🧪 Mix Index

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

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Mix: The offspring of two different keke types that combines their traits into something new

🌿 Rules & Overview 🌿

🌱 Mixes are posted in order of creation (er...99% in order)
🌱 Be sure to read each guide very carefully! There are lots of little things to watch for (if you notice something missing, feel free to poke me)
🌱 In general, mixes can earn things that their parent types can (the "type + type" listing below their mix). Say we're working with a Molten Mix. They're a Goober/Shiny hybrid, so they have access to both Goober-restricted and Shiny-restricted upgrades. They could also apply the gilded special morph (some morph restrictions may apply - details will be in the mix's or the morph's description)
🌱 The above rule does not stack. For example: you breed a Soggy Mix and a Pegasi Mix. The child is a Soggy Mix. They would have access to Goober-restricted things, but not Plumie or Fawnette
🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 These types of keke must be obtained through breeding, events, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Navigation 🌿

📈 Outcome Spreadsheet 📈
⭕ Click to see breeding results in a chart format if you like charts : )

🔻 Open the spoiler below for nav links! Using ctrl+f, F3, or command+f (Mac) strongly recommended

 Regular: Soggy (Goob), Encrusted (Shiny), Scruffy (Plumie), Cloven (Fawn), Sticky (Ewe), Flutter (Rur), Mush (Soup), Stunted (Wyrm), Dinner Mint (Spice), Crooked (Cece), Grubby (Exo), Solar (Zen), Terrarium (Gel), Trickster (Charm), Porcelain (Still), Fingerling (Elver), Matchstick (Fern), Shoehorn (Arie), Wildmane (Pann), Squinting (Leo)
💧 Goober: Soggy (reg), Molten (Shiny), Wet Paint (Plumie), Slasher (Fawn), Pudding (Ewe), Skybound (Rur), Dipped (Soup), Tearful (Wyrm), Lava Cake (Spice), Iced (Cece), Jury (Exo), Ooze (Zen), Divided (Gel), Enveloped (Charm), Hammerhead (Still), Algae (Elver), Pinned (Fern), Sodden (Arie), Emo (Pann), Superglue (Leo)
🔔 Shiny: Encrusted (reg), Molten (Goob), Cherub (Plumie), Shimmer (Fawn), Priceless (Ewe), Beacon (Rur), Morning Star (Soup), Foresight (Wyrm), Sotas Lace (Spice), Pendant (Cece), Chitin (Exo), Midnight (Zen), Preserved (Gel), Metallic (Charm), Lurk (Still), Reflection (Elver), Transmute (Fern), Laurel (Arie), Mohawk (Pann), Scoophorn (Leo)
🦢 Plumie: Scruffy (reg), Wet Paint (Goob), Cherub (Shiny) Pegasi (Fawn), Snowy (Ewe), Courier (Rur), Angelic (Soup), Seraph (Wyrm), Cake Tester (Spice), Feather Duster (Cece), Doubled (Exo), Dawn (Zen), Gelfeather (Gel), UFO (Charm), Bristle (Still), Glider (Elver), Popsicle Stick (Fern), Pollinator (Arie), Wildchild (Pann), Singleton (Leo)
🦌 Fawnette: Cloven (reg), Slasher (Goob), Shimmer (Shiny), Pegasi (Plumie), Salad (Ewe), Clamber (Rur), Royal (Soup), Bladed (Wyrm), Fawndant (Spice), Sweetness (Cece), Shawl (Exo), Doe (Zen), Blot (Gel), Spiny (Charm), Sculpt (Still), Mermaid (Elver), Papillon (Fern), Haul (Arie), Bloof (Pann)
🐑 Subterfewege: Sticky (reg), Pudding (Goob), Priceless (Shiny), Snowy (Plumie), Salad (Fawn), Crasher (Rur), Selkie (Soup), Scamp (Wyrm), Undercooked (Spice), Masked (Cece), Summer (Exo), Plushie (Zen), Hairball (Gel), Skibble (Charm), Windblown (Still), Blank (Elver), Briarpatch (Fern), Pullover (Arie), Cub (Pann)
🦎 Pterrur: Flutter (reg), Skybound (Goob), Beacon (Shiny), Courier (Plumie), Clamber (Fawn), Crasher (Ewe), Crowned (Soup), Spyglass (Wyrm), Butter Curl (Spice), Venomwing (Cece), Muzzled (Exo), Monsterpaw (Zen), Slimer (Gel), Murrine (Charm), Rockabye (Still), Sailboat (Elver), Branching (Fern), Canopy (Arie), Softcrest (Pann)
 Superior: Mush (reg), Dipped (Goob), Morning Star (Shiny), Angelic (Plumie), Royal (Fawn), Selkie (Ewe), Crowned (Rur), Eldritch (Wyrm), Taffy (Spice), Painter (Cece), Overcoat (Exo), Mop (Zen), Cornucopia (Gel), Windchime (Charm), Sheetrock (Still), Siren (Elver), Lifeblood (Fern), Conflict (Arie), Filthy Little Gremlin (Pann)
