Ruth Millicent



7 years, 1 month ago


a labile hermit occupying the far reaches of the forest. honestly, at this point even they don't know why they live there. what a stupid idea. a two hour walk for a cup of coffee really wasn't worth the peace and quiet out here. did they mention it's not even peaceful here, and rather full of terribly mutated animals and corpses? yeah.

oh well. they sell for a pretty penny in the city.

ruth never had plans for life, and when they did try to make them, something or somebody made it impossible for them to chase them with the vigor they'd like. nothing seemed in the cards, so eventually they just... stopped trying. in fact, they began feeling disgust and disdain at the possibility of a future in any career. so what better thing to do, than to become a forest hermit? 

even then, ruth isn't really anything special at the arcane. sure, they managed a couple of tricks, but really, it's the outdoor survival skills they got as a teen that are pulling them through all the way out here. they don't even truly care much for eldritch secrets, as one would expect, but you don't need to be pursuing cosmic knowledge to go insane out here. if it's not their surroundings, it's their own mind tormenting them. really it was a bad idea to be this emotionally unstable and then go off to isolate outside of civilization, but they can't hurt anybody out here, so they guess it all works out.