


7 years, 27 days ago

Basic Info


Centuries old, lost track




Phoenix/scribe demon


Not specifically coded as anything, but definitely from celtic origin.


Poly-pan. Exclusively Spectrophiliac.

Significant Other

Daruma, Coletun, Vasilka, Brad, Dougal, Apex




the child of a scribe demon and a phoenix, an unholy union made back in hell. using a phoenix feather, scribe demons are able to extract the power of life, and write a revival sigil. but her father became so infatuated by the beautiful bird, locked up in that grisly cage, that one day he collected his strongest sigils, and sent it sky-high. 

that was centuries ago now, and pyralis became the product of that love. eccentric folks make for eccentric children, and they have grown up to be quite the special figure. pyralis is incomprehensible to most, with seeming infinite patience, and an uncanny ability to find wherever the action’s at. nothing seems to shirk their composure, nor manage to get a crack in their calm smile. they have the tendency to intimidate people simply by standing in their vicinity — they simply radiate such a peculiar, knowing aura, yet also comes across as calming and serene.

pyralis is a demon on a mission. they are filled with undying ambition for a single goal: date as many ghosts as they can. somehow, their strange attitude and soothing presence has manifested into a thorough sultryness. people find them oddly intriguing to speak to, and it is this exact intrigue that saves their hide over and over. once pyralis sets their thoroughly flirtatious eyes on something, they intend to go through with it. and with their current track record, they seem to be doing pre-tty well for themselves!

a thoroughly kind individual, who is always looking out for others. they have a deep talent in taking care of others, but not always of themselves. in sculpting their image, they seem to have cast their own emotions aside over the years. whether they’ll learn to nurture them again is another question…