Unbleeders's Bulletins

GA Adopt | Dance des Damnes

Posted 9 months, 11 days ago by gutter

adopt by Hemonuki is up for auction!

click here to bid


Affiliate Adopt | Glass Heart

Posted 9 months, 12 days ago by gutter

adopt by grimling is up for auction!

click here to bid


GA Adopt Batch | Beijing Opera

Posted 9 months, 17 days ago by gutter

a pair ofadopts by clonked and rustbqr are up for auction!

click here to bid on the sky

click here to bid on the sea



GA Adopt | Danse Macabre

Posted 9 months, 20 days ago by gutter

adopt by clonked is up for auction!

click here to bid


MYO Slot + Item Sale (semi-emergency)

Posted 9 months, 26 days ago by gutter

hi all ! mod gutter and mihaels car got stolen. have a slot sale!


form open till nov 15th! items also available!

Common: $15
Uncommon: $20
Rare: $25

Asterism Ticket: $4
Constellation Ticket: $8
Interstellar Ticket: $10

get myos here 


Mod Adopt Mini-batch

Posted 9 months, 27 days ago by gutter

adopts by gutter !

check them out here


GA Adopt | Pulling Your Mind

Posted 9 months, 30 days ago by gutter

adopt by mtchars is up for offers!

click here to offer




(click the flower!)


Has it been more than half a year already since I stepped foot in Llawes Headquarters? My, how the time flies! I hope you look back on this year’s April showers as fondly as I do.

Still, I’ve been in the mood for something new. A masquerade ball, perhaps. My parents were so interested in my participation in high society, after all – what better way to honor their memory, as the anniversary of their deaths draws near, than to host a grand event? I’m sure you agree. Honoring people’s memory is a talent of yours, after all! How are your own parents, I wonder?

But I lack the proper space in family’s estate to host much in the way of a dance. Thus, I was hoping to borrow one of the big venues in HQ. In Eschaton’s name, of course – and I’m happy to pay, if you’re concerned about claims of nepotism!

If such doesn’t sound ideal, I’m sure I can entertain myself other ways this month. Like I said, April was fun!

Don’t worry about getting back to me. I’ll be by your office, and we can discuss details in person.

Stay cool!




"Hey all! Lotachi Odinlo here, one of the grad students -- well, the only grad student studying under Dr. Hasapi. As you may know, Dr. Hasapi is the head of the Unbleeders department here a Llawes, and with so many Unbleeders coming in lately... Erm, it seems like some of the paperwork got a little backed up while I was on sabbatical... So..."


"Is anyone interested in interning for us?"


Truth in fiction! Imagine that. The Unbleeders community has been continuing to grow in leaps and bounds, and we're amazed and proud beyond measure! But one of our Toyhouse mods has shifted to Discord only (and provides crucial help there!), so we're well due for a new Toyhouse mod.

To be clear, this position would be Toyhouse only! Discord is required to keep on top of newly-approved MYOs, but you won't be required to moderate any content there. Similarly, this position would not come with art mod or Discord mod perks, at least to start.

However, Toyhouse mods are entitled to one free MYO (up to Rare) per month, to use or trade as they wish!


This month's theme is...

Danse Macabre!
(or: Music & Masquerade!)

Eschaton, headed by the spectral Kaida Tsubaki, is hosting a masquerade ball -- in the heart of Llawes HQ. Certainly, this is a purely strategic move on Ceridwen's part, untinged by any remaining sentimentality towards a childhood friend... or fear from thinly-veiled threats.

Regardless of reason, the month is sure to keep even the most experienced of Caer Sidi's dancers on their toes. With Eschaton members preparing for the ball and Llawes personnel keeping an eye out for foul play, those on neutral ground will have their hands full just keeping out of the fray -- and who knows what those Concerned Citizens may be up to, with everyone else distracted.

In other words, it's looking like a busy month for all! Everyone's invited to Tsubaki's party at the end of November, and as the weeks pour on, more and more flyers and invitations are sure to litter Caer Sidi's streets. A long-term alliance between Llawes and Eschaton is unlikely, so how this all will end...

Well, it's called a big finish for a reason, right?



