Aileen Donnelly



7 years, 1 month ago


aileen is the daughter of a solitary banshee, and somehow, a brownie with an incredibly large extended family. it was this bubbly bunch that sculpted her into the woman she is today. she is incredibly excitable and bubbly. it’s basically impossible to be any degree of sad around her, for every little habit she has radiates with joy, be it how she sings during work, how she gets caught up in every little distraction with a broad smile, or the way she flaps her hands when she’s excited. to those with a temper, she may come across as overfamiliar and exaggerating, but she simply doesn’t know how to live any other way.
aileen is a rather vain woman, with an intricate beauty routine not only for herself, but also for her clients. she runs a nail salon in central fogmere, made popular entirely because of the care she puts in others, and her reputation as a natural conversationalist. she’s incredibly tidy, both in appearance and in maintaining er living space. though for some reason, she rarely has visitors over.

truth to be told, aileen uses her sunshine of a personality as a cover-up for her more paranoid side. being half banshee, she is almost contractually obligated to assist with criminal investigation. when anyone within a certain radius of her is at risk of death, she receives a vision, which can then be relayed to the reapers. she doesn’t quite have to do so, but the strain any guilt would put on her would make her crumble. she keeps this side of herself as secret as she can muster, she’s almost toxically selfless, and hates to have others worry for her. to those who know her well enough, her constant state of unease may shine through. it will take a lot of effort to coax any sort of candor out of her, though.