Amanita (Anathema)



1 year, 2 months ago




  • pronouns She/her
  • species Equine
  • background Order Mage
  • age 27
  • height 16hh

The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough.


Truly a nature lover at heart. She finds peace in life, the woods, and hidden water holes. She will talk to you all day about her plants and their many applications. Born during the winter of 1206

The Grand Tourney Hunt for the Wasting Miasma Hunt for the Night-Cursed Crone  




Amanita is a very sweet gal with a love for nature and water. Her favorite places are watering holes located deep within forests, especially ones with waterfalls. She dislikes dry heat, too much sun, and flat landscapes. When she’s not swimming in watering holes or playing in the forest, she likes to craft potions and help cure others of their ails.


61 wc




Amanita grew up in a noble family and was quickly sent to the Order when her family discovered her gift of magic. Both she and her family were ecstatic to learn of her magical abilities as her family holds the order in high regards. She grew up in the order, learning the ways of the world and how to hone her power until she decided it was time to leave and start on her own journey at 18 years old. While in the order, she discovered she had a knack for creating all manners of potions. Most were made to help others, but she certainly learned to make powerful potions if she ever needed to defend herself. She left school so she could try traveling the world so she can add more plants and magical ingredients to her collection of knowledge, and magic. Because she grew up in the order, she doesn’t know much of the real world, aside what was taught to her.

164 wc


Essence of Nature

Power 06


Cost 03



Amanita’s magic allows her to store the essence of various types of plants in the mushrooms that grow along her back. Because she can isolate the essences to the mushrooms themselves, they don't affect her and just stay in one location. The essence of the plant includes any type of medicinal or even harmful properties of the plant. Sometimes she can use other properties from plants including caffeine. Then using the mushrooms on her back, she can add these to the potions, tonics, or grind them into powder. This especially comes in handy when certain herbs are scarce or rare. As her discipline grows, she can use and store a greater variety of plants and as her power grows, she can enhance the plants properties.

With her Discipline of 4, she can retain up to 9 different types of plants at once. However, this primarily consists of either herbs with healing properties or plants with toxic properties. She has also began to learn how to combine some simple types of plants to give them a more potent effect just from the mushroom or by grinding some together.

With her power of 6, she is able to moderately enhance the effect of plant essences in her mushrooms and tonics to give them a stonger effect than the plant would give on it's own. She is able to heal all small wounds and many mdeium sized ones over time, aling with mild sicknesses.

Some of the plant essences she typically carries are:

  • Caffeine - to keep people awake (most important for scholars)
  • Chamomile - calms the mind and helps with inflammation
  • Echinacea - great to help with colds, flus, and infections.
  • Garlic - just a powerhouse herb, enhances many tonics
  • Gensing - another great cureall which is very effective when used with other plants
  • Sandbox Tree Seeds - The explosive properties of this plant harnessed in small tonics is very useful in battle
  • Amanita Mushrooms - Creates powerful halluinogenic effects
  • Water hemlock - poison tha causes nausea, drooling, lethargy, and sometimes death
  • Deadly nightshade - poison that can cause blurred vission, slurred speech, hallucinations, paralysis of muscles, and possibly death

Unfortunately, her magic comes at the cost of draining her energy. The more she uses her gift, the more tired she is, until she can rest and recover. This is usually indicated by fewer or smaller mushrooms on her back. In addition, using it consumes the essence of the plant she had taken in and she can only regenerate this by finding more of the plant to replenish her reserves.

Note: Any of her tonics that could induce death will not be used without the character owner's express permission!



  • Magic use fatigues the caster. (1)
  • Magic use consumes a valuable material. (2)
None currently  



Purchase history & STAT CHANGES

  • +1 Discipline +1 Cost. March 16, 2023. +1 cost: Magic use has a short-term adverse effect on the caster's mood/frame of mind. +1 discipline: Amanita can store more types of plants.
  • -1 cost +1 Discipline. August 28, 2023. Magic no longer affects her state of mind, she has learned how to combine the essence of some plants into one mushroom.
  • +2 Power. October 14, 2023. She can enhance the side effects caused by the plant essences she has absorbed creating more potent mushrooms and tonics.
  • +2 Power. November 20, 2023. She can create mid-level enhanced side effect from plants. Can heal small wounds and cure simple illnesses quickly. Poisons and exploding tonics are more potent.
  • Item or Stat change. Date of transaction. Effect.


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