1. The Art of Dramaturgy: 

A masquerade ball! What better time to examine the masks we wear, both figuratively and literally? Perhaps you wish to draw or write about the many sides to an Unbleeder - what face they show the world, their loved ones, themself? What they hide and why? How they feel about it all? Or, more literally, you might want to explore an Unbleeder's experience with the upcoming Eschaton masquerade ball itself! Will they dance the night away, or will there be some fatal missteps?

2. Music of The Heart: 

What's a dance with no music? No, really -- what does your chosen Unbleeder think about music? Whether it's singing or playing, dance or failing to, their own or someone else's, write or draw about your Unbleeder's experience with music of any kind! Seriously, as long as it's related to music, anything goes. And don't forget about the very special tune that only some can hear: the song of Caer Sidi's very own fallen Star!

Requirements (both prompts):

♡ Minimum of a clean sketch with flat colours for art, 500 words for writing.

♡ All entries for either prompt must include an Unbleeder.  If you don't own one, you can draw someone else's - we have a channel specifically to find available UBs for this sort of thing in our Discord server! And don't forget, we have special, discord-exclusive prompts, too, which can earn you even more LC!

♡ Each entry is worth 2LC, and you can earn LC for up to 2 entries for each prompt. (thats 8 LC in total!)


🫀Guest Artists!🫀



Trick or Treat...!

Posted 10 months, 11 days ago by cupidry


(...and the rest of Unbleeders 'verse, or whatever.)

Time for that Trick or Treat event we mentioned in our last bulletin! This event is pretty simple, with minimal restrictions to account for the shorter timeframe. All you have to do is draw or write something including someone else's Unbleeder, and you can submit it here or on Discord for 4 LC!

There is no limit on the number of entries -- these are gifts! However, we kindly ask that everyone remember the spirit of this is event is to treat! Feel free to do lots of entries if you so choose, but if we get the sense that effort is being put to the side for the sake of grinding LC, we'll have to step in.

Entries are valid through the end of the day on Friday, November 3. Feel free to work within your time zone -- we won't be splitting hairs about exact time! -- but when we do check the next day, entries will be officially closed.

Have fun everyone, and happy trick or treating!

october & november schedules: go!

Posted 10 months, 18 days ago by cupidry

hey all! a rare pop-in from mod mihael, who usually works a little more behind-the-scenes. hiya!

as you may have seen, gutter had a pretty heavy family emergency. we -- both "we" as in mods, as a group, and "we" as in gutter and mihael, who are partners! -- discussed multiple different ways to proceed with the october event as we had planned it. and discussed, and discussed, and discussed more!

for anyone newer around here, or who just takes bulletins as they come, unbleeders typically operates on a 15th-15th schedule. however, things are still tumultuous on this end; knowing for sure what day things will be up and running again is tricky business. as you can imagine, this is especially difficult with october, which has halloween right in the middle of the unbleeders "month!"

as such, the solution we've come to looks a little like this:

♡ for the remainder of october, unbleeders will remain on semi-hiatus as gutter focuses on personal matters. we'll throw out a halloween mini-event both on the discord and on toyhouse in the next few days for some LC, so keep an eye out for that! ♡
♡ the november month will start on november 1 and end on november 30. a one-time-only Real Month TM!
♡ the december month will start on december 1 and end on january 14, 2024. this way, we can host a big bash for the anniversary, the new year, and christmas starfall -- but avoid crowding everyone's busy holiday schedules!

starting with the january month, everything will be back to normal!

a little complicated, but we'll be keeping everyone in the loop as things re-settle! guest artists will be contacted soon to see if they want to participate for november; no need to reapply. thank you all so much for your patience, and for generally being the best community around!

as i'm sure is evident, unbleeders is a huge passion project for all of us -- but no one moreso than gutter, who has been pouring pretty much their whole heart (haha) into this project for nearly two years(!) now. even right now, when they're dealing with so much, the world, story, and community are still on their mind. while they take some much-needed and much-deserved time to reorient themself, please feel free to give a shout to me (winnerstick) if you need anything on the toyhouse or discord side of things. i'll do what i can to help!

thank you all again, and remember: stay cool! ♡