🤏 Wyrm: Stunted (reg), Tearful (Goob), Foresight (Shiny), Seraph (Plumie), Bladed (Fawn), Scamp (Ewe), Spyglass (Rur), Eldritch (Soup), Gumball (Spice), Gorgon (Cece), Wiggly (Exo), Observer (Zen), Showoff (Gel), Spectacle (Charm), Infinity (Still), Scraggle (Elver), Micro (Fern), Seedling (Arie), Littlebig (Pann)
🍪 Spiced: Dinner Mint (reg), Lava Cake (Goob), Sotas Lace (Shiny), Cake Tester (Plumie), Fawndant (Fawn), Undercooked (Ewe), Butter Curl (Rur), Taffy (Soup), Gumball (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Cece), Jointed (Exo), Semi-Sweet (Zen), Candybowl (Gel), Bafflemint (Charm), Rock Candy (Still), Jabot (Elver), Curlicue (Fern), Lollipop (Arie), Animal Cracker (Pann)
🍰 Cece: Crooked (reg), Iced (Goob), Pendant (Shiny), Feather Duster (Plumie), Sweetness (Fawn), Masked (Ewe), Venomwing (Rur), Painter (Soup), Gorgon (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Spice), Grabby (Exo), Fountain Pen (Zen), Redecorated (Gel), Magician's (Charm), Cement (Still), Masquerade (Elver), Ice Pop (Fern), Peeta (Arie), Five Second Rule (Pann)
🦗 Exoskeletal: Grubby (reg), Jury (Goob), Chitin (Shiny), Doubled (Plumie), Shawl (Fawn), Summer (Ewe), Muzzled (Rur), Overcoat (Soup), Wiggly (Wyrm), Jointed (Spice), Grabby (Cece), Critter (Zen), Royal Jelly (Gel), Boggle (Charm), Molar (Still), Twinfin (Elver), Wingflap (Fern), Leafbug (Exo), Antlion (Pann)
🌙 Zenith: Solar (reg), Ooze (Goob), Midnight (Shiny), Dawn (Plumie), Doe (Fawn), Plushie (Ewe), Monsterpaw (Rur), Mop (Soup), Observer (Wyrm), Semi-Sweet (Spice), Fountain Pen (Cece), Critter (Exo), Boots (Gel), Keychain (Charm), Petrified (Still), Adapter (Elver), Figurine (Fern), Lowlhand (Arie), Stompy (Pann)
🍓 Jellied: Terrarium (reg), Divided (Goob), Preserved (Shiny), Gelfeather (Plumie), Blot (Fawn), Hairball (Ewe), Slimer (Rur), Cornucopia (Soup), Showoff (Wyrm), Candybowl (Spiced), Redecorated (Cece), Royal Jelly (Exo), Boots (Zen), Vendosaur (Charm), Relief (Still), Attentive (Elver), Marmalade (Fern), Poultice (Arie), Tooth-Flavored (Pann)
🐇 Charmed: Trickster (reg), Enveloped (Goob), Metallic (Shiny), UFO (Plumie), Spiny (Fawn), Skibble (Ewe), Murrine (Rur), Windchime (Soup), Spectacle (Wyrm), Bafflemint (Spice), Magician's (Cece), Boggle (Exo), Keychain (Zen), Vendosaur (Gel), Rock Bridge (Still), Shipwreck (Elver), Glossy (Fern), Ironwood (Arie), Pendantpatch (Pann)
🗿 Stilled: Porcelain (reg), Hammerhead (Goob), Lurk (Shiny), Bristle (Plumie), Sculpt (Fawn), Windblown (Ewe), Rockabye (Rur), Sheetrock (Soup), Infinity (Wyrm), Rock Candy (Spice), Cement (Cece), Molar (Exo), Petrified (Zen), Relief (Gel), Rock Bridge (Charm), Framed (Elver), Wreath (Fern), Eyespot (Arie), Felid (Pann)
🐟 Elver: Fingerling (reg), Algae (Goob), Reflection (Shiny), Glider (Plumie), Mermaid (Fawn), Blank (Ewe), Sailboat (Rur), Siren (Soup), Scraggle (Wyrm), Jabot (Spice), Masquerade (Cece), Twinfin (Exo), Adapter (Zen), Attentive (Gel), Shipwreck (Charm), Framed (Still), Firefish (Fern), Swampland (Arie), Waterwing (Pann)
🍒 Furnan: Matchstick (reg), Pinned (Goob), Transmute (Shiny), Popsicle Stick (Plumie), Papillon (Fawn), Briarpatch (Ewe), Branching (Rur), Lifeblood (Soup), Micro (Wyrm), Curlicue (Spice), Ice Pop (Cece), Wingflap (Exo), Figurine (Zen), Marmalade (Gel), Glossy (Charm), Wreath (Still), Firefish (Elver), Fullbloom (Arie), Cottonwood (Pann)
🍃 Arboreal: Shoehorn (reg), Sodden (Goob), Laurel (Shiny), Pollinator (Plumie), Haul (Fawn), Pullover (Ewe), Canopy (Rur), Conflict (Soup), Seedling (Wyrm), Lollipop (Spiced), Peeta (Cece), Leafbug (Exo), Lowlhand (Zen), Poultice (Gel), Ironwood (Charm), Eyespot (Still), Swampland (Elver), Fullbloom (Fern), Cat Eye (Pann)
🦁 Pantan: Wildmane (reg), Emo (Goob), Mohawk (Shiny), Wildchild (Plumie), Bloof (Fawn), Cub (Ewe), Softcrest (Rur), Filthy Little Gremlin (Soup), Littlebig (Wyrm), Animal Cracker (Spice), Five Second Rule (Cece), Antlion (Exo), Stompy (Zen), Tooth-Flavored (Gel), Pendantpatch (Charm), Felid (Still), Waterwing (Elver), Cottonwood (Fern), Cat Eye (Arie)
🐱 Leopurr: Squinting (reg), Superglue (Goob), Scoophorn (Shiny), Singleton (Plumie)


