Show Me Your Criminals

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

From the seediest back alleys to the opulent pent houses and offices of the most lavish towers to even the house next door to behind the highest offices of some governments or companies. There's one common element that binds all these places together and it's as much a part of human nature as anything else. Crime. From things as simple as stealing food to survive to some crimes which could be considered especially heinous. From the most petty misdemeanors to the vicious felonies. Criminals exist in all strata of daily life. Some have been caught and others are still at large. That's where this thread comes into play. This thread is for criminals of all shapes and forms. From all settings from the most fantastical, the most futuristic, the most contemporary? It doesn't matter. If you have yourself a character who is or was a criminal in some shape or form. Have they been caught for shop lifting and had to pay a fine? Assassinated a head of state and is on the run? Committed some unspeakable act and is now waiting on death row...or worse? Perhaps they were never caught at all? This is the thread for them. 

There are some rules however

  1. Given the nature of this thread there is a very real chance some seriously sensitive topics might come up? While this thread won't be marked as mature, as not all crimes might be particularly nasty, be smart in what you talk about and how. For example. For sensitive subjects please black out the text like this. Example text. Along with that. This thread will be less to recount the vivid graphic details of the crime and more simply letting people know what they did. For example. You can have a character that maybe be a serial killer. Try to frame it as just that. Saying what they are and maybe alluding to some of their crimes but keep any actual descriptions vague and PG-13 at worse. We don't need to know about particularly graphic details of a person's crimes. 
  2. Try not to romanticize what your character did if they did something particularly awful. By which, I mean, if say your character is a war criminal don't try to describe their crimes in a good light for example. There are exceptions to this rule such as the aforementioned stealing to eat but things such as war crimes, sexual assault, serial murder, or crimes against children? Don't frame those things as good or noble. 
  3. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
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    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts

  4. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.

    Now that that's out of the way? Let's bring out the line-up.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 
Insanity Isaac Zilvas TheLadyAnatola

Isaac's never really gotten into any real trouble for the trouble he causes, despite the fact he's done things like kill people (either intentionally or offhandedly), assault, kidnapping, property damage, stealing, unauthorized lumbering... the list goes on and on. He's fortunate he's so powerful and he's got the right connections, otherwise I doubt anyone would've tolerated him for this long. He's a lot like my previously posted character, Demi... and they sometimes get into trouble together, but not always, otherwise they'd probably destroy a planet or something with their so-called schenanigans.

Neoka Emtratika TheLadyAnatola

He behaves himself better nowadays, but he got basically brainwashed by an evil death deity for years and did a lot of horrible things for the "bad guys" I suppose. He was the type to level a village and leave no survivors with no remorse and an unhinged cackle. Now that he's got all that "badness" flushed out of his system he feels really bad about it and is basically a huge pushover trying to make amends for everything for the rest of his life. He tries to stay out of trouble, but sometimes he gets roped into more illegal stuff due to his crazy friends, especially my previously posted Isaac. ^^;

LightningClaw slimeapplez


I have... A lot of baddies (and my most notorious is probably StoatStep ;0 but I'll just talk about this bby since he actually has morals...)

LightningClaw was always a bit of a delinquent, pulling pranks on teachers and students occasionally. In High School, everything got a bit worse when he met StoatStep in freshman year, introducing him to smoking and drugs and just going downhill from there.

His biggest crime is probably vandalism, he's a notorious tagger throughout LA, and he wears various masks to hide his identity. After that is culpable and reckless conduct, Illegal possession of drugs, underage possession of alcohol, possession of firearm, resistance to arrest; just some little things. He's just a big old nuisance to the cops lmao, and they tend to send rookies after him since no one has really been able to catch him. (Always a plus when you can travel at the speed of light.) I mean, he's also committed murder (multiple times but StoatStep is immortal so it's almost useless...only one person has actually died Forever), but no one has really been able to identify him. 

 Raja southrobin

Raja steals only from the rich, he was born a thief to survive.

♔ Blackheart Anolee

Blackheart is a mean hearted pirate. So there is theft... and a lotta murder...

Alliria Rose-writer

Alliria's stolen food, money, items, etc. She's also been in many fights.

Joyeuse Riptide TheLadyAnatola

Joy doesn't go out of her way to break laws, but she has killed people on numerous occasions. She's never gotten in trouble for it though, since their family is both too rich and too dangerous for anyone to risk making any accusations against them. I suppose you could say she's the mama of a mafia family, but she's perfectly content being with a well behaved member of society on most occasions. Just don't mess with her family, especially any of her kids, because mama shark will destroy all threats to her babies.


