🧪 Mix Index

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

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Mix: The offspring of two different keke types that combines their traits into something new

🌿 Rules & Overview 🌿

🌱 Mixes are posted in order of creation (er...99% in order)
🌱 Be sure to read each guide very carefully! There are lots of little things to watch for (if you notice something missing, feel free to poke me)
🌱 In general, mixes can earn things that their parent types can (the "type + type" listing below their mix). Say we're working with a Molten Mix. They're a Goober/Shiny hybrid, so they have access to both Goober-restricted and Shiny-restricted upgrades. They could also apply the gilded special morph (some morph restrictions may apply - details will be in the mix's or the morph's description)
🌱 The above rule does not stack. For example: you breed a Soggy Mix and a Pegasi Mix. The child is a Soggy Mix. They would have access to Goober-restricted things, but not Plumie or Fawnette
🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 These types of keke must be obtained through breeding, events, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Navigation 🌿

📈 Outcome Spreadsheet 📈
⭕ Click to see breeding results in a chart format if you like charts : )

🔻 Open the spoiler below for nav links! Using ctrl+f, F3, or command+f (Mac) strongly recommended

 Regular: Soggy (Goob), Encrusted (Shiny), Scruffy (Plumie), Cloven (Fawn), Sticky (Ewe), Flutter (Rur), Mush (Soup), Stunted (Wyrm), Dinner Mint (Spice), Crooked (Cece), Grubby (Exo), Solar (Zen), Terrarium (Gel), Trickster (Charm), Porcelain (Still), Fingerling (Elver), Matchstick (Fern), Shoehorn (Arie), Wildmane (Pann), Squinting (Leo)
💧 Goober: Soggy (reg), Molten (Shiny), Wet Paint (Plumie), Slasher (Fawn), Pudding (Ewe), Skybound (Rur), Dipped (Soup), Tearful (Wyrm), Lava Cake (Spice), Iced (Cece), Jury (Exo), Ooze (Zen), Divided (Gel), Enveloped (Charm), Hammerhead (Still), Algae (Elver), Pinned (Fern), Sodden (Arie), Emo (Pann), Superglue (Leo)
🔔 Shiny: Encrusted (reg), Molten (Goob), Cherub (Plumie), Shimmer (Fawn), Priceless (Ewe), Beacon (Rur), Morning Star (Soup), Foresight (Wyrm), Sotas Lace (Spice), Pendant (Cece), Chitin (Exo), Midnight (Zen), Preserved (Gel), Metallic (Charm), Lurk (Still), Reflection (Elver), Transmute (Fern), Laurel (Arie), Mohawk (Pann), Scoophorn (Leo)
🦢 Plumie: Scruffy (reg), Wet Paint (Goob), Cherub (Shiny) Pegasi (Fawn), Snowy (Ewe), Courier (Rur), Angelic (Soup), Seraph (Wyrm), Cake Tester (Spice), Feather Duster (Cece), Doubled (Exo), Dawn (Zen), Gelfeather (Gel), UFO (Charm), Bristle (Still), Glider (Elver), Popsicle Stick (Fern), Pollinator (Arie), Wildchild (Pann), Singleton (Leo)
