April 2023 Monthly Roundup

Posted 1 year, 6 days ago by anathema_rpg


April 2023 Roundup

Spring is in full bloom all across Ivras! This month we have a couple of new arrivals, we take on the Rat Kings, battle the Silver Scourge, and enjoy the rewards of the previous Feast of Flowering.

The dry weather in the north has been replaced with mild spring rains, though the storm season in the south rages on. It may be that some stores and warehouses will stay empty for a while!

👑🐀 swarm hunt: reign of the rat kings

The horde of rats that plagued Ivras has returned with a vengeance! Join in on hunting down the ferocious Rat Kings and solve the mystery of how they came to be.

Follow along as a new part of the story prompt is posted each week!

This event is currently ongoing, and will run until the 22nd of May. Read more about it here!

📯 great hunt: the silver scourge

As if the rats weren’t enough, a monster—the first one in many months—has appeared, some distance south of Faline. It has been dubbed the Silver Scourge, and mages from all over Ivras are hard at work taking it down.

This event is currently ongoing; it will run for as long as the monster still has HP left. When the monster hits 0 HP, a grace period of four days will kick in, to ensure that everyone is able to finish their attacks.

Click here to join the fray!

📯 new possible hunt system

We’re testing out a new way to do damage during Great Hunts! A combination of the first combat system we had (where gold count equaled damage) and the current one (stats-based damage).

After the hunt, we will review how it has gone, and if you have feedback or suggestions regarding this, feel free to hit us up via Modmail!

💐🌻🌼🌹 the feast of flowering has ended

This year’s Feast of Flowering has come to its conclusion, and the Patrons have been properly celebrated!

The code for the Event Badge and the story prompt rewards for all participants have been listed. Be sure to take a look if you haven’t yet—if you need a recap, a link to the event can be found here.

You can find your character’s rewards listed on the story prompt comments. The code for the badge can be found here, which every character who participated can proudly display on their profile.

🔶misc. bits and bobs

As April ends, a few server events have also ended: the Wyrdweed and April Fools prompts are now over. You can still do them, of course, but you won’t get double gold anymore!

📌 notes and reminders

New rule regarding raffles and giveaways in the server: If you want to participate in a giveaway, you are required to have at least one active* Anathema character. Entering a giveaway without an active character may mean the prize will be rerolled or invalid.

(*Active, in this case, simply means a character accepted into Anathema, as there are no actual activity requirements!)

✨ may 2023 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for May!

To see the rewards for April's prompt, click here.

🧾 seeking player-made story prompts!

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

To see the rewards for the March-April player-made story prompt, written by , click here.

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 March's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of March 2023:



May 2023 Story Prompt:

With the monster hunts going on, a secretive, but flourishing, black market has popped up again—the buying, selling, and trading of monster parts.

Unscrupulous entrepreneurs have begun peddling all kinds of items: bones, teeth and pieces of horn and hide; more arcane elements, such as fantastical substances, pieces of crystals and jars of dust; magical residue and bizarre remnants.

Some people are willing to pay outrageous prices for these things.

There are rumors and superstitions about all kinds of fantastical effects—medical, magical, lucky or amorous—attributed to various monster parts, both from previous hunts, and the current ones.

What does your character think about this?

  1. There may be some truth to the notion, but what we need is research, not hearsay. Your character receives +1 Discipline.
  2. As long as there have been monsters, their remains have formed a part of Ivras’ economy, for good or bad. Your character receives +1 Power.
  3. It’s a disgusting business. These were people once! Your character receives -1 Cost. If your character already has 0 Costs, you may choose to take +1 Corruption instead.
  4. There is always someone stupid enough to buy into it. Your character receives +1 Corruption.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.