
King - A king ruled large areas of land/country by divine right. To protect his land from invasion, the king gave parts of it to local lords, who were called vassals. In return, his vassals promised to fight to defend the king's land. The king reported to Gods and then the pope(s) and sometimes that was negotiable. 


Queen - A female sovereign or monarch. The wife or consort of a king.


Prince - A non-reigning male member of a royal family.


Princess - A non-reigning female member of a royal family.


Queen Mother - A queen dowager who is mother of a reigning sovereign. The widow of a former king who is also the mother of the reigning sovereign


Regent - A person who exercises the ruling power in a kingdom during the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign.


Kings and Queens 

  1. Concept and Setup
  2. Conflict and Consequence
  3. History
  4. Character Groups
  5. Daily Mundane Life 


  • Should affect how the world runs
  • Should effect characters and groups

Why? How? What?