Unbleeders's Bulletins

MYO Slot Sale !

Posted 11 months, 21 days ago by gutter


form open till september 30th! max. two slots per user ! items also available!

Common: $15
Uncommon: $20
Rare: $25

Asterism Ticket: $4
Constellation Ticket: $8
Interstellar Ticket: $10

get myos here 


MOD ADOPT | Hook-a-duck

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by gutter

adopt by erubeculas is up for auction!

click here to offer


MOD ADOPT | Ghost Train

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by gutter

adopt by erubeculas is up for auction!

click here to offer


September Week 2 !

Posted 11 months, 24 days ago by gutter


[pictured: Llawes model and fiancee to CEO BranBlodeuwedd Pebr, and her bodyguards: (clockwise) Fionn, Grigori, Icarus, and Wynne]


Has everyone been having fun at Cantre'r Gwaelod so far? How are the rides? The shows? The collections

Till now, art chain has been been a bit of a discord-only option to earn LC! That seemed a little unfair - as much as I'd love everyone to be in the server, there are plenty of reasons not to join it! So I've set up a secondary art chain here on TH: check it out here <3 


September Newsletter - Lost Kingdom

Posted 1 year, 20 hours ago by gutter



"So this is the Cirque, huh? Pretty cool...!"

“Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting you missed it last year! Shame, I think you would’ve liked it – all dark and mysterious and stuff.”

“Really? A theme park is pretty much, like. The brightest thing I can imagine.”

“Well yeah, the theme park – what’s it called again? Cantre'r Gwaelod–”

“Just call it The Lost Kingdom like the rest of us, Mr. Arthurian Studies major.”

“–Cantre'r Gwaelod is owned by the Corp. The Cirque is just here to kick things off! Didn’t you re– oh, that’s the Ringleader! The ribbon-cutting is starting!”

“Oh my God, Ari really is here – so close! You think we can get an autogr… wait, who’s that?”

“Holy shit, look at those inserts. That doctor up at HQ has gotta be burning the midnight oil. Are those koi fish?”

“And so close to Ari, too. You know, it’s been a minute since they’ve announced a new Hound! So maybe – uh…”


“The crown… are those… uh… sakura petals?”


“And I mean, it does look an awful lot like…”



  • New Ci Annwn August St. Clare (they/them, 25) may be referred to as 'new', 'fresh', 'talented', 'exceptional'. Terms such as 'princess' and variants therein are encouraged.
  • Cantre'r Gwaelod may be referred to as 'Lost Kingdom' or 'Caer Sidi's own amusement park'. Please mention Llawes Corp's involvement at least once every five mentions of Cantre'r Gwaelod.
  • The Cirque de Saint Erasmus, or 'the Cirque' is working in collaboration with Llawes Corp. Please do not imply this was solely their project.
  • When this collaboration is mentioned, please include a note regarding the unique android animals belonging to the Cirque. Refer to them as 'Llawesbots'.
  • Speculation about the origin of August St. Clare's insert will not be published. Any publication including such content will be closed down immediately, and any individual journalists doing so will be blacklisted.
  • Speculation about the origin of August St. Clare's necklace is encouraged.
  • Speculation about the nature of the relationship between August St. Clare and Ari is encouraged.



"um, hey, jun, you, uh - you okay?"




"Ah, hey there! You may have noticed a few of these sweet little friends in recent broadcasts?

Well, first off, let me introduce myself - I'm Bast Shepherd, Head of Llawes Corp's Robotics division. I'm the, uh, the inventor of Llawebots! Llawesbotsthey decided on putting the s in there, right.

Anyway, these little beasts I have crawling all over me are Llawesbots: infinitely customisable robot pets! They'll stream music, take notes, make calls, cuddle up in front of the TV, and all while sporting any number of features to make them the ideal companion for you!

Right now, they come in two variants - little floating drones that can emit a semi-solid hologram body for maximum portability and multiple cute custom forms, and soft-body androids, like this dozy lump right here. Built to be huggable and sturdy, like any living pet but without the allergies and upkeep.

Each Llawesbot comes with a simple, easy to use OS, and is programmed to love you! There are six basic models - five heraldic beasts and the Classic Llawesbot, each with exceptional levels of customisation - as well as completely original designs made from scratch for you. Talk to our artists at your nearest Llawes store to see how you can express your individuality through your new best friend!

A Llawesbot is devoted to you, and as such, so is their function. Need a screen-reader or speech-to-text? Your Llawesbot can do that for you. Lean or even ride on your perfectly-sized mobility aid Llawesbot! Let your Llawesbot guide you through calming breathing exercises, or play rainy mood lofi while cuddling to reduce your stress.

Not sure if you're ready to commit? No worries - right now, in collaboration with the Cirque de St Erasmus, you can meet all sorts of extra-special Llawesbots ready to play all over Cantre'r Gwaelod, and watch them performing every night in the Big Top!

Of course, we're always coming out with new models - I hope no one missed the Cwn Annwn line, allowing you to have a cute little representation of your favourite Hound living in your home! I have a little Riftan model, myself. And look forward to a new design based on new Ci - August St. Clare - coming to stores very soon.

...uh, I don't really have much else to say - can I go? Yeah? Ok --"



Love the concept of Unbleeders lore, but struggle to keep up with all the details being spread across various bulletins and discord channels?

Well, struggle no longer!

Mod Mihael ( winnerstick ) has constructed something very special for you.

