👾calamity chorus

👾calamity chorus

The Calamity Chorus

A group of Octolings moved to the surface after hearing Calamari Inkantation. There, they formed a civilisation that eventually turned into Calamari City, named after the song that brought them there. The city is populated almost solely by Octolings, in recent times a few Inklings have moved there too.

Across the way, separated by water, is another city called Kraken Port, an Inkling-dominated city that had been established long before Calamari City cropped up. It has always been Inkling only, but in recent times a few Octolings have moved there too.

Tensions were high between the two populations once they realized each other's existence. The Inklings were worried about the Octoling’s striking first with the advanced weapons they had heard about from history concerning the Great Turf War, while the Octoling’s were afraid the Inkling’s would send them back underground like they had done in the Great Turf War. Both sides were seemingly ready for a war to break out.

However, before things could tip over the edge and into war, an Inkling and Octoling idol duo rose above the chaos. These two were named Reef and Coral, and specialized in synthetic music (think a mixture of Vocaloid and EDM). Through their band SEAFOAM, they were able to develop a fanbase of both species alike, which caused tensions to ease on both ends.

Reef and Coral claimed the neutral area between the two cities, an island in the middle of the waters separating them. They named the area Nautilus Isle and, inspired by idols before them, hosted turf wars and Splatfests that were judged by themselves, as Reef had a very keen eye for calculating turf and ink. They invited both cities to join in on the fun, and some Inklings and Octolings decided to try it, word quickly spread of the fun and a train system was created over the water for each respective city, Tako Transit for Calamari City and Ika Metro for Kraken Port. The cities were able to form an uneasy alliance thanks to the idols and war has been held off. For now.

Nautilus Isle now thrives with constant visits from city residents and business owners alike. The island features a number of stores, eateries, a detective agency and even job opportunities through Grizzco.