Animal-Cracker-Mix.png181: Animal Cracker Mix: Pantan + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Spice guide
Anatomy differences > The ears have visible inner ear fluff, but it's a rounded cookie cutout shape. There's also a cookie cutout mane and big tail tuft of the same style. The paw pads are one big circle (or square if you choose rock candy instead of mint candy for your base). The mane will grow at the regular rate for Panns through the mix's whole life
Color differences > The ear fluff will match the belly color or one of the accent colors (though it won't be glossy). Belly scales can be any warm color (cream, pink, etc...)
Baby stuff > Optional baby drizzle
Description form > Omit the 'blood check' field. This mix can only be toasty or warm-blooded!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Spice design rules
Matures out of > Baby drizzle
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or "art type" field. Also include a "color method used" field 

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, candy fangs, drizzle points, frosted fluff, short stature, sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Matures into > The mane will have grown to its full size, which is quite large!
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 Due to their "fluff" being a solid cookie object, this mix's tufts are a bit unwieldy. They adapt around it - having that big mane isn't too far off from a triceratops crest!


Five-Second-Rule-Mix.png182: Five Second Rule Mix: Pantan + Cece

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Cece guide
Anatomy differences > The fangs are always out. White the ears are still flopped, they're rounded at the tips now. Replace all drizzle, the head tuft, and the mane with a line of dense fur (note that this isn't as curly as it would usually be for a Cece!) This fluff will stay about this length trough the mix's whole life unless upgraded otherwise. The cheek pouches are on the cheeks, but reach up to touch the lower edges of the eyes. The paws are a little bigger than they would normally be
Color differences > The new mane may be a darker or lighter version of the base color. It will still have an invert color like regular Cece drizzle! The belly color can be any warm color (yellow, cream, etc) or any fully desaturated white, grey, or black
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > No change. This mix may be cold or warm-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Cece design rules (or Pann, they're the same)
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or "art type" field. Also include a "color method used" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, arrowhead pouch, candy fangs, sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, fae, reach, goblin, layered, and overflow

🍒 While this mix can invert the color of its mane when threatened, this is... functionally useless. Though there's no significant change, you might be able to get the desired don't-eat-me effect by rapidly strobing the two colors


