Angel backup

Wrath and Pride got into a war between angels and demons. As Pride tried to take over and somewhat overthrow their oldest sibling but failed miserably. This results in massive corruption in the angel system causing some angels to become dark angels and leave Pride's system for their sinful reasons. Enraged by this sudden loss to "followers," Pride announced that any dragon related to or created by Wrath was a sin within itself and deserved any kind of suffering. This leads to more corruption and the assault of many dragons (mainly fire dragons). Eventually, Sam was pissed and told Wrath what was happening. It did not turn out well. Some angels still attack dragons, but not as many.

Angel hierarchy
Pride - The Mother of Angels
The Demigod of Angels
Demigod Assistants  
The 7 Seraphims
1st triad 
- Fallen Seraphims, Cherubims & Ophanims
2nd triad 
- Dominions, Virtues & Powers
3rd triad 
- Principalities & Archangels

Angel Triads 
Seraphim - The most loyal and powerful angels created by Pride. Only humans who have been promoted God's Watcher in one of Gods’ churches can pass on as a Seraphim. Although there are instances where Pride makes a Seraphim outside of traditional means.
Cherubim - Are known to be guardians of the main 5 churches and any other secret sanctuaries. They often wear masks of an animal given that they’re expressionless and can take the form of said animal.
Ophanim - Are often described as the angels of divine justice.
Dominion - They regulate the lower ranks and send weekly (or monthly) reports to Yang.
Power - Their entire life purpose is to maintain the population of demons, fallen angels, and most importantly devils.
Principalities - Are the guardians of any and all churches of any deity. They will also carry out orders from ‘Powers’ as well.

Virtue - Is known to control the elements and create miracles.

Seraph - Seraphs are fallen Seraphims. They’re extremely rare and are often killed off. A Seraph appears when on the rare chance a follower devotes their entire life to a God; Often Pride. So, they can be promoted as God's Watcher. Once they've died and become a Seraphim; their “true” plans come into formation. The other way for a Seraph to appear is if a Seraphim in the current hierarchy falls to “sin”.
Cherub - Their name is a form of mockery given that Cherubs on Earth are often depicted as (human) babies with wings. This is especially amusing to Cherubims given that their fallen counterpart is much weaker than those who are pure.
Throne - Often fall because they’ve abused their power.
Lordship - Not only abused their power but also used that power to create their own platoon of angels.
Authority - Often turn because they’ve become power hungry and wish for a higher rank, but are denied. This causes them to relapse and began sabotaging their fellow powers during combat.
Rulers - Similar circumstances to ‘Authorities’, but instead take over a church and attempt to be a deity themselves.

Archangels - Are deemed, guardian angels. They handle all matters outside of the hierarchy specifically human issues. This includes prayers regarding; protection, guidance, politics, military matters, trade, and relapse/strengthening faith.
Note: Both Virtues & Archangels can fall/sin they just don’t have different names/titles. Also, most sin happens during the abuse of power.

Predators (categories by most dangerous)
Dragons & dragon-related kin - It’s rare for a dragon to not hate or kill an angel
Demigods - Only a handful  
Black Killers - Very few (like 3% of the population)
Demons - Extremely rare for one to not be hostile towards them
Fallen angels - Like 50% of the population  
Nephilims - Only a handful
Cambions - 2/3 of the population

Seraphim predators
The Gods
Demigods & demigod assistants
Other Seraphims - Often fallen seraphims

White Star (Moon): A place where Pride puts their favorite angels in, so they don't get mauled by demons and fallen angels. Cherry-picked certain angels and put them on White Star. Those who live in White Star aren’t quite happy, but slightly more comfortable than living in Heaven. Angels who live here can't fall regardless of what they do.
Heaven (underground): Most angels live in "heaven". Those who die and are buried show up in heaven if they were a "good" person in their life.
Pride's territory: Angels who live here are often fallen and were kicked or they just escaped heaven. (east\north\west) 

  • Angels just celebrate Pride’s birthday (Pride was born on Christmas)
  • Dark Angels either celebrate Krampus as well or steal human or elves’ presents
  • angels speak celestial/angelic
  • Most fallen seraphims are dead and those that are alive are hidden.
  • Angels have a strange obsession with gold, eyes, & the color black
  • Important accessories 
    Masks - Bells - String - Pins/Emblems
    Demon or Dragon teeth? (maybe claws)
    Black tattoos

