Venus & The Cutie Crew



7 years, 1 month ago


aphrodite, venus, etc... the goddess herself! she is the aphrodite pandemos, the goddess closest to humans, especially in modern times. while most of the greco-roman gods retreated to olympus, venus could not bear to leave humanity behind, even if the vastly decreasing amount of believers drained her so drastically of her power. aphrodite cast aside her many attendants, consorts and children, for the company of the few that chose to stay behind. 

the goddess spent centuries in sorrow, as the people she cared for so lost their faith in her, through prosecution or simple forgettance. it wasn't until the rise of popular song that she renewed her vigor - the concept of fame seemed to be a fine substitute for worship. venus, being capable of shapeshifting into any appearance, so long as it is that of a beautiful woman, immediately found herself a new calling. she became a dramatic musician, and made herself known in high courts as an entertainer of many fields. once again, venus' power grew, her bonds with humanity growing stronger, and that with the olympian gods growing weaker - though she still regularly meets with dionysus for parties.

cut to today, the goddess of love has chosen the venue of a pop star. clad in eccentric, classical rave gear, venus holds her venue APHRODISIA with great pride, with a new posse of attendants: pixies, putti, and a single mollusc join her every concert, even them unaware of the true nature of their darling idol. however, all her performances and identities are temporary. she cannot remain a youthful beauty forever, for mortals will grow suspicious of her. it is a bittersweet method, to have to bid her beloved followers goodbye only to reintroduce herself to their little world a week later in another identity. somewhere, the goddess yearns to live as a mortal does, a simple, finite existence, but alas, the show must go on!