🦌 Fawnette: Cloven (reg), Slasher (Goob), Shimmer (Shiny), Pegasi (Plumie), Salad (Ewe), Clamber (Rur), Royal (Soup), Bladed (Wyrm), Fawndant (Spice), Sweetness (Cece), Shawl (Exo), Doe (Zen), Blot (Gel), Spiny (Charm), Sculpt (Still), Mermaid (Elver), Papillon (Fern), Haul (Arie), Bloof (Pann)
🐑 Subterfewege: Sticky (reg), Pudding (Goob), Priceless (Shiny), Snowy (Plumie), Salad (Fawn), Crasher (Rur), Selkie (Soup), Scamp (Wyrm), Undercooked (Spice), Masked (Cece), Summer (Exo), Plushie (Zen), Hairball (Gel), Skibble (Charm), Windblown (Still), Blank (Elver), Briarpatch (Fern), Pullover (Arie), Cub (Pann)
🦎 Pterrur: Flutter (reg), Skybound (Goob), Beacon (Shiny), Courier (Plumie), Clamber (Fawn), Crasher (Ewe), Crowned (Soup), Spyglass (Wyrm), Butter Curl (Spice), Venomwing (Cece), Muzzled (Exo), Monsterpaw (Zen), Slimer (Gel), Murrine (Charm), Rockabye (Still), Sailboat (Elver), Branching (Fern), Canopy (Arie), Softcrest (Pann)
 Superior: Mush (reg), Dipped (Goob), Morning Star (Shiny), Angelic (Plumie), Royal (Fawn), Selkie (Ewe), Crowned (Rur), Eldritch (Wyrm), Taffy (Spice), Painter (Cece), Overcoat (Exo), Mop (Zen), Cornucopia (Gel), Windchime (Charm), Sheetrock (Still), Siren (Elver), Lifeblood (Fern), Conflict (Arie), Filthy Little Gremlin (Pann)
🤏 Wyrm: Stunted (reg), Tearful (Goob), Foresight (Shiny), Seraph (Plumie), Bladed (Fawn), Scamp (Ewe), Spyglass (Rur), Eldritch (Soup), Gumball (Spice), Gorgon (Cece), Wiggly (Exo), Observer (Zen), Showoff (Gel), Spectacle (Charm), Infinity (Still), Scraggle (Elver), Micro (Fern), Seedling (Arie), Littlebig (Pann)
🍪 Spiced: Dinner Mint (reg), Lava Cake (Goob), Sotas Lace (Shiny), Cake Tester (Plumie), Fawndant (Fawn), Undercooked (Ewe), Butter Curl (Rur), Taffy (Soup), Gumball (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Cece), Jointed (Exo), Semi-Sweet (Zen), Candybowl (Gel), Bafflemint (Charm), Rock Candy (Still), Jabot (Elver), Curlicue (Fern), Lollipop (Arie), Animal Cracker (Pann)
🍰 Cece: Crooked (reg), Iced (Goob), Pendant (Shiny), Feather Duster (Plumie), Sweetness (Fawn), Masked (Ewe), Venomwing (Rur), Painter (Soup), Gorgon (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Spice), Grabby (Exo), Fountain Pen (Zen), Redecorated (Gel), Magician's (Charm), Cement (Still), Masquerade (Elver), Ice Pop (Fern), Peeta (Arie), Five Second Rule (Pann)
🦗 Exoskeletal: Grubby (reg), Jury (Goob), Chitin (Shiny), Doubled (Plumie), Shawl (Fawn), Summer (Ewe), Muzzled (Rur), Overcoat (Soup), Wiggly (Wyrm), Jointed (Spice), Grabby (Cece), Critter (Zen), Royal Jelly (Gel), Boggle (Charm), Molar (Still), Twinfin (Elver), Wingflap (Fern), Leafbug (Exo), Antlion (Pann)
