Unbleeders's Bulletins

Free Slot / Trait Raffle!

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago by gutter


Entrants into this raffle have the chance to win a Celestial Ticket, a Password Reset, or a Common Slot

The amount of prizes will depend on the number of entrants! Also, for each 100 entrants the rarity of the slot that can be won will be upgraded by one! 
(if we somehow hit 400?????? entrants ill start piling on other bonuses i guess!)

closes jan 10th.

enter here! 


MYO + Item Sale!

Posted 8 months, 5 days ago by gutter


Slots and items available ! Open till Jan 5th.
All purchases come with a Celestial Ticket! (one per acct)

Common: $15
Uncommon: $20
Rare: $25

Asterism Ticket: $4
Constellation Ticket: $8
Interstellar Ticket: $10

get myos here 


Mod Adopts ! One's a raffle ! !

Posted 8 months, 10 days ago by gutter

adopts by gutter!

snowfall (bta) | orbit (free raffle)


GA Adopt | As It Is In Heaven

Posted 8 months, 12 days ago by gutter

adopt by brineshrimp is up for offers!

click here to offer


Unbleeders 2nd Anniversary! [FREE MYOS]

Posted 8 months, 14 days ago by gutter




No-one and a selection of those who grew up in the same orphanage celebrate its birthday at midnight on Star's Fall Eve.


Starfall is a day the whole city celebrates! And here in real life, it's the Unbleeders anniversary!


discord | trait guide


To celebrate another happy anniversary of this species and community, we are giving EVERYONE a free MYO slot! This event will last until December 30th, 11:59PM EST. Keep an eye out for further posts that might help you upgrade those, too...


  1. to join, simply create a bulletin linking to this event and fill in the form below!
  2. slots from this event CANNOT be transferred.
  3. all slots will be common. first time owners (anyone who does not own an unbleeder or a slot) will receive an uncommon slot.
  4. as with all unbleeder slots, there is no deadline to complete your myo!


th username:
FTO?: (y/n)
joined world: (y/n)
link to bulletin:


Please be patient with staff! We will reply to your comment with a link to your generated slot as soon as we can!


[LORE] A Starfall Wish

Posted 8 months, 14 days ago by gutter




"Wishing on a star feels a little silly, even this one.
After all, shouldn't I be grateful for what it's given me already?
I'm alive, aren't I?"


Starfall is a day the whole city celebrates: this night before, on Star's Fall Eve, Ari still is sent on patrol. At least, he thinks, he's out of his room, where he's been kept locked away - willingly, though, and hey, it's better than that room at the base of the Enclosure.

He's near there now, so deep that his phone is one of the only real lights. Despite his better judgement, he wishes, just a little, that things could be just a little better. If not for himself, then for people like himself. It's the season for such thoughts, after all.

At midnight, his phone buzzes in his hand.


Hey hey, Arawn! It's me, your big brother! (Bran)

It took some work, but I managed to set up a pretty good Starfall/rebirthday present for you this year, I think. Least I could do after interrupting your birthday party in June, right?

It was tough to sneak behind Ceri's back, but she's been avoiding talking to like, anyone, so I managed to pull it off with the help of a couple of awesome lawyers who actually understood what was like, necessary and stuff... apparently we had to set a whole 'precedent' or whatever to connect your current name and identity with the old one, like, legally speaking. Pre- and post-mortem and all? So now the law says you're Ari and Arawn Llawes and there shouldn't be any issues there any more.

My lawyers tell me this is some kind of massive thing for Unbleeder rights or whatever? Preservation of identity and stuff? I dunno about all that. I just think you'd do better in control of my half of the Corp than I do.

Like we're always saying: I'm on your side.
I'll be back in touch soon, promise.
Bran Llawes


Wish... granted?

 Miss Llawes' Inbox.

Mail - Llawes...


happy starfall!!
Bran Llawes <[email protected]>
Ceridwen Llawes <[email protected]>


sent arawn my shares, plus made sure he can legally be himself and all. idk if he knows but im telling YOU so you dont try anything stupid: my equal amount to urs plus his 1 that '''''ari'''''' got mean hes got 1 more than you. so watch out !!!! lol

just kidding, i kept one to keep the balance :p bet that made u jump tho. be nicer to him, now, ok? he really is still our brother, even if mum and dad told us otherwise. maybe you could even get to KNOW him. shocker.

love u! get a grip!




GA Adopt | Light at the End

Posted 8 months, 17 days ago by gutter

adopt by tomogotchi is up for offers!

click here to offer


[LORE] By blood and paper.

Posted 8 months, 17 days ago by gutter



Since the events of the Ball:

Ari has been confined to his room when not fighting off the ever-encroaching anomalies in the Star Enclosure. More and more, these days.
Ceridwen has been near-impossible to contact outside of necessary messages and e-mails for work.
Bran has been privately consulting with two lawyers: Vincenza del Rosal and Amala Abeni Ifueko.


GA Adopt | Candy Bomb!

Posted 8 months, 18 days ago by gutter

adopt by Legendary_potatoes is up for auction!

click here to bid


Mod Adopt Mini-batch !

Posted 8 months, 19 days ago by gutter


adopts by gutter

check them out here !
