Basil Galanos/Gorgon Ramsay



7 years, 1 month ago


the resident chef at the fairy café. how a hot-headed, thoroughly rude man like him even managed to get a job at such a cheerful place is a mystery. or, well, not really, once you taste his cooking. the one sheer bit of love and tenderness that basil has in his body may be expressed solely through his cooking. basil was a picky eater growing up, a very unusual trait for nagas, who usually simply gulp down their foods whole. it would appear that through his mixed lineage, the tastebuds of a gourmet has somehow surfaced within him. he has been working hard since childhood to build up his cooking skill, and it paid off immensely. 

he was quite the wildcard in his younger years. a bit of a daredevil, even! getting by with odd jobs in food trucks and café’s, basil has a bit of a knack for extreme sports before he could get his culinary diploma. rock climbing, parkour — you name it! while he has certainly settled down in his lifestyle, his personality has barely changed. asides from a newly acquired crotchetyness that comes with aging, of course. thoroughly pissed off at all times, and with no patience whatsoever, basil only keeps himself in check to keep the kitchen running as smoothly as possible. surprisingly, he’s an incredibly pleasant wor partner, with great efficiency and problem-solving skills. but outside of that, uhm… maybe you’re better off not inviting him over for tea.