Northern Heavens (Birds)



Birds are frequently spotted across the Northern Heavens. Innumerous species have been reported, and, curiously, they all resemble species found in northern Europe on Midgard. Being exposed to the powerful magic found in these realms, many birds have taken more fantastical elements. They may have vibrant plumages, grown to gigantic sizes, or changed in some other curious way.

Alcas resemble the puffins of Midgard, but have strangely and brightly colored beaks and legs. Like puffins, they feed primarily by diving in the water. Although an individual bird only ever has one color, it can be any color of the rainbow. They breed in large colonies on coastal cliffs or offshore islands, such as Lightfall. Their colonies have been described as 'cliff-side auroras.'

Hennes are the local breed of chicken native to Alfheim. While generally docile, these fluffy birds can become aggressive when provoked, issuing a rallying cry that gathers more birds to their location in a wild attack against their assailant. Even the gods fear these fowl creatures.