🌙 Zenith: Solar (reg), Ooze (Goob), Midnight (Shiny), Dawn (Plumie), Doe (Fawn), Plushie (Ewe), Monsterpaw (Rur), Mop (Soup), Observer (Wyrm), Semi-Sweet (Spice), Fountain Pen (Cece), Critter (Exo), Boots (Gel), Keychain (Charm), Petrified (Still), Adapter (Elver), Figurine (Fern), Lowlhand (Arie), Stompy (Pann)
🍓 Jellied: Terrarium (reg), Divided (Goob), Preserved (Shiny), Gelfeather (Plumie), Blot (Fawn), Hairball (Ewe), Slimer (Rur), Cornucopia (Soup), Showoff (Wyrm), Candybowl (Spiced), Redecorated (Cece), Royal Jelly (Exo), Boots (Zen), Vendosaur (Charm), Relief (Still), Attentive (Elver), Marmalade (Fern), Poultice (Arie), Tooth-Flavored (Pann)
🐇 Charmed: Trickster (reg), Enveloped (Goob), Metallic (Shiny), UFO (Plumie), Spiny (Fawn), Skibble (Ewe), Murrine (Rur), Windchime (Soup), Spectacle (Wyrm), Bafflemint (Spice), Magician's (Cece), Boggle (Exo), Keychain (Zen), Vendosaur (Gel), Rock Bridge (Still), Shipwreck (Elver), Glossy (Fern), Ironwood (Arie), Pendantpatch (Pann)
🗿 Stilled: Porcelain (reg), Hammerhead (Goob), Lurk (Shiny), Bristle (Plumie), Sculpt (Fawn), Windblown (Ewe), Rockabye (Rur), Sheetrock (Soup), Infinity (Wyrm), Rock Candy (Spice), Cement (Cece), Molar (Exo), Petrified (Zen), Relief (Gel), Rock Bridge (Charm), Framed (Elver), Wreath (Fern), Eyespot (Arie), Felid (Pann)
🐟 Elver: Fingerling (reg), Algae (Goob), Reflection (Shiny), Glider (Plumie), Mermaid (Fawn), Blank (Ewe), Sailboat (Rur), Siren (Soup), Scraggle (Wyrm), Jabot (Spice), Masquerade (Cece), Twinfin (Exo), Adapter (Zen), Attentive (Gel), Shipwreck (Charm), Framed (Still), Firefish (Fern), Swampland (Arie), Waterwing (Pann)
🍒 Furnan: Matchstick (reg), Pinned (Goob), Transmute (Shiny), Popsicle Stick (Plumie), Papillon (Fawn), Briarpatch (Ewe), Branching (Rur), Lifeblood (Soup), Micro (Wyrm), Curlicue (Spice), Ice Pop (Cece), Wingflap (Exo), Figurine (Zen), Marmalade (Gel), Glossy (Charm), Wreath (Still), Firefish (Elver), Fullbloom (Arie), Cottonwood (Pann)
🍃 Arboreal: Shoehorn (reg), Sodden (Goob), Laurel (Shiny), Pollinator (Plumie), Haul (Fawn), Pullover (Ewe), Canopy (Rur), Conflict (Soup), Seedling (Wyrm), Lollipop (Spiced), Peeta (Cece), Leafbug (Exo), Lowlhand (Zen), Poultice (Gel), Ironwood (Charm), Eyespot (Still), Swampland (Elver), Fullbloom (Fern), Cat Eye (Pann)
🦁 Pantan: Wildmane (reg), Emo (Goob), Mohawk (Shiny), Wildchild (Plumie), Bloof (Fawn), Cub (Ewe), Softcrest (Rur), Filthy Little Gremlin (Soup), Littlebig (Wyrm), Animal Cracker (Spice), Five Second Rule (Cece), Antlion (Exo), Stompy (Zen), Tooth-Flavored (Gel), Pendantpatch (Charm), Felid (Still), Waterwing (Elver), Cottonwood (Fern), Cat Eye (Arie)
🐱 Leopurr: Squinting (reg), Superglue (Goob), Scoophorn (Shiny), Singleton (Plumie)


