 

☁️The Demigod of Moths [pride]☁️

☁️Elio - The Demigod of Angels [pride]☁️: "..."
 🌑☁️Yin - The Assistant of Fallen angels☁️🌑
 🌕☁️Yang - The Assistant of Pure angels☁️🌕
☁️ Ying - The Assistant of Angelic elves☁️

☁️Puppie - Curiosities [pride]☁️

🌕 :( - The Demigod of Dragons🌑: ":( protects dragons that aren’t under Akatosh’s protection. They mainly kill dragon hunters and torture the fuckers for information. They often break out dragons that have been captured and experimented on." (also called Smiley or “Sam”)

🌕 三トリッカー - The Demigod of Black Killers🌑: "三 (aka San) is probably the best "babysitter" of the entire B.K. species. They don't interfere as much as most demigods since the species can hold up on itself, but those fucking humans. Good thing those elves are somewhat smart enough to back off."
🌑Timmy - The Assistant🌑: "A cold-hearted bitch who you don't want to fuck with. Despite being San's assistant this two-faced bitch would do anything to watch the higher-ups suffer or at least the ones who suck at their fucking job." (po, gk, ex)


Buddy - The Demigod of Human

Lisa - The Demigod of Elves

Demigod: Watches over the population of a certain species (like dragons, dogs, elves, etc.)
Demigod assistant: Helps watch over a specific breed or type in that species.
(e.g) San is the demigod of Black Killers, but Timmy is the demigod assistant of Pure Ones.

Demigods types
Commons - Can't shift and don't need a host.
 height varies, but most are around 10 to 13ft tall
Shifters are demigods who can shift forms willing to best blend into their environment
and can have 3 to 100+ forms
Vessels are demigods whose original form has collapsed and now need a host to be "alive"

Assistant types
Individuals - usually work on severally jobs and tasks in a controlled area. Some individual assistants originated from groups or hiveminds.
They’re created by using leftover blood from their creator. Those from groups or hiveminds are simply given more independence. 
Groups - Are usually given several tasks that work up to a single goal or multiple goals depending on the number of group members.
Are often made by a mixture of the creator's blood & the blood of another being.
Hiveminds - Although they’re rare and can only be extremely powerful Demigods & their purpose varies. Most are used to monitor their species more efficiently.
Although rare the creation consists of two things; a demigod's blood & a physical object, living or dead. (The best example of this is Jersey's hivemind. Where Jersey uses their blood and any human corpse to add-on to their hivemind.)

Types of Hosts
Humans - Are the most targeted hosts. Often targeted because the ill and young are much easier to control than other species.
Elves - Are usually targeted for their natural magic ability. Demigods can also wield their host's magic significantly better and often look for elves with several magic types.
Animals - The most commonly used for hosts. Depending on the species they'll often inherit some characteristics (e.i. eyes, horns, tail, etc).
Demons - Although rare Demigods often go for elf demons since they're easier to control than human demons.
Willing host: These are usually completely devoted followers that are willing to become a host for their demigod. They’re usually high-ranked or heavily “brainwashed”.
Unwilling host: This is simply people or animals being focused to become a host. Most Demigods search for a “weak” host. Weak hosts are often children or sick animals that are physically & mentally weak. Someone who is mentally weak is people or animal that don’t have a lot of willpower.

jersey - v: hivemind
eilo - sh: individuals + groups
ray - sh: hivemind

Wrath's demigods: often aggressive, impulsive, direct, obsessive at times, but also courageous, passionate(for the wrong reasons) & extremely strong - obsessive, Courageous, strong, & passionate, Direct, Excitable, Impulsive, sadist, unpredictable  
Gluttony's demigods: Sensitive Indifferent, erratic, Healing, peaceful, trusting, foodies
Sloth's demigods: are quite powerful, very hard-working, stubborn at times, very tired, materialistic & logical thinkers - stubborn, & materialistic, logical, hard-working & overworking, Grounded, Enduring, & Self-sufficient
Pride's demigods: Communicative, Curious, Self-centered, loyal, incoherent, dishonest/manipulative, joyful, & imaginative

