Show Me Your Criminals

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

From the seediest back alleys to the opulent pent houses and offices of the most lavish towers to even the house next door to behind the highest offices of some governments or companies. There's one common element that binds all these places together and it's as much a part of human nature as anything else. Crime. From things as simple as stealing food to survive to some crimes which could be considered especially heinous. From the most petty misdemeanors to the vicious felonies. Criminals exist in all strata of daily life. Some have been caught and others are still at large. That's where this thread comes into play. This thread is for criminals of all shapes and forms. From all settings from the most fantastical, the most futuristic, the most contemporary? It doesn't matter. If you have yourself a character who is or was a criminal in some shape or form. Have they been caught for shop lifting and had to pay a fine? Assassinated a head of state and is on the run? Committed some unspeakable act and is now waiting on death row...or worse? Perhaps they were never caught at all? This is the thread for them. 

There are some rules however

  1. Given the nature of this thread there is a very real chance some seriously sensitive topics might come up? While this thread won't be marked as mature, as not all crimes might be particularly nasty, be smart in what you talk about and how. For example. For sensitive subjects please black out the text like this. Example text. Along with that. This thread will be less to recount the vivid graphic details of the crime and more simply letting people know what they did. For example. You can have a character that maybe be a serial killer. Try to frame it as just that. Saying what they are and maybe alluding to some of their crimes but keep any actual descriptions vague and PG-13 at worse. We don't need to know about particularly graphic details of a person's crimes. 
  2. Try not to romanticize what your character did if they did something particularly awful. By which, I mean, if say your character is a war criminal don't try to describe their crimes in a good light for example. There are exceptions to this rule such as the aforementioned stealing to eat but things such as war crimes, sexual assault, serial murder, or crimes against children? Don't frame those things as good or noble. 
  3. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person B posts
    Person C posts
    Person D posts
    Person E posts
    Person F posts
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    Person I posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts

  4. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.

    Now that that's out of the way? Let's bring out the line-up.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 
 Amon isopods

Amon has stolen food and other supplies in the past.  


No on-site character sheet for him, but Eyveri is a murderer and a drug trafficker. Basically a blood-elf (vampire) from a VERY short-lived Shadowrun-inspired roleplay, who regularily picks up victims from nightclubs, drugs them and retrieves blood from them, then spends his free time manufacturing drugs. Apparently his backstory gives strong "Breaking Bad" vibes to people which is funny because I never watched the show.


Oh boy I have a lot so I'm just gonna name their names and charges

Alex- Public indecency (was dared to streak through town)

Arika- Blackmail and fraud (not caught)

Chase- Multiple charges of assault.

Elding- Assault, blackmail, and 2nd degree murder. (Not caught)

Igaku- unlawful improsonment (kidnapping), 1st degree murder, torture, possession of illegal substances. (Not caught)

Jii- 3rd degree Murder. (Not caught)

Lola- 1st degree murder. (Not caught)

Ryo- 1st degree murder, arson, blackmail. (Not caught)

The Twins- 1st degree murder, defacing a body (cannibalism) (Not Caught) 

Tony Arson tobitaka

This son of a bitch who is named after not only Tony the Tiger but the exact crime he later commits in life

except,, his arson, isn't really to harm, its just sorta to relive his pyromania. so, that's always fun.


Criminal is kinda a big term. I'll only note a few and the most serious ones

Cieran does any work for money. Even killing people. Though he also commits fraud outside of work.

Deadwalker - Their sole existance is a crime.

Mave - She calls herself a revolutionair, but destroying other's property and theft is still a crime.

Morty was executed for fraud, theft and murder.

Nuriel - the hot thief

Ricky in a nutshell: obnoxious terrorist with ridiculous hair


Nikola for sure! She often commits burglary, arson, and aggravated kidnapping, all to serve a higher authority. She refuses to murder, though, or steal.

 Tata jev

Tata is a wanted criminal for theft, from pickpocketing to total bank robberies. He usually avoids killing people but if he has to he has no problem. He is a money hungry hoe.

Ragnarok Shank TheLadyAnatola

Ragnarok was once an assassin for a mafia-like group across his homeworld. Heck, before he even joined their ranks he killed his own parents "just because." He may have done various other criminal acts while working, but he only does so if his end goal is going to be murder. He mellowed out a little after getting married and leaving the group, but he's still the type to potentially kill anyone working in his estate who messes something up around him... Once ya got the taste of blood (literally) it's hard to quit, I guess. ^^;


Aero - Assassin and cannibalism
Aatos - Murder and Cannibalism
Benji - Destruction of property, possible terrorism
Greg - Hacking government computers, possible terrorism
Lipton - Destruction of property, possible terrorism
Yole, Mark, and Seymour - Gang violence, and theft
Tarou - Cannibalism
Wendell - Gang violence

 The Demon King Romina

His story says it all. Plus the GORE art he has.


Vivian Linden Caine

Vivian here is an assassin and just generally tends to deal with all sort of illegal things. 


Winter - a demon that probably has done it all, ranging from murder to sexual assault. She ended up crossing paths with a witch so now she's cursed, limiting her criminal activities. 
Yoko - an oni whose a yakuza boss. Her gang has multiple establishments and businesses both illegal and legal in the city she lives in. She barely gets her hands dirty as she has people do that for her, but that doesn't mean she hasn't or won't.
Violet - likes to murder people and then have sex with their corpses
Bashi - enjoys physically assaulting people, especially one particular person. Has killed animals before, probably a few people too tbh
Betty - a straight up serial killer
Aiko - feeds off of the insides of others, she has to kill to get her meals
Lamia - will eat any flesh from anyone, has cannibalistic tendencies

Aaand that's all of my criminals I currently have uploaded atm ovo;