Antlion-Mix.png183: Antlion Mix: Pantan + Exoskeletal

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Exo guide
Anatomy differences > The base anatomy bears more resemblance to an Exo young, being less pudgy and round. The ear nubs are long, fuzzy tubes with the ear bands relocated to the sides in teardrop-shapes to look like inner ears. The smaller pair of eyes sits on top of the main set akin to dog or cat "eyebrows". The fangs are always out, but note that Exos only have only four fangs - two on top, two on bottom! The front pair of feet are big, clompy paws with 3 toes each and long, always-out claws. They lack paw pads. The belly scales are like those or regular keke, starting rounded and facing downwards. Finally, add a tail tuft! The mane and tail will continue to grow at the regular rate for Panns through this mix's whole life
Color differences > The belly scales can be any warm color (pink, orange, etc). The mane and tail tuft will be a darker or lighter version of the base color. Keep in mind that the ear "bands" are still the accent color despite being in a funky place!
Baby stuff > Optional mane color tingeing
Description form > No change. This mix is lukewarm-blooded! Their insides are your basic room temperature

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Pann design rules (or Exo, they're the same)
Matures out of > Mane color tingeing
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or "bug quirk" field. Also include a "color method used" field 

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, arm molt, blotches, boa, fake feelers, Pyrus joints, short stature, sticky molt

🌿 Adult:
Matures into> The mane and tail tuft will have reached their full size, which is quite large!
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, strider, reaper, bumble, and tumble

🍒 This mix's mane is more voluminous and silky than your typical Exo's. Very glamorous! Probably also covered in dirt!


Stompy-Mix.png184: Stompy Mix: Pantan + Zenith

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the regular guide (for simplicity's sake)
Anatomy differences > Replace the ears with round lion ears and the paws with huge lion paws, dewclaws, short fur, pads, and claws included! Add a smallish head tuft and expand the mane down the back into a sort of... backpack formation (curves around the backs of the arms like backpack straps, but doesn't touch the front of the body). The belly scales are spiraled like a Zen's and the cheek pouch has a fuzzy underside. The fangs are always out, but this mix only has four - two on top and two on bottom. The narrowest part of the naga tail is elongated and ends in a little tuft, like a lion tail
Color differences > The head tuft, mane, and tail tuft may be any color, but must all be the same color. Optionally, this hair can be ticked with the accent color. The inner ears and claws match the belly scale color, which can be any warm color (red, orange, etc)
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Omit the "breed" field. This mix may be cold or warm-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Zen or Pann design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or "art type" field. Also include a "color method used" field and mention which sub's color rules you're using!

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, blotches, draconic horns, eye plating, glimmering accents, shimmer horns, short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, and reach


Tooth-Flavored-Mix.png185: Tooth-Flavored Mix: Pantan + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Gel guide
Anatomy differences > There isn't any food in the jelly. You'll instead have claw-like spikes which can poke out of the tail tip (either the end of the naga tail or the 'tuft'), shoulders, paws, forehead area, or ears. Spikes must appear in at least one place. Also add a couple of these spikes in the mouth for fangs (may be upper, lower, or a mix). The mane is a reduced size, but goes around the whole neck. Add a jelly tail tuft and little teardrop-shaped 'inner ears'. The pad pads are big rectangles like a Pann's and the paws themselves are especially large. This mix's mane and tail tuft will grow at the regular rate for Panns through their whole lives
Color differences > The inner ear can match the accent or the belly scale color. The spikes in the jelly may be any color and do not have to match
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > Omit the "food" field. Include a "temperature" field, not a "blood type" field. This mix may be warm or cold

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Gel design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and a "sour or bitter" field. Also include a "color method used" field 

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, fruit salad (may add more spikes or food, in this case), purée, sail shreds, short stature, slippery scales, waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Matures into> The mane and tail tuft will have reached their full size, which is quite large!
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, and reach


Pendantpatch-Mix.png186: Pendantpatch Mix: Pantan + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Charm guide
Anatomy differences > The inner ears are furred instead of hairless. The diamond head plate doesn't have lines through it. Instead, it's got a little big of fuzz coming off it! The fangs are always out. The mane is a reduced size, but goes all the way around the neck. The paws are slightly larger and the tail has a fluffy tuft. All of the back plates are a little bit larger and close enough together that they combine into one jagged shape. They lack lines through them, but have fluff sprouting from them. This mix does not have a medallion. This mix's fluff will stay around the same size their whole lives without upgrade
Color differences > The mane and tail tuft will be a darker or lighter version of the base color. The inner ears may match the mane or belly color
Baby stuff > Optional mane color or belly color tingeing
Description form > Include a "shift" field. Pendantpatch Mixes' shifts always pack a punch! They're capable of exerting way more force than you'd expect, which is especially surprising if they're something small or an inanimate object. Note that this extra push isn't super-human, though. This mix is warm-blooded by default