Demigods can have kids, but there are certain requirements for this to happen. There are also a couple of rules that need to be followed.
1. The spouse can’t be another Demigod as it’s impossible otherwise
2. Blood, Hair, or any DNA is required from the spouse
3. The Demigod will always carry the child (aka they’ll be pregnant)
• They have to inform the higher-ups beforehand
• Once the pregnancy is successful they’ll be relieved of their duties until the child (or children) are born
• They must assign an assistant to temporarily replace them
• If the Demigod doesn’t have an assistant to replace them the Gods will find one for them
• The name of the spouse and child (or children) are to be documented
• The child (or children) must be under close surveillance
• Everything to the spouse and child is the Demigod’s responsibility and must aspect the consequences  
• All of their children will be referred to as “Daemons”

Demigods can have shrines, cults, or churches depending on how large and devoted their followers are. However, those with a large following sometimes prefer to not have a church.  
Assistants can only have shrines unless told otherwise. Usually, high-ranking assistants can get their section in their creator’s church.
Will power is extremely important to vessels. This is why most vessels target children or the sick as hosts.
There are times that a host overpowers a vessel. Most of the time the Demigod frees them and leaves the person (or animal) be and doesn’t attempt again. However, if the Demigod is extremely weak and tries to take a host the chances of them being overpowered are high. Sometimes, but extremely rare the host can overpower them and become part demigod instead.
This scenario is what causes Daemons to be created. As Daemons are people (or animals) that are half-demigod. Another method is when a Demigod has children with their spouse(s).

Demigods are created by the blood of Gods that have a tar-like appearance.
demigod assistants are what's left of that blood
watchers just make sure the species they are watching doesn't go extinct
high priests, Gods' watchers, or Demigods mostly discover these moons
demigods can be based on a species, but they are their species
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind/Air, Life or Death (powers)

What if all of their blood was mixed? (The chance of that happening is never since Wrath hates Gluttony & Sloth hates Wrath)
Is rare for the Gods to bleed & Demigods are highly respected by all species

Common practices are giving food, lighting candles, carrying symbols of worship, and praying. Praying often happens at churches, shrines, and/or homes.
Creating personal shrines in one’s home is especially common when traveling to churches or other places of worship is limited. Celebrating certain holidays (often the demigod’s ”birthday”) is also very popular.
It's common for official shrines to have pictures or drawings of their god. For a demigod's birthday like Lisa, The Demigod of Elves. Cakes, fruits, vegetables, candles, and praying cards are left in celebration.

Amura is the Mother of Gods. They created the planet Belial, its 14 moons, and the 4 main Gods; Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, and Pride. The main 4 created the majority of the sentient life, plants, wildlife, and magic. They also created demigods and the system to protect all of life on Belial, because of this system humans and elves heavily worship the Gods. 

Selene and Elio also play a big part in human and elf culture. However, Elio straight-up hates Selene while Selene simply wants to be friends. Being the Demigods of Demons has caused this rivalry. Selene is also the only one who's in charge of handling the demons completely by themselves, but more than often they don't. Their job often consists of keeping track, but rarely actually intervening in any possible conflict. This was epically relevant during the war and is the main reason why Selene and Elio's relationship is so one-sided.
Despite Elio being a Demigod... TBA

Elio is the Demigod of Angels and the creator of Yin, Yang, & Ying. Elio is simply a figure of worship to elves and isn’t as nearly important to elves compared to humans.
Ying is the Assistant Demigod of Angelic elves. Their job is to track and manage any elves that have passed. The elf community heavily worships Yang and has made several shrines & a few churches for them. Because Ying is so popular in the elf community there is some beef between Ying and Elio to convince Selene to create rank 3 demons.

Selene is the Demigod of Demons. They handle both humans & elf demons by themselves mostly. Selene is also worshiped, but more in the sense of protection & redemption reasons. As it’s a common belief that you won't get as harsh a ranking after death or be forgiven completely. However, it’s speculated that rank 4 devils' appearances are from cults asking Selene to be elevated.