Foresight-Mix.png31: Foresight Mix: Shiny + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The keke will have regularly sized ears. Add a lumpy bell onto the tail tip and two, almond-shaped disks onto the forehead (in the same placement as above)
Color differences > The bell and disks will match the belly color
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey design rules. Markings cannot go on the bell or disks
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > You can choose whether to include "hoard" or "art type" in the description form. You may also use both! Must have at least one

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bell cluster, blotches, chubby, glamorous hair, glimmering accents, missing teeth, shimmer horns, bad eyesight, bedhead, color points, drowsiness, fused blindness, and warped eye

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, minskin, and pod


Seraph-Mix.png32: Seraph Mix: Plumie + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The ears and mane will be feathered as well as slightly longer. Arms will be replaced by Plumie wings with one main set and a second, smaller set behind that. Missing the third eye. 2-3 feathers tip the tail and poke above or beneath the baby fin
Color differences > N/A
Baby stuff > Baby fin. Optional belly color tingeing that can go on the face, tail tip, and tail feathers a max. of halfway up each
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, fan tail, feather crest, keratin formations, talons, bad eyesight, color points, drowsiness, fused blindness, mini munchkin, and sticky arms

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Minskin, pod, roostling, cygnest, and broodlett


Bladed-Mix.png33: Bladed Mix: Fawnette + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > Replace the ears with small, deer-like ones. The cheeks will be fluffy and the cheek pouches will be small and below the eyes. Cloven hooves in place of paws. The third eye is replaced with a small knife like an adult Fawn's tail tip. Will have a poofy head tuft and mane, though not as large as a Fawn's. Mouth is smooth
Color differences > Belly color can be any color as long as it's lighter than the base and will color the quills, inner ears, belly scales, and mouth. The blade will match the accent color
Baby stuff > Baby quills. Optional baby spot
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey design rules or the Fawnette Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band. You can choose whether or not to include a "art type" field in the description form

🌿 Youth:
This mix skips the youth phase!

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Minskin, pod, and common
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style


Scamp-Mix.png34: Scamp Mix: Subterfewege + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > Although the keke is covered in wool, it's much shorter than it normally would be, keeping the outline of the body visible. There's a larger tuft on the tail as well as a noticeable mane. Due to the curliness of the wool, the ears lean inwards. Scamp Mixes have only one true eye in the center of their foreheads. Two mouths, though only the one on the head has a throat. No paw pads. Second, smaller set of arms is full length from birth
Color differences > The inside of the mouths can be any solid color, but they both must match
Baby stuff > Born with the half-face upgrade, which replaces the baby face
Description form > Include a "blood type" field. Can be warm or cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Subterfewege Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a 'flavor type' field. Note: this mix is always spicy! 'Art type' field is optional.

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Back plates, bed head, chubby, color points, drip wool, bad eyesight, fused blindness, sticky arms, and warped eye

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Pod, minskin, and goblin


Spyglass-Mix.png35: Spyglass Mix: Pterrur + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pterrur Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The arms will be short like a Wyrm's with only three joints in place of four. Add a third eye anywhere on the head crest (cannot go in mouth). Ears are pointed down and mane is very short
Color differences > N/A
Baby stuff > Baby fin. Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > This mix can be either warm-blooded or cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Pterrur Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, boomnana crest, color points, drowsiness, dual crest, fork crest, mountain crest, plow crest, tower crest, bedhead, chubby, and warped eye

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Saur, saurus, and saurling


Eldritch-Mix.png36: Eldritch Mix: Superior + Wyrm

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Superior Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The head will be elongated to about youth length by default and covered in 3 to 10 eyes. The eyes can be in any arrangement, but must all be the same color and on the face. Ears are small and triangular like a Wyrm's. Head tuft and mane start out at a more regular length. Baby fin has a light coat of fur on it
Color differences > N/A
Baby stuff > Baby fin (furry). Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > No change.

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Superior Snakekey design rules or the Wyrm Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > N/A (Tingeing can stay!)
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, glamorous hair, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, bad eyesight, mini munchkin, and sticky arms
Matures into > At this age, the mix will develop a second set of short, stunted arms behind the first set. Note that while the head tuft and mane grow longer, the fur on the baby fin stays short

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, pod, and minskin
Matures into > The second arms will reach their full length - about to the elbow of the main arms


Dinner-Mint-Mix.png37: Dinner Mint Mix: Spiced + regular

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Regular Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The ears are taller and will stay that way as the keke grows. Mane is shorter. Cheek pouch and tail tip are made up of rounded candies marked with an angular spiral
Color differences > Tail candy will be the accent color. Cold-bloods will have black or dark/medium grey belly scales
Baby stuff > Hatchlings have a baby fin (accent or belly scale color). Can have optional belly scale tingeing (can go a max. of halfway up the face, arms, and tail tip - must be the same as chosen belly color)
Description form > This mix has the option of being toasty-blooded (cream colored belly scales). The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold is not rare in this mix. Cold-bloods will have black belly scales

