OCs you've changed b/c of others' interpretations

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Orca

I had a mini-struggle trying to fit everything in the title.

Let me attempt to explain what I mean: Like when you get art of a character, but they've taken some artistic liberties and changed the design a bit. You never even thought of having those design elements, but you like it, so you go ahead and make it official.

It could also be that way with literature, where someone writes a story with your character and portrays them in a way you didn't think of, but it could really work.

I've had quite a few of these changes (they're mostly small ones, but hey, it's the little things that mean the most), so I'll reply with these changes instead of placing them in the OP.

EDIT: Why did it post IC as Dr. Water? I did change him (and I will change him a bit further), but that was completely of my own accord. Lmao.

Julius Arayes Caine

Ooh this is a really neat thread!

  • Julius became a more lean and long through friends' fanart, like I originally imagined him slightly rounder, softer and smaller but then he got kind of lanky and his face became longer too.

  • I changed the suspender design of the Lottenberg Academy characters like Claude and Jonathan attend after I realized I had totally understood suspenders wrong? Like you know when they have double straps both sides there has to be this... this thing holding them still IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN but I totally honed that design thanks to a friend's fanart! I also

  • I never meant Henri to look like a girl but 70% of the people who have commented on art of him have referred to him as a woman so now I have made it sort of canon people sometimes mistake him for a girl. It actually works for the favour of his story though because I always thought it would be Nicholas who would have to deal with that and it'd have a pretty bad effect on him as someone who isn't cis and very insecure about his gender, whereas Henri doesn't really mind. I think he actually prefers it if people are confused about him rather than Nicholas. Taking a bullet for the team.

  • Claude is a strange one because I already created him with the idea that I want to make him break stereotypes of characters with his looks, but like... for each time someone tries to force him into a submissive uke role I add one more dominating and/or masculine trait to him IT'S 100% JUST ME BEING PETTY 

...I'm way too obsessed with my characters if I wrote this much about the smallest of details.

Alright, let's start with the Aether: Its eyes have been transparent since I created it, but then Art Fight came around. Some people followed that, but others made its eyes white. (I think the white background on the site led to that misinterpretation.) However, it happened enough that I actually started to like that idea. Its image was changed to reflect that.

This also happened with Bozard. The thing with him is that for the 2 1/2 years I've owned him, I hadn't drawn a 3/4 view of him until recent times, so despite him being my favorite for the longest time, his entire design hadn't even been fully thought out, specifically how his nose looked. Originally, I wanted it to look how it does from the side, where it's one protruding curve. However, almost everyone else drew it as being two instead of one. Not only did I get used to that, but it would mean I didn't have to change the shape of his snout or risk it looking awkward, so that's how it is now.

I'll cover one more so I don't ramble over the most pointless shit any longer, and it applies to Bozard and James. Previously, I'd drawn their heads flat and with their eyes on the sides of their heads, like a shark. Then, I changed the eyes so they're protruding from the head, kinda like Yoshi. I didn't do it for a while, but this AF attack was a big reason I even considered it. So yeah, shoutout to this guy.


Caine They're not wrong about Henri looking feminine. Glad that worked out!



Orca Honestly I think it's because I have studied a lot of art history and Know that kind of long hair used to be male coded so I don't think about it at ALL and so everyone mistaking him for a girl I was like ???? whomstve you're talking about here???

I'M FUELED BY SPITE!!!! I have actually made it a point to put it even in the game where he is in where he talks about that stuff a little and like. His Concerns regarding it. My pettiness knows absolutely no limits 


Caine That's part of it, but it wouldn't be as bad if he wasn't surrounded by pink, a stereotypically feminine color.


Orca Heck you're right....... my concept of feminine and masculine is so skewered by now I swear because I'm nose deep buried in old fashion and art and the concept of masculine and feminine colours has changed so drastically. There used to be a time all young boys wore dresses for practicality's sake but they were coded so that people could still tell they're boys and that has like. ruined me. so bad. 


Let's see... So, Paeton is my modern day plague doctor OC. I've always written them with a cane, since plague doctors used those to examine patients (or keep people away) without actually Touching them. A few years ago I commissioned a then-friend to write a story about them, and she misunderstood the purpose of the cane so wrote them with a limp from an old injury. I decided I actually really liked it and kept it! So now their cane serves a double purpose.

There's also when people will take outfits I (try to) design and make them better. I commissioned a picture of these two gals years ago and the artist took my outfits and made them infinitely better. They didn't ask but tbh I'm glad they didn't because I'm bad at clothes and I love when they came up with. :') I don't have a picture of Syma's original outfit, but you can see Lerua's here.



Not sure if you're aware or not but like pink used to be male-coded until the early 1900's because it was a facet of red and red=power, and blue used to be considered a soft color and perfect for girls. I don't exactly recall what happened there to get them switched, but I'm just chiming in with that because hahaha gender rolls are meant to be devoured.

I ... don't think I have anything to add for myself about my OCs so I'm just going to keep lurking this thread, hahaha.

Richard (Rick) Lewis Caine

Pepperly yeah that's exactly what I meant like most gendered things just... weren't that way always? And colors are a good example along with the shapes and cuts of a lot of clothing items that were once considered masculine/feminine but now it's the other way around or has changed somehow

But this is getting very off topic haha so I'll cut it here from my part with the mention I also ended up changing Rick during writing process! Because people wanted him to be "cuter" because he's so tiny so, of course, I did the exact opposite and made him even rowdier somehow haha I just felt a bit peeved by the idea a small male character has to conform to the stereotype of being characterized by cuteness 💦

Travis-King Minor AlleycatIrony

i have a lot (ngl i love when other ppl draw my OCs bc i tend to change their designs up from others' arts) but the first one to come to mind was TK here? he used to have a more slender/yet chubbier face w/ straight hair but my friend drew him w/ a more defined jaw and curly hair once and i honestly loved it like i was living for curly TK

Inugami Ootake Kogami

My friend kinda liked Inugami for having quite the "emo" vibes, which I didn't have in mind at all when I first designed him. They even gave him a nail polish when they drew a fanart of him....I liked it a lot and made it canon lol.

Here's his old (well, it was from 2016) and new design, for comparison- Note that the fanart was based off his old/previous design, ahah.

 Laki 123456heaven

She was originally supposed to be a guy but a sort of androgynous one, but everyone drew her kinda feminine so now she's a girl :'D


Bringing this back because I love seeing how characters evolve