December 2023 Roundup

Posted 4 months, 9 days ago by anathema_rpg


December 2023 Roundup

Winter deepens, and the cold seems to be staying. Food is plentiful after an excellent harvest season, but firewood is another matter—in some areas that may become scarce.

After the last monster hunt, due to pushback from the populace, Miriam has lightened the restrictions on potions and elixirs. Potion-makers and alchemists may still face hard times, but at least they are now allowed to sell their wares again.

A short and sweet roundup to end the year, with some new characters and a new story prompt. Happy new year from all of the anathema staff, may it be a good one! ✨🎉💖

💝 it’s here: the gold calculator!!

Tiyre at it again with the spreadsheet wizardry! Hot off the presses, here is our new GOLD CALCULATOR!

All info and instructions in how to use it are attached to the calculator itself, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit us up in ask-staff or modmail!

📚 lore drive: winners

The lore drive and the voting is over, and here are the winners!

Huge congratulations to Drawberry who wins first place and to Kytte who wins second place, for their entries The Insects of Ivras and The Corruption Echo Theory!

They both win one Ley Token.

Thank you to all who voted and entered! Your creativity will inspire many new Anathema stories, events, and creations 💝

Read all about the submissions here!

🎁🎅 secret santa!

If you signed up for Anathema’s annual Secret Santa, please check your TH inboxes to see who is your lucky recipient! When you’ve finished the gift, doubled the gold count, and added an extra +10, please post your works in the Secret Santa bulletin!

The deadline is fast approaching: please make sure you've finished and posted your gift before the 13th of January.

📌 notes and reminders

Scribble Swap Etiquette

When playing the Scribble Swap game in the Discord Server, make sure you don’t claim unless you are able to work on your piece now, as to not hold up the game. Don’t claim and then go to bed, for example!

Likewise, if you are taking a long time to finish, make sure you post a WIP in the swap channel so the game can continue.

✨ January 2024 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for January!

To see the rewards for December's prompt, click here.

🧾 seeking player-made story prompts!

Players are invited to submit their own story prompts for all Anathema players to enjoy! These prompts are open for two months at a time, and anyone can reply! Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt.

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing. You are allowed to submit collaborations and roleplay as responses to the monthly story prompts, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for December/January!

If you have ideas for a prompt of your own, send them in via Modmail on our Discord server!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 december's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of December 2023:



January 2024 Story Prompt:

Since the Hunt for the Night-Cursed Crone, voices have been raised to ease the prohibitions of potions, as they were a key item for making sure the monster fell so quickly. Miriam has yet to comment on it, but all over Ivras, potion sellers and makers have felt the effects—business has returned, and it seems a lot less likely that a Witchfinder will show up outside one’s door.

Whether Archon Miriam has truly changed her mind or if it’s merely a temporary reprieve, nobody knows. What’s certain is that the populace has access to potions again.

Does your character use magical potions for anything?

  1. Yes. Your character has earned +1 Power.
  2. Not really. Your character has earned -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Costs, you may choose to give them +1 Corruption instead.
  3. Only if they really need to. Your character has earned +1 Discipline.
  4. Yes, they are useful to cause chaos! Your character has earned +1 Corruption.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

december 2023 - january 2024 player-made story prompt:

Posters have started to appear around Faline, deep red with masks drawn on them. They’re unreadable by non-mages, but a mage may read the following text:

All mages and mage sympathizers invited

One way or another, your character finds out about this market and decides to go there.

Why does your character enter the market?

  1. They’ve never heard of this before and are curious what it’s all about! They wear the rabbit mask. Your character has earned +1 Discipline.
  2. This is surely a place to meet like-minded people, and perhaps make the connections they need. They put on the grinning mask. Your character has earned +1 Power.
  3. Sounds like a party, let’s go dance! They wear the elegant mask. Your character has earned -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Costs, you may choose to give them +1 Corruption instead.
  4. An illegal gathering underground? They go down to investigate and report this to the right authorities, of course. They put on the blinded mask. Your character has earned +1 Corruption.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.