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Regular Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing and baby fin
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fin shreds, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, candy fangs, drizzle points, frosted fluff, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Lava-Cake-Mix.png38: Lava Cake Mix: Goober + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Spiced Snakekey Guide
Anatomy differences > Add a small head tuft, long lop ears (about shoulder length), and a mane. All should be rounded like cookie cut-outs. The paws will be goo blobs like a Goober. Tail tip candy will be drippy. Belly scales will not be dots. Instead, they'll all be connected like a regular/Goober Snakekey
Color differences > The goo paws will be the dual accent colors. Can be swirled or have a gradient. Cold temperature mixes can have black, medium/dark grey, or dark brown belly scales
Baby stuff > Baby sail, which will be the dual accent colors. Optional drizzle, which can go on the head tuft, ears, and tail tip
Description form > Instead of saying "blood type", the description form should say "temperature". This mix has the option of being toasty (cream colored belly scales). The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Spiced Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Will lose the baby sail and drizzle
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, sail shreds, sharp things, short stature, slippery scales, candy fangs, drizzle points, missing teeth, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, and multitasker


Sotas-Lace-Mix.png39: Sotas Lace Mix: Shiny + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Shiny Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The bell will have a spiral-shaped opening as opposed to a straight one. The cheek pouches and central paw pads (not the toes) will also be bells and have spiral openings. Belly scales will have spiral-shaped scales. The keke lacks any sort of disks on their head. Mane exists, but is fairly short
Color differences > The base color must be a brown, white, or cream. The belly color (which must be gold or silver) goes on the cheek pouches and central paw pad as well as the belly scales, mouth, and bell. The accent color only shows on the finger paw pads. Additionally, the accent color can decorate the belly color in any pattern
Baby stuff > None
Description form > The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold blood is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Shiny Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > You can choose whether to include "hoard" or "art type" in the description form. You may also use both! Must have at least one

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bell cluster, blotches, chubby, glamorous hair, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, candy fangs, drizzle points, drowsiness, frosted fluff, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Cake-Tester-Mix.png40: Cake Tester Mix: Plumie + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Plumie Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The ear feathers fan out to resenble the shape of a Spiced's ears. The last joints of the wings are replaced with scythe-shaped candy that has a spiral near the wrist joints. The tail feathers are replaced with three candies that look very similar to the wing ones. Belly scales are made up of dots
Color differences > The candy will match the accent color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > This mix has the option of being toasty-blooded (cream colored belly scales). Cold-blooded keke may have black belly scales (one of the two specific shades shown in the creation guide) or dark brown scales. The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold blood is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie Snakekey design rules. Color method A can be used to put markings on both the feathers and the candy (belly scales not included)
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Candy fangs, chubby, drowsiness, frosted fluff, missing teeth, sprinkles, bedhead, blotches, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, feather crest, and keratin formations

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Roostling, cygnest, and broodlett


Fawndant-Mix.png41: Fawndant Mix: Fawnette + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fawnette Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The ears have three prongs to them. Cheek pouches will be candy and have little swirls in them. The hooves are also made up of candy with a swirl, which starts just below the elbow. Lacks a mane
Color differences > The candy (hooves and quills) will match the accent color. The eyes are two colors and can be spit in half with color or blurred with a gradient
Baby stuff > Baby quills, though they're square and appear to be made of rock candy. The baby spot is not required for this mix
Description form > This mix has the option of being toasty-blooded. Scales do not need to be a specific color to be toasty or warm-blooded. Cannot be cold-blooded - do not include the "blood check" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Fawnette Snakekey design rules or the Spiced Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Baby quills. Can optionally mature out of baby spot is using the Spiced design methods
Description form > Can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band, though they might need to grow some hair via upgrades first.... You can choose whether or not to include a "art type" field in the description form

🌿 Youth:
This mix skips the youth stage!

