House Nike


Coronius Victorium, Herald of Divine Victory

The glow of the sun welcomes you to the house hub for the divine goddess, Nike. Here you can find any new house updates and quests pertaining to all laurelles that choose to follow House Nike. Below you will also find a member list of all laurelles as well as their current level!


The house of Nike, patron five star and namesake of Isle Nike was the first five star laurelle, and her house is the oldest of the three. Many consider her to be the combatant five star, though her house is not exclusive to combatant laurelles. Anyone who values victories, perseverance, and glorious battle will find themselves at home in her house. The ideals of the house are strength and resilience, and one does not need to be a combatant to value such things.

The house is a large, Roman style villa, with plenty of places for gathering and training with like minded individuals. Though the five stars keep their distance from the rest of the laurelles for reasons known only to them, it is said that the loyal of the house receive visions and messages from Nike that guide them in their work.

Level-Up Quests

The path forward is not yet lit... (Coming very soon!)

House Members








Goddess Boon

Current active buffs for all members of House Nike:

+10 EXP bonus to any submission featuring the laurelle, made by you.

+30% chance to gain an additional crafting roll of any rarity. (Planned for our future CRAFTING release!)
