Northern Heavens (Ljósálfar)



The Ljósálfar ("light elves") are a race of human-sized divinities native to Alfheim. They are one of a contrasting pair of mythic or primal elves (alfar or alvar), the other being the Dökkálfar ("dark elves") that reside on Svartalfheim. They have been described as "luminous beings" and "fairer than the sun to look at." Ljósálfar have been characterized as having supernatural strength, magical powers, and otherworldly beauty.

The Álfar are hardy enough to live through wounds that would kill a human and even survive in a vacuum, but their true strength is in their skill. They have the ability to grow and refine virtually any skill, be it martial, magic, or artistic in nature. They will continuously improve with no limits for as long as they are willing to devote themselves to it.

Bjartr formed the tribe of the Álfar on the world of Álfheim. The current high king of the Álfar is Yngvi-Freyr, although he himself is a Vanir.