


7 years, 1 month ago


a Nightmare, spawned directly from the troubled mind of univursus. rage was spawned on earth, and was soon captured by humans that sought to keep it as a curiosity. immediately, rage was a hot item among cryptozoologists and chroniclers, but its power was never underestimated. rage is a compact arcane ball of fear and anger, and can lash out with terrifying strength when provoked too much. truly, all rage wants is to be left alone, but it has not had that luxury for as long as it has existed. kicked around, stuffed in cages — it is no wonder it has cost so many people so many limbs.

the poor creature was thus rescued, but perhaps not by the most thoughtful individual. soon, the beast came into the possession of estu vuzhu, where it would lay in the deep dark calmth of the vault. somewhere, it doesn’t mind. while being entrapped once more may seem pitiful for the creature, it is in most excellent care. after all, estu vuzhu takes great pride in his collection. he knows better than to mistreat it. but perhaps, rage, with all its sagging, itchy skin, sharp teeth, and various outbursts, it doesn’t make the best pet…