Characters with signature design trait?

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Kogami

(Apologies if this thread have been created but why didn't I have ideas for threads when I still had my premium/search button lol)

So! One of my favorite part of a character design is them having a certain design trait or accessory (or just anything like hairstyle, clothing, item, etc) that are strongly associated with a character--they wear/hold them most of the time regardless of outfits, situations (or heck, you can spot it even if the character appears as a silhouette) or they absolutely have that as a part of their character and it's either rare or looks strange if they are seen without one? As one would say, well, their "signature" or "trademark" in a form of design.

Do share as many characters as you want here, I'd love to know! (Also feel free to share if the said design trait is just an extra addition to their design or have a certain story or reason to them)

Prime examples would be: Any form of hats, plushes, hair clips/necklace/bracelets, maybe the character is always seen with a ponytail? And many others

 Shōko👝 iouquie

Her bright yellow lips ! This is the most noticeable feature and she got her nickname from that "kinkuchibiru" = gold lips


All my characters have their own unique traits, but there’s a few in particular that are sort of their signature thing :0

Garnet‘s sideswept tentacle.

Junior‘s red short-sleeved jacket.

Kris‘s earring and scarf.

Lillian‘s antennae being bent back around her head reminiscent of a laurel crown.

Michigan‘s pink prosthetic leg.

Neta‘s red ribbon.

Zephyr‘s rainbow “shading”.


Hmm I'd say most of my character's unique traits are actual physical design traits but I think I have a few that aren't.

(I feel really bad putting characters with old art on these threads but oh well.)

Riesling's design trait would be that he always wears something with two colors, usually in a weird pattern. It's almost always the same color as he is.

Coconut's always seen wearing a skull like mask, it is not known if it's real or fake.

Kyrian likes to wear really long coats, usually black ones.

Horter's necklace is a unique trait considering it's look and the fact that none of the other monsters wear necklaces. 

(Some of my characters have unique hairstyles but I didn't think it was worth pointing out.) 

 Cpt. Avery Shy Chronicler

Avery's always got a braid in her design. Usually it's a single side braid. But if, for example, she had a more formal look going on, she'd at least have a braid worked into her updo somehow.
She's particular about it. Back in grade school she liked to have braided hair and her friends copied her style. It trended for a while but eventually died out, as trends do. Since then, she's kinda had her head stuck up her ass about it and thinks it's her signature style. She cares a lot about style, and if her friends thought it was cool back then, then it's cool now.


Lonk has no arms, just floating hands, which is something that started out as a style choice but ended up actually... being important to the story?

Lee is infamous for his pretty thicc eyebrows, I don't think I have any character in all of my stories with bushier eyebrows than him. It's always been a staple of the Lee McGale brand.

Benjamin is known for his blocky, chunky, rough, tough, funky crazy jew hair. Yeah, I don't think there's much more to say to that... I mean, just look at his avatar...

This might seem like a really weird thing to bring up, but TIC has some pretty massive claws that always stand out to me, and actually are a big part of his story and development arc? Also they are REALLY fun to draw.

Ivan: purple eyes!!! (Which is a rare occurance which also results in the inability to grow body hair other than that on the hair, eyebrows, pubic, and nostrils)

Jake and his epic orange cream soda hair!

A lot of these characters probably weren't worth mentioning but hey whatever!

 Rayzil sp00kypaw

definitley her semicolon marks on her cheeks!! if anyone knows what the semicolon project is <3

Wraith SporkSpagel

Wraith has a few different ones, but I’d say his top ones are the eyepatch, his ‘facial hair’ (if you can even call it that when it’s fur haha) and his golden bottom row of teeth! I originally just wanted to give him grills but realised that I don’t actually like how they look lol + I got some potential story ideas for the golden teeth!

His Hawaiian shirt + Crocs and tennis socks combo has also become somewhat of a trademark for him as people seem to enjoy drawing this outfit when I get art of him

Stella Quartzstorage

I feel there's quite a few things about Stella that are rather signature, especially her glimmering fins and seaweed flower accessories, and pearls. Her entire design feels unique and one of a kind to me, I haven't seen many characters who look quite like her! 

 Scott entipikal

He's a rectangle!

He's not actually, but he's my only humanoid OC without some variant of a circle head. And I love him for that, to the point I can draw his head for a sketch, forget about the sketch and come back to it later and go "hey that's Scott"


funny grandpa has a sunglasses

Uli✦ pajuxi

Uli is maybe a little bit different because their eyepatch is meant to be permanent- but its still a signature part of their look and something that instantly identifies them to me!