[MYO] 48hr FTO - Slots 8/22 - CLOSED

Posted 4 years, 16 days ago by breevey10

Lαurϵllϵ Cσrσnα MYO Journal

48 FTO(First time owner) MYO Sale! For the first 48hrs, only FTO can claim MYO slots on this bulletin! 
Edit: Now open to everyone!

July 2020 Opening

♦Available Slots♦

1 Star ♦  ($20) - 0/6
2 Star ♦  ($30) - 0/4
3 Star ♦  ($60) - 0/1
Baby Plumette ♪  ($10) - 0/5

+$5 for one uncommon trait of your choice
+$10 for one rare trait of your choice

  °NEW°   +$20 to make your MYO slot into a Corrupted laurelle - 1/4
+ 15$ for one crystallized trait (for Corrupted laurelles only)


Read more about the species here

How to Claim a Slot

  1. Comment below with the following form:
    Slot type: (Laurelle/Plume)
    Star level: (indicate which rank you want. If you're getting a plume you can type "N/A")
    Add ons: (# uncommon/rare/corrupted)
  2. I will reply to your comment asking for your paypal email so I can send an invoice. You can send it to me privately on toyhouse or discord.

Additional Rules

  • You can post your MYO design after getting approval from breeveyten(deviantart)/breevey10(toyhouse). Send your designs in discord dms or toyhouse so I can look over them. Tell me their rank, summon, name and any traits they have. Provide a brief description of how they use their summon and any magic they may have.
  • Fullbody drawing is required and has to at least be flat colored.
  • MYO designs can be traded(vouchers ok too) and gifted, make sure to let breeveyten know of ownership transfer. 
  • Trading, Reselling or Gifting slots is okay. Cannot be sold for more than you paid.
  • After your design is approved, remember to add them to the Laurelle world on toyhouse!
  • If you're making a Plumette, remember they are quite literally babies, so make them look like babies!
  • You can commission someone to design your MYO laurelle if you choose to.


running back in here to claim baby number 2!

Slot type: Plume!

Star level: N/A

Get dat baby!! Same email? 

yee same email as always! :D

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send me your paypal email and the baby is yours! <3

Slot type: Plume!

Star level: N/A

yaay thank you for adopting a baby! sending the invoice soon!

Don't know if I could do this-

Would I be able to get the last corrupted slot and give it to a pre-existing laurelle I own?

I would be okay with it if it's for a MYO that you haven't submitted for review yet

Ah, gotcha gotcha! Thank you!


Slot type: Laurelle

Star level: 1*

Add ons: n/a

Thank you for the opportunity!

AHh I'm so sorry I forgot to edit the last 1star slot, they're all sold out now :(


Oh!! No worries! Maybe next time 😤!

I’ll be paying for all of these but for Lazerus

Slot type: Laurelle

Star level: 1*

Add ons: Uncommon thorns + Rare sash

Slot type: Plume

Star Level: N/A

Same PayPal! Can provide it again for you if need it!

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Yaay same email?

Slot type: Laurelle

Star level: 1

Add ons: 1 uncommon trait

yesss tran! I'll send an invoice soon!


Slot type: Laurelle

Star level: 2

Add ons: none


Slot Type: Laurelle

Star level: 1

Add ons: 1 rare trait

Ahh there's only one left now, is that okay?

I changed the other one into one star!

I see now! Message me your paypal and I'll send an invoice right over :) 

Slot Type: Laurelle

Star Level: 2

Add one: Corrupted + Uncommon + Rare

Yay! Same email?

Yep, same email!

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Yaay send me your paypal and I'll send an invoice your way!

slot type: laurelle
star level: 2
add ons: 1 uncommon / 1 rare / corrupted / crystal ears

Hii message me your paypal and I'll send an invoice right over! 

slot type: laurelle
star level: 3
add ons: 2 uncommon / 1 rare / corrupted

Hurray! Message me your paypal and I'll send you an invoice!

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Yay welcome to Laurelle Corona! Message me your paypal and I'll send you an invoice!

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