Starpointe Shop

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by breevey10


  Trait Catalog  


You can buy rarer traits for your Laurelles here! Once bought they can be applied immediately or applied as an allowance for later use. You are able to purchase traits and apply them to a MYO slot as well.
 Go here to read about each trait! To have a trait or 

Uncommon Floral Ear

Uncommon - Floral Ear  

100 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Some Laurelles have the ability to grow flowers from their ears. The growth of flowers is said to be a sign of a natural affinity for nature.
Rare Gem Ear

Rare - Gem Ear

200 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Laurelles who grow gems are especially rare. They float around their ears and are another sign of great power.

Heraldic - Branch Ear

350 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0eIn very rare cases, a Laurelle's ears may grow into branches. They become elongated and sturdy and are believed to be a sign of ancient lineage.

Uncommon Prestige Sash

Uncommon - Sash of Celebration

100 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
A most prestigious victory can earn a Laurelle a Sash of Celebration.
Rare Floating Prestige Sash

Rare - Floating Sash of Celebration

200 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
A sash that floats on its own is a sign of great power radiating from the Laurelle.

Heraldic - Adorned Sash

350 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
A floating sash adorned with jewels and decal. They give a Laurelle an elevated level of grandeur and opulence.  

Uncommon Horns - 1 Pair

Uncommon - Bone Thorns

100 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Bone thorns have a natural, mostly organic shape. There is no limit to how many thorns you can apply with this trait.
Rare Horns - 2 or More Pairs

Rare - Ore Thorns

200 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Made of naturally occurring solid materials such as stone, marble, etc. Except for crystals/gemstones. Their formation allows for more inorganic shapes and orientations.
Ultra Rare Horns - Asymmetrical

Heraldic - Elemental Thorns

350 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Thorns of this rarity are varied: they can be made of ice, have veins of magma, be made of water... Material should consist of natural elements only, and have a solid base if a non-solid element.

Thorn add-ons! Requires a laurelle with a pre-existing thorn trait.

Uncommon - Carved Surface

100 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Carved thorns can happen naturally or by hand. There are many artisans that specialize in thorn carving, to give your thorns an artistic touch!


Rare - Encrusted Surface

200 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Encrusted thorns can form naturally or be added on by artisan thorn jewelers! The encrusted decal can consist of different kinds of metals and stones to create a beautifully decorated surface.

Heraldic - Overgrowth Surface

350 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Overgrowth thorns are often thought to be a sign of overabundant magic. Any natural growth can sprout from the horns such as flowers, leaves, moss, or tree canopies.

  Subtype Catalog  


You can buy subtype items for your Laurelles here! Once bought they can be applied immediately or applied as an allowance for later use. You are able to purchase subtypes and apply them to a MYO slot as well.


Corrupt Subtype - Elysian Lament 

300 gold  dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Purchasing this item allows you to give your laurelle the 'corrupt' subtype. You are allowed to use any/all corrupt-exclusive traits, but for traits like "crystalized thorns" your laurelle will need thorns already. Remember, corrupting your laurelle cannot currently be reversed. For more information please be sure to review the species info page under the 'corrupted laurelle guide' section!

  Item Catalog  



MYO Certificate  

500 gold / 250 gold (first-time purchase, once per user)dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0e
Purchasing this scroll allows you to create a 'make your own' laurelle. The slot comes with all common traits by default. Trait items can be used on this slot like any other slot. For guidance on creating your MYO please be sure to review the species info page. Help is always available in the discord as well!

Finished MYO designs can be submitted for approval here.


Class Change Certificate  

100 gold  dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0ePurchasing this certificate will let you switch your current class to any other of your choosing. This enables you to change the summon of your Laurelle.

Wedding Certificate 

1000 gold dgaxrpy-131b05c2-fbc5-43a6-8aed-4d74cf0eA pact of matrimony! The marriage certificate confirms the union of two lucky Laurelles! Both Laurelles can pitch in to buy the certificate to receive several benefits including; 2 MYO slots for children, surname change (one time only), +1 starpoint to both parties, and an official marriage announcement!

Business License (Currently Unavailable)

300 gold 
This business license lets your Laurelle officially own a business! May it be a cafe, flower shop, host club, your choice as long as your business gets approved by an admin!

Plumette Expansion (Currently Unavailable)

55 gold 
Purchasing a Plumette Expansion lets your Laurelle exceed the max number of Plumettes your star ranking allows you by +1. For example, a 1 Star Laurelle can now have a total of 3 plumettes, and if you were to rank  up to a 2 star, you could now have a total of 5!

 Sun Drop (Currently Unavailable)

50 gold 
A   warm glowing plant, only grown in Plumette terrariums. Having your   Plumette consume one of these lets them grow up faster! From baby to  full grown, the process can take about 1-5 days.

Laurelle Gold recorded here

To purchase an item, simply comment below with the form!

Template for buying items:
Laurelle Name:


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Rare Gem Ear purchased!
New Total: 550 Gold

Laurelle Name: 1 Star MYO slot
Heraldic - Asymmetrical Thorns (600 gold)


Asymmetrical Thorns purchased!
New Total: 550 Gold

Purchase Refunded (Thorn Trait Overhaul)

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Class Change Certificate Purchased! For the class change certificate, please turn in an updated reference sheet to breevey for approval. Please state updated summon/magic)
New Total: 120 gold

Laurelle Name: 2 Star Mod MYO

Item: Uncommon thorns

New Total: 309 gold

Item purchased! 


New total: 309 Gold

Laurelle Name: Jin Jun

Item: Rare Floating Sash of Celebration & Class Change Certificate


Items Purchased for Jin Jun! (For the class change certificate, please turn in an updated reference sheet of Jin to breevey for approval. Please state his prior summon/magic and his updated summon/magic)
New Gold Total: 727

Laurelle Name: Zéphyr Wallace

Item: Uncommon Floral Ear


Uncommon Floral Ear Purchased!
New Gold Total: 400

Laurelle Name: 1 star MYO slot

Item: Uncommon Floral Ear


Items Purchased!
New Gold Total: 459

Laurelle name: MYO Laurelle Slot (11/22 Patreon)

Item: Rare Floating Sash Item: UC Ears (flowers)


Items Purchased!
New Gold Total: 194

Laurelle Name: MYO Laurelle Slot (9/19 Patreon)

Item: Uncommon Floral Ear


Items Purchased!
New gold total: 141

Laurelle Name: (MYO) Laurelle (10/12)

Item: Uncommon Thorns


Items Purchased!
New Gold Total: 466

Untitled_Artwork.pngLooks like someone left a piece of candy here... Be the first to reply with 'claim' to snatch it!

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Laurelle [MYO 9/19] - Item: Uncommon Floral Ear



New gold total: 104

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Items Purchased!

New Gold total: 122

Laurelle Name: Zéphyr Wallace Item: Baby Basket, Water Pouch and Cleansing stone

Items Purchased! 
New gold total: 251

Laurelle Name: Adras Item: Sun Drop


Sun Drop Purchased!
New gold total: 12 gold

Laurelle Name: Misha Pevunya & Ivair

Item: Marriage Certificate

(Half paid by me, half by Rev)


Wedding Certificate Purchased!
Your new total: 420
Rev's new total: 43

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Business License Purchased! Please fill out this form for your new business! 

New gold total: 103

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Ah okay

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