Seiji was involved in a lot of small time crime earlier in his life and is now re-selling gift cards bought with stolen credit card info on the deep web.

Kotaka IceClaw TheLadyAnatola

Although he was partially manipulated by some darker forces, Kotaka basically was fueled by his own bitterness after almost all life was extinguished from his planet to wage war on the neighboring planet to steal that world's lifeforce to revive his own homeworld. He was successful in occupying the entire planet with the dark forces aiding him and obviously caused a lot of pain and casualties, but he eventually was defeated and killed.

BUT his odd cat race has a habit of coming back to life after death (more than nine lives yo), so them dark forces weren't keen on letting him go back to his normal bitter but not homicidal self. So YAY round two of him rallying dark armies and attacking their world again, this time nearly draining the life from their goddess. BUT this time the protagonists give them dark forces the boot for good.

Kotaka is currently allowed to live on the neighboring planet since his homeworld is still dead, but he's under very close monitoring and is basically under house arrest forever. He's not necessarily a bad person at the moment and has no interest in causing anymore trouble, but he's also not terribly repentant about what he did either.

 Blade MaplesHaiku

Although I have plenty of killer kitties, Blade here was a thief (raised to be one from birth), and is legally considered a criminal where he lives. After he met his friends, Jas, Helix, and Necro, he quit being a thief, although he went down the murderer path after he became Exo, and Undead killers were wanted after his first murder spree.

Capt. Aibel Waltz

I certainly have a number of rotten apples, but Aibel here is the queen of the castle! An infamous and renowned sky pirate, she runs a criminal empire, effectively operating as an underground (so to speak) political force in her region. The Queen's Navy is reluctant even to challenge her because the battle would be incredibly messy, and because she runs her business so smoothly, they can find little to directly blame her for. However, Aibel's personal crimes run the whole gamut, from theft to murder. She is dangerous, and though she is always a woman of her word, she is not to be trusted.

Besides her, a quick rundown:

Kaho is a general ruffian, though the worst she's probably ever done is shoplift and break a few noses.

Karano is the high judge of an underground court, which operates outside the public laws of her city. Madame Caw is the head of that same underground, and is something of a rival.

Nysaela is an assassin who usually operates within the confines of the law, but his morality is highly questionable.

Penci and Garamond are a pair of mercenaries who will do literally anything as long as the pay is right, their most recent exploit involving the abduction of a prince. From the same setting though for different reasons, Cente and Umeka are highly dangerous, skirting various laws in their pursuit of other mages.

Though there is no real law of the land in her world, Ambera would be considered a criminal if there was. The leader of a bandit militia, she has staked out a territory in the wastelands, and will ruthlessly attack anyone who encroaches on them.

Jackal is an aspiring serial killer, one to be feared. The phantom who they stalk is one as well. Though not in the same setting, Charity is in the same boat, if slightly more "experienced."

Clovis and Hayes are far more mild in their offenses, but are both involved in a criminal organization, colluding with them.

And last but not least, Fio is a bodacious space pirate!

(And the biggest swindler of all: Bok... a used car salesman.)

Lancer Shank TheLadyAnatola

I'm not sure why slowly posting criminals here is kinda relaxing, but I'll roll with it until I run out of characters ^^;

I already mentioned Ragnarok on page 1 and Joy on this page, and a couple of their other kids on other pages, so here's their oldest son, Lancer. He's currently running their family business, which is a huge trade cartel associated with the mafia group Ragnarok used to work with. For the most part their business is legal, but of course there's a handful of shady things here and there that no one can pin on them because the family's so dang rich... But aside from that, Lancer has picked up quite a bit of his father's violent tendencies and doesn't have any second thoughts about killing people who disappoint him in the workplace or just bother him in general. His brother, Marquis, who is his business partner, usually has to be the voice of reason so Lancer doesn't throw all their employees out the window... They've already lost quite a few executives that way, and it gets bothersome to replace those nice windows so frequently...

I don't even know if Marquis qualifies as a criminal really, but I guess he technically does despite him being such a sweetheart and always wanting to do the right thing for the most part. I mean, he lets his family get away with criminal activities, and he's done his share of kills swept under the rug when pushed to his limit. Fortunately he is vastly more patient and tolerant than Lancer, so it's not nearly as frequent.

Yukki unused-account