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Pann design rules (or Charm, they're the same)
Matures out of > Belly/mane color tingeing
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or a "art type" field. Also include a "color method used" field 

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, blotches, fin shreds, short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 These guys are infamous for having the goblin morph - it's thematically perfect for their power-shoves


Felid-Mix.png187: Felid Mix: Pantan + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by AlmondLover!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pann guide
Anatomy differences > The keke is made of stone! The ears are more of the regular keke shape, but a bit rounded due to being carved out of rock. The face is carved with closed eyes, a big lion nose, and the two 'poofs' cats have on their upper lips, complete with indents where whiskers would be. There isn't a mouth. The mane is of average size and made of sand! There's also a sand tail tip and head tuft. The paws have three toes carved into them, complete with the appearance of paw pads (including the one on the wrist), dew claws, and claws. There aren't any belly scales. This mix's sand will stay around the same length its whole life without upgrade
Color differences > The base follows Stilled rules: being a greyish or pastel color. The sand may be any color, but must all be the same color. Other than the cheek pouches, which are the accent color, other features will be the same color as the base (eg the nose, paw pads, claws...)
Baby stuff > Optional mane color tingeing
Description form > Omit the "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Still design rules 
Matures out of > Mane color tingeing
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or a "favorite pose" field. Also include a "color method used" field 

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, puffball spikes, built-in bracelets, blotches, chips, rough patches, scallops, short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 The sand that makes up this mix's hair seems almost magnetically attracted to the keke! It doesn't form spikes like actual magnetic sand. Instead, it shifts and clumps on itself
🍒 Bits of sand may be dislodged from the keke, but most will remain in the mass. If grains get too far away to magnet back, they'll be regrown like hair


Waterwing-Mix.png188: Waterwing Mix: Pantan + Elver

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pann guide
Anatomy differences > The ears are made up of fins and there's a little head tuft. The arms are lined with big fins for swimming. There are belly scales, but only on the lower part of the naga tail. The tail tuft is split and elongated in a 'V' shape. The inside of this tuft is "filled" with a big fin! This mix's mane will grow at the regular rate for Pann's through its whole life. The head tuft will also grow so, but much less
Color differences > The fins may be any color, but must all be the same color. The head tuft will match the mane/tail tuft color
Baby stuff > Optional mane color tingeing
Description form > No change. This mix may be warm or cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Elver or Pann design rules 
Matures out of > Mane color tingeing
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" field. Include a "color method used" field if using the Pann's color rules!

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, fading skin, gap closer, grasper fins, short stature

🌿 Adult:
Matures into> The mane will have reached its full size, which is quite large! The head tuft is full size too, but not super big
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, purfle, fringed, grouper, and veiled

🍒 Waterwings may fins their fins a bit unwieldy on land, but are otherwise totally fine to be up there. At the same time, they're not totally comfortable in the water with all that soggy hair...


Cottonwood-Mix.png189: Cottonwood Mix: Pantan + Furnan

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fern guide
Anatomy differences > The fetlock joints are not prominent at all and the feet are very large. While still lumpy, the ears are more of an obvious triangle shape with furred insides. The cheek pouches are lumpy circles with no swirls inside. There are no flaps on the back and the belly scales are like those of regular keke. All of the sticks are tufted with hair giving this keke quite the...unique look. The sticks will remain around the same size through this mix's whole life without upgrade
Color differences > All of a Cottonwood's colors must be warm (pink, yellow, etc) except for the sticks. All of the stick fluff will match in color and the inner ear fuzz may match the accent or stick fuzz color. The eyes are not restricted to red (but must still be warm-colored, as mentioned above)
Baby stuff > None
Description form > No change. This mix is warm-blooded by default

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Fern design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" field and/or a "favorite hiding place" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, arm flaps, blotches, bruise spots, extra twigs, sandy blood, short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, wally, fairy, and noodle

🍒 This mix is quite big for being related to Ferns! Granted, wallies are about regular hatchling height (6"-1'3"), but that's still impressive considering...!
🍒 Shed twigs are often used as convenient paintbrushes