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Common, regal, joey, fae, reach, and goblin
Matures into > Adults grow a sort of tail club that looks like rock candy. One side will have pointed edges or a serrated edge. Blade will be accent color by default
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style (may need upgrade-provided hair)


Undercooked-Mix.png42: Undercooked Mix: Subterfewege + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Subterfewege Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > Wool is bumpy and rounded. Wool is located in a tuft on the chest, on the head/ears (but not the muzzle), and on the naga tail. There are four, small dot belly scales located below the belly mouth that decrease in size as they go down. Paws have one, central paw pad each
Color differences > Skin can be brown, cream, or white. Paw pad will match the belly scale color
Baby stuff > None. This mix lacks a baby face
Description form > Include a "blood type" field. Can be warm-blooded (pure white belly scales), toasty-blooded (cream colored belly scales), or cold-blooded (dark brown belly scales). The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold blood is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Subterfewege Snakekey design rules or the Spiced Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > You can choose whether to include "flavor type" (sweet or spicy) or "art type" in the description form. You may also use both! Must have at least one

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Back plates, bone disks, bedhead, chubby, drip wool, growth spurt, short stature, cookie mane, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Butter-Curl-Mix.png43: Butter Curl Mix: Pterrur + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pterrur Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The head crest will have a swirl on it somewhere and be made of candy. The wings will have a large swirl in them after the pointed tips
Color differences > Base color can be a brown, cream, or white. Membranes (wings and baby fin as well as the mouth) can be a different shade of brown, cream, or white. Will have two accent colors that can appear swirled together and/or blended together with a gradient. This goes on the head crest, belly scales, cheek pouch, paw pads, and blood
Baby stuff > Baby fin
Description form > This mix is toasty-blooded by default

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Pterrur Snakekey design rules. Added colors can be browns, creams, or whites
Matures out of > Baby fin
Description form > The "color method" field is not required, as color methods are not used for this mix

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, boomnana crest, color points, drowsiness, dual crest, fin shreds, fork crest, mountain crest, plow crest, tower crest, candy fangs, chubby, drizzle points, missing teeth, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Saur, saurus, and saurling


Taffy-Mix.png44: Taffy Mix: Superior + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Superior Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > In place of hair/fur, the keke will have a thick, goopy taffy-like substance. The ears, however, will still be fluffy and will be fully grown. Belly scales are dots
Color differences > Mane goo can be any white, cream, or brown color. Can be striped and/or blurred with a gradient of another white, cream, or brown color, though it's optional
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > This mix can only be warm or cold-blooded. The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold blood is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Superior Snakekey design rules or the or the Spiced Snakekey design rules. If using the Soup design rules, coloring the hair is not nessisary since it's goop
Matures out of > N/A (Tingeing can stay!)
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, candy fangs, drizzle points, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin
Matures into > The face, hair, mane, and tail tuft will have reached their full length


Gumball-Mix.png45: Gumball Mix: Wyrm + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey guide
Anatomy differences > The ears and mane will be rounded like cookie cutouts and short. Will only have two eyes and they'll be all the way open instead of squinty. 3-6 circular candies go on the back in a line. Each candy will have a spiral. Lacks a second set of arms
Color differences > Will have two accent colors that can appear swirled together and/or blended together with a gradient. Accent will color the candies on the back
Baby stuff > Hatchlings have a baby fin (accent or belly scale color). Can have optional belly scale tingeing (can go a max. of halfway up the face, arms, and tail tip - must be the same as chosen belly color)
Description form > This mix can be warm-blooded (pure white belly scales), toasty-blooded (cream colored belly scales), or cold-blooded (one of the specific shades of black shown in the creation guide above). The "blood check" field is not needed, as cold blood is not rare in this mix

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Wyrm Snakekey design rules
Matures out of > Will loose the belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bad eyesight, bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fused blindness, candy fangs, frosted fluff, missing teeth, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, minskin, and pod