


3 years, 7 months ago


Story: The Hallowed
Age: ???
Height: 5'8
Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pronouns: they/them
The Hallowed Toyhouse folder

Apollonia is a Monster in the Knowledge line, and an assistant to Jinx. While they are perfectly willing to help Jinx with whatever she needs, Apollonia themself sees no purpose behind anything she does, and is simply doing what is asked of them, rather than having a personal reason to follow along. They are always upbeat and cheerful, and will happily let you know with a smile on their face that you are about to die by their hand.

Apollonia is entirely neutral, and doesn't care what people tell them to do as long and they think it will be funny or interesting. Apollonia could be in the middle of a fight that they are winning, but one call from Jinx and they drop everything to leave. You could tell Apollonia to their face that you intend to backstab them and use them for your own personal gain and they would find no issue with this, more curious about how you would intend to pull this off than anything else. Because of this, Apollonia switches from main antagonist to ally very frequently, leaving little who trust them aside from Jinx.

Apollonia has been in debt to Jinx for years, their soul bound by contract to follow her commands until their "debt" has been repaid. Because they have spent so much time around Jinx, the lead of the Shadow line, the shadows have begun to seep into Apollonia as well. Apollonia sees no issue with this, and seems to have no concern for their own wellbeing.

Apollonia, as a Knowledge monster, is able to access any information at will that is known by at least one other person on the planet. As long as that knowledge is still around, shared by someone other than Apollonia themself, they can choose to Know the answer to anything at all. Because of this, Apollonia is insistent that knowledge not be wasted or lost. Killing someone who may be the last person to know something, eradicating records of things long since past, and complete disregard for record keeping itself are some of the only things that can prompt Apollonia to react. They will do anything to preserve the knowledge in the world, and can become extremely distraught when forced to do something they know would cause the loss of any information.