Northern Heavens (Dökkálfar)



The Dökkálfar are the second half of the pair of mythic/primal elves. Unlike the Ljósálfar, their bodies are devoid of color, instead taking on desaturated tones of grey. Also unlike the ljósálfar, they are actively hostile to others, and as such are feared and hated rather than revered. While technically descended from Auðumbla, they have long since aligned themselves with the jötnar

A long time ago, a group of Álfar raised a coup against Bjartr. They were eventually defeated and forced into exile, and subsequently settled on a new world, a dark and desolate world that became known as Svartalfheim. Without the power of the Light Force, their appearance changed into what it was today. The Dökkálfar and the Ljósálfar have been at war for control of the Light Force ever since.