Dark/Fallen Angels - Anywhere, but heaven
Angels who did as much good in their life to get a 'get out of jail card of turning into a demon.
The homeless. Despite them committing crimes (or sins) they are probably the nicest angels you’ll meet in the human race.
Some angels can also be forced into becoming a dark angels mainly by torture. this includes mentally breaking the angel into committing certain "sins"
Steal from people | Torture or kill other angels | Talks shit about others
Dark Angels are angels who sinned after they died permanently to avoid becoming a demon. All have Axenfeld Rieger syndrome
Pupils form back but aren't intact and eyes bleed a little (Axenfeld Rieger syndrome), hair is very messy, and large bat or dragon-like wings that are either covered in feathers or not

Angelic elves  (There’s only 1 type & no ranks)
Power levels are around 86% to 53%.
They have no wings or halos, skin slightly glows, eyes are always shut, and are either black or white
White eyes are natural elements of elves. (Red, Orange, Red-Orange, etc.)
Black eyes are unnatural elements. (Gray, White, and Black)
Elves with black eyes are mainly for those working in churches.
White, Gray, and Black are more pure forms of magic.

During death elves' eyes will change to either white or black depending on their element group.
Clothing wise most elves will still wear the casual clothing they usually do. However, in some cases, they'll wear their work clothes (church robes, military gear, police uniform, etc.)
After death, they won't recall much of their past life. Their memories are still intact for the most part, but names and faces are a blur. Because of this, they wouldn't remember their loved ones or friends and end up wandering the land till they find shelter (usually abandon churches or buildings). Despite angelic elves not having a "heaven" and often traveling, people never encounter them. This is because they're in a state similar to purgatory. Much like ghosts they can see and interact with the world, but only the dead can see and interact with them.

Despite being the "neglected" angels after Pride created the human angels, they were a part of the great dragon v. angel war. They were mostly behind the scenes and didn't hold a grudge against dragons at all, but do have a strong hatred for demons. After the war, despite being forgotten they continued comminution with the other angels and are very social with them.

Even though Pride neglected the angelic elves, they still got a demigod (assistant) to watch over them. This was mainly because after an elf dies they don't "wake up" in heaven. Instead, they wake up in the place of their death and proceed to wander the land with some gaps in memory. Ying's job is simple to track how many and where they're currently located at the time.
Yes, Elio (The Demigod of Angels) also watches them. Ying is the assistant of the elf angel (Ying & Yin are different characters)

Not all angels are weak. The 2nd and 3rd triads are quite powerful.
All Seraphims are highly intelligent & extremely strong. Only Khans, The Gods, other Pure Seraphims, The Demigod of Angels & their assistants can physically harm a Seraphim.
Pure Seraphims were gifted the 3rd eye so they can see only certain things. However, if they've fallen they lose their 3rd eye, but can still sense them.  

The current angel system is now a mixture of militarism and socialism.
Most angels often find a way to "bend" the rules to avoid corruption. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a common phrase that refers to how most angels are corrupt and yet still keep their "pure" appearance.
Angels can pretty much get away with most crimes (like murder, arson, etc.) as long as they have "good intentions" while doing so. However, doing any crime against demons, dragons or dark/fallen angels doesn't apply. So they can do the most heinous of things without consequences. Naturally, they are some expectations (aka White Star) where they are consequences, but most of the time there aren't.
Angels can’t have kids or reproduce for that matter. There’s a rare chance that a family might die together, but besides that, it’s pretty much impossible.

There are three diverse types of glass; demiurge, demonic and holy. They're typically used in churches or buildings of high stature. It's primarily made for protection charms or as a gift to the Gods. Holy glass is used in churches as it's six times more capable than normal glass and remains an effortless way to shelter people from demons. Furthermore, it's made with halos, angel feathers, sand, blood, limestone, and soda ash. Demiurge glass is also made by combing holy and demonic glass.
Angel feathers are considered good luck. The bigger the feather the greater the luck. It's the same concept with the fallen angel feather except for its bad luck.