
Random lore fun fact: Nephilims and nephalems were created by selected breeding conducted by Pride.

Nephalem: Demon/Angel

Fallen v. Angels

The original post was on October 20, 2020, but is being updated and relocated. 
If the mother is a demon, the child will look like a demon. If the mother is an angel, the child will look like an angel. [Lusts are a bit of an acceptance though.] Certain angel ranks and demon types will breed a rare kind of Nephalem. They won't look very different from of other nephalems, but they'll gain the power to "shift".  "Shifting" gives them the power to go up the rank system even if they're already at the highest rank (King). Common changes are the increase in powers, size, change of appearance (horns, wings), & a brighter halo.
It's common for nephalems to have vitiligo. The wings are either grey, black with white tips (vice versa), or mixed as in both wings have random patterns of black & white feathers. Halos aren’t as prominent, but are often smaller and less bright. Horns are also prominent, but not as long or sharp.
A nephalems “strength” is similar to an angel/fallen, but they can be more powerful.

I would like to note that the reason they’re being moved here is that Nephalems are the literal embodiment of “Unholy”. It doesn’t matter that Pride (the creator of angels) made them in the first place. They’re unstable as fuck and are mainly used as a way to experiment with crossbreeding.
I would also like to note that Nephilims and Nephalems will have similarities.

Some fallen angels and demons (commonly Wraths & Gluttons) have bat-like wings. While Prides & most angels (fallen or not) have bird-like wings. Because of this difference in wings, it can cause problems for the offspring if the parents don’t have similar wing anatomy.  
Several problems can be:
• Underdeveloped or deformed wings  
• Different anatomy (bat/bird)
• A fusion of wing types
• An uneven amount of wings  
• Constant growing pains  
• Complete immobility (meaning you can’t even move them at all)
Common “treatment” is to remove the wings at an early age or tie them up for little moves & so they don’t drag across the floor. However, this isn’t the case for everyone.  They’re are some cases where the anatomy is fused where bird wings will have an extendable thumb or bat wings will grow feathers.

The "Comrades" are a group of Nephilims (half-demon half-angel) that were selectively bred to protect White Star and any of Pride's "important" churches.
Wrath demons were often bred with high-ranking angels to get the results.
Although hard to control, because of their demonic nature. After several trials, they found the right training and discipline to control them. Soon after the "Comrades" were created having about 100 members.
Pride often picked Wraths from Terratinelese for their hostility, strength, and easy adaptability. Also fallen high-ranking angels were also used but were considered ineffectual for the slight loss in power. There are only 13 "fallen" nephilims that were considered qualified to join the "Comrades".
Mixing breeding demons is also a common practice. Lusts, Wraths, Prides, and Greeds are often bred.


Nephilim: Angel/Human

A nephilim's “strength” is similar to an angel/fallen.
The “one wing is black and the other is white” stereotype is extremely rare for Nephilims.  Grey wings are more common, they’re also black w/ white tips (vice versa) or a mix of random black & white patterns.
Vitiligo, however, is extremely common, and extreme cases of vitiligo are what started the black & white wing stereotype.
Since nephilims are half-human they have underdeveloped wings meaning that their wings don't grow to their full size. So, some nephilims can’t fly, because of this.
Halos are much smaller and not as bright or don't have them at all.

Most Nephilims are considered “royalty” because most of the human parents were higher-ups in Pride’s Church. Most being between Bishops and Deans.


Cambion: Demon/Human

The 2nd type of Cambions is born through sacrifices. This includes the body of a deceased demon and a child from the ages of 4 years to 5 months. The result of the ritual will have the child fuse with the demon's body and be reborn into a cambion.

True Cambions are born from Lust and Human. They are the only pureblood cambions that exist and are the most stable in physical, emotional, & mental health. Unlike their demon parent, true cambions can't change forms.

Pride: Are born with demonic traits. Are narcissists and have low self-esteem. They are forced to be independent and are often kicked out at the age of 16. Most die at the age of 34. While they look relatively human their legs and tail are that of a pride demon.
Greed: Cambion Greeds sadly created their natural skill of being able to track down valuable material (like gold, silver, jewels, etc.) and their tails.
They're the only cambion that can change their body, but it's only their ears and not their tails.

Lusts + Wrath(the god) not paying attention in the slightest = Cambion population