Characters based on real people?

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by hedgemaze

Are any of your characters based on people in real life? Not necessarily the whole character, but maybe they share speech patterns with your friend, or personality quirks with your brother, or you gave them the same haircut as a girl in your class-- I'm just curious about the little ways we put our own lives into our characters!

Tell us what your character shares with a real person!

  • It should go without saying, but please be careful not to put actual identifying personal information about any real people here.
  • Thinking about people in our immediate lives is what prompted this thread, but real people whom you don't know are also ok if they served as inspirations!
  • And if your characters are based on you in some ways, that's fine too!

All my forum games and threads

{Trade} eviltwinbrother

This guy is based off of a Roblox YouTuber I watched as a kid named “Flamingo”. You can kinda see by the name that he’s based off of one of Flamingo’s jokes.

Cooper 🦈 koen

Cooper is loosely based off one of my fav creators, Cscoop !! his irl names is Cooper lol. his online persona is also some sort for fish ! i wanted to make a character based off him so, shark + his personality + a touch of weed = Cooper :D

Star and Meghan shadowcat13

these girls have been inspired by my irl bff

ohno mima (大野 実舞) MILITARYWIFELUVR

her fashion sense is based off a bunch of different old j-pop artists, especially anri. she enjoys daydreaming about situations that 80s pop stars tended to sing about


Memento is based on Unus Annus. His traits are a combination of Markiplier's and CrankGamePlay's aesthetics/personalities/other inspo, as well as references to things that happened on the channel.

Obligatory "Memento Mori" for those in the know ;D


oh god please no one look at me weird but Peach is??? like, based off a real dude by association?? bc he's a kinsona or whatever of 3 different characters all based off the same real life dude. bc i'm insane and really like media where characters are named after/based on authors. anyway if the spirit of osamu dazai somehow knows about this i hope he's rolling in his fucking grave!

Noëlle Von Dumont NokiNokio_

My mom    i killed Noelle off whoops- 

Elizabeth Caine

Both my mother and my brother are left handed and have dyslexia, so I gave both of these traits to Liz! Since I grew up seeing the kind of mundane things left handed people often have to struggle with I felt like I could use that insight in a character, especially because Liz is a fan character and the origin work assumes the player to be right handed and treats their weapons and even attire accordingly. 


i have plenty of characters based off of real people that are not on TH at the moment, for instance:

General Hideyoshi (who's named after a Shogun of Japan)

MmMmMMMMMMMM Hirohito (who's named after an emperor of Japan)

and a bunch of others