This has been no small effort - months have gone into this! We've wanted a more accessible option for people getting into the lore here, and finally, here it is: 

the Unbleeders wiki

Please do check it out - even if you're all caught up, it's a real masterwork.

We hope it helps!


This month's theme is...

Lost Kingdom!
(that is: the amusement park!)

The Cirque de St Erasmus has returned once again to Caer Sidi, and is working this time in direct collaboration with Llawes Corporation to celebrate the grand opening of Caer Sidi's very own theme park - Cantre'r Gwaelod, the 'Drowned Hundred'.

Inspired by the myth of a kingdom that was lost beneath the waves, Cantre'r Gwaelod has been constructed between the peninsula and the mainland part of Caer Sidi, and promises fun for the whole family.

Between the adrenaline-pumping rides, astounding attractions, full range of food and drink options, and themed hotels, as well as nightly performances all month by the infamous Cirque, there's really something for everyone.

Will you discover something fresh and new, and make memories that wlil last your eternal lifetime, or will you, too, lose something, and have it washed away by the endless embrace of the sea?


All of the Cirque's animals, it seems, are Llawesbots. Specially-built alongside the Cirque's backstage workers to allow for more realism in terms of size and design than your average Llawesbot you can buy at a store. It can be a little startling to step off of a rollercoaster and be faced with a full-sized tiger, but rest assured, they're all perfectly harmless.

Wouldn't want to put my head in it's mouth like that one performer, though -- wait, aren't they an Unbleeder? I guess they'll be okay even if.......... oops.

All part of the show, folks ! See how it sticks right back on?


Speaking of Llawesbots - these aren't so much a 'pet species' as much as they are a fun little bonus! There are no real rules when it comes to making a Llawesbot, other than our respectful request that they not be much bigger than a large dog, and that they be harmless! Any shape, any function - but they're unable to do anything violent, and jailbreaking them with that purpose in mind will brick them entirely.

Additionally, I've made some little free-for-personal-use bases for the six 'basic models' - find them here!


As part of the Cantre'r Gwaelod Grand Opening month, the Cirque's nightly performances will be a highlight - and if you visit every week, you'll be able to collect four different stamps. Gathering all of these will earn you a special prize!

That is - we'll be doing extra bulletins this month, just like last year's Cirque visit! Each one will have a link to an image - present a list, collection, or set of links to each image at the end of the month and we'll reward you with a Common MYO slot for free! These links will, however, expire! You'll need to make sure to collect each stamp before the week is up.

The first one's easy: try here.


And, as if this bulletin weren't long enough: two adopts are up! Both by me, gutter!


Will you chase a mischievous fey creature who'll take you on an exhilarating ride all night, only to deliver you to your door in the morning, or follow a mysterious maiden into the river, only to be drowned, lost to the water forever?




1. Cantre'r Gwaelod, the Theme Park: 

Not only is there a massive theme park to explore, but also the Circus is back in town! Draw or write about an Unbleeder's experience with any of this - do they love roller-coasters, or are they too scared to even get on the carousel? Will they be attending nightly performances or snuggling up to a Llawesbot at home? Anything goes, as long as its related to something in this bulletin, basically!

2. Cantre'r Gwaelod, the Lost Kingdom: 

The new amusement park is based around a kingdom long forgotten, lost under the sea. When an insert breaks, memories can be lost. When a person is revived as an Unbleeder with the broken part of someone else's, they may receive some of their lost memories, washing over their own selfhood with something unfamiliar. Draw or write about things that an Unbleeder has given up, lost, or forgotten - or things they remember strangely in any way.

Requirements (both prompts): Minimum of a clean sketch with flat colours for art, 500 words for writing.

All entries for either prompt must include an Unbleeder.  If you don't own one, you can draw someone else's - we have a channel  specifically to find available UBs for this sort of thing in our Discord server! And don't forget, we have special, discord-exclusive prompts, too, which can earn you even more LC!
Each entry is worth 2LC, and you can earn LC for up to 2 entries for each prompt. (thats 8 LC in total!)

Submit entries in our Store Central Exchange!


🫀Guest Artists!🫀




Hi there Caer Sidi! 

My hiatus is now officially over - you may have noticed me catching up on the store and ML!

We'll be back on track with events and prompts again soon, please look forward to that!


As such, we're looking for guest artists once again!

Apps can be found here: https://forms.gle/3Ly7Qo4BvDmBzRAs6 and will be open for about 48 hours!

If it's been more than three months since the last time you were on our team, you're welcome to apply again!  While we do want to make sure that everyone gets a chance, we aren't opposed to returning faces!


"It's good to be back in Caer Sidi - as much as I like travelling. I've got some leftover inserts, too.. maybe I can offload a few here?"



Faolàn has some discount MYO slots for you! Sale open for 24 hours, up to two slots, common or uncommon, per user! 


MYO Slot Sale

Posted 1 year, 17 days ago by erubeculas


left over from discord are two slots from our rare MYO flashsale!

as always, rare slots are priced at $25; the form will remain open until both are taken!

you can find them here!


GA Adopt | Glass Nightmares

Posted 1 year, 20 days ago by gutter

adopt by mayuniki is up for auction!

click here to bid


GA Adopt | Fallen Angel

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by unbleeders

adopt by Grappucino is up for auction!

click here to bid


GA Adopt | Dishonest Pastry

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by unbleeders

adopt by Rameroli is up for auction!

click here to bid
