Brad (Hooded Man)



7 years, 1 month ago


brad was once a normal guy with a family that he had a childhood with. now he barely exists. starting out with a hideously normal life, brad was just about the epitome of every unmotivated teenager, that didn’t have money to go to college and build a promising career anyway. for the longest time, he took it slow in life, picking up odd jobs where he could. until finally, he started making cash as a cab driver. then, one day, he picked up a passenger that he shouldn’t, and took them to a location he shouldn’t have taken them.

somehow, he drove through the fabric of reality, untangling himself in the process, never to be corporeal again. anyone who had known him once practically forgot him, and all the places he’d been to left only distorted traces of him. and yet, he still resides on earth, driving his awful rickety little cab. those who manage to somehow make their way to his parking spot, will find him a thoroughly unremarkable young man. a peculiarly unremarkable young man, whose face they can’t recall seconds after looking away from him. pray you notice what’s wrong before you hop in the backseat — you may not step out the car in the same world you came from.

brad wears a blindfold, and does not speak. the sight of his face and the sound of his voice have such a deeply disturbing effect on mortal minds. that those who have experienced them, have the tendency to faint on the spot, and forget anything that happened by the time they wake up. because brad is a bit of a lonely soul and enjoys company, he tends to keep quiet, and communicate through text-to-speech on his old phone. truly, he was a man with a good heart once, a goofy sense of humor and all, but few will actually get to know him. it would make him a little sad, but he has no comprehension for the passage of time anymore either way, so it’s not like he knows how long he’s been alone for. whether that’s a good thing…