Cat-Eye-Mix.png190: Cat Eye Mix: Pantan + Arboreal

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Arie guide
Anatomy differences > The ears are rounded with fuzzy insides. The mouth has attached teeth with the fangs being always visible. The crease on the face doesn't run all the way to the nose. In addition, there's a big crease behind the eye that looks akin to an oversized stylized eyelash. The keke has a short to medium-length mane which will grow at the regular rate for Panns through their entire life
Color differences > In addition to being green or brown, base and belly color may also be any warm color (pink, cream, etc). The inner ears may match the accent or belly color
Baby stuff > Baby fin, which may be jagged in shape (will be belly or accent color). Optional belly color tingeing, bulky baby feet
Description form > No change. This mix is warm-blooded by default

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Arie or Pann design rules 
Matures out of > Baby fin, belly color tingeing, bulky baby feet
Description form > Include a "favorite thing to pounce on" and/or a "favorite hiding place" field. Include a "color method used" field if using the Pann's color rules!

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, elbow tufts, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, puffball spikes, blotches, bulky paws, bumper snoot, creases, fin shreds, leaf fins 

🌿 Adult:
Matures into> The mane will have reached its full size, which is quite large! It also has a tendency to stick out like a mohawk
Default morphs > Yoyo, cubby, reach, and bough

🍒 Both Aries and Panns are quite long, giving this mix a selection of mixes of formidable height!
🍒 Cat Eyes tend towards having Arie-like temperament, but that's not saying there aren't any rough and tumble, dirt-loving goblins out there


Squinting-Mix.png191: Squinting Mix: Leopurr + regular

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the regular guide
Anatomy differences > The face has a simple muzzle and there's a little tuft of hair on the head. The mane is reduced significantly in size and there's a little, diamond-shaped tuft of fur on the front of the neck. The belly scales are still rounded, but now have a 'V'-shaped notch facing downward in the very center of them. The eyes are semi-open and cannot be opened all the way
Color differences > The head tuft, mane, and neck patch may be a different color, but must all be the same color
Baby stuff > Baby fin (belly or accent color), optional belly color tingeing, optional baby spots (small dots the same general color as the base (green spots for green base, etc). Must be darker than the base)
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Leo design rules 
Matures out of > Baby fin, belly color tingeing, baby spots
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Matures into > The mane and head tuft increase in size substantially! The neck patch stays about the same
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, pokey teeth, short stature, snoutless, blotches, fin shreds, puffball spikes

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Lesser, middling, greater, joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 A Squinting's eyes will never fully open without upgrade. They can still see pretty alright, suffering the most in peripheral vision and seeing in the dark
🍒 It's common for this mix to form a habit of thoughtfully stroking their neck patch as if it were a beard


Superglue-Mix.png192: Superglue Mix: Leopurr + Goober

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Goober guide
Anatomy differences > The slime that makes up this mix is much more stable and not as drippy, but very sticky. As such, it clings to the keke itself a lot. The head tuft and mane are more of a visible fluff shape while the ears are triangular. There's a simple muzzle and the paws are not big globs. The tail has a small tuft, which is more of a blob shape. The paw pads are like those of Leo's with the finger pads stopping abruptly before the center pad
Color differences > Large portions of the keke will be skin instead of slime (shown as the cream color in the example image). You can pick the position for these skin patches, but there must be at least one. They also must be simply shaped and pretty big. Skin may be any color while slime will follow the Goober goo coloring rules (being a green or blue)
Baby stuff > Optional baby spots (small dots the same general color as the base (green spots for green base, etc). Must be darker than the base)
Description form > Include a "blood type/temperature" field. This type has a blood type and a temperature, but they should both be the same type, hence the '/'

🌿 Young:
Design > Use Goober method A or Leo Method A
Matures out of > Baby spots
Description form > Mention which sub's color rules you're using! Otherwise no change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, pokey teeth, short stature, snoutless, oil layer, sail shreds, sharp things, slippery scales, waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Lesser, middling, greater, joey, fae, reach, and goblin. Spook and multitasker available if goo is in the right place for multi's arms and spook's cloak thing 

🍒 If a keke's extra sticky slime gets them into trouble, they'll be able to snap it back into themselves with extra concentration! Just... innocent bystanders beware. They don't have precise range of movement on the goop when doing this


Scoophorn-Mix.png193: Scoophorn Mix: Leopurr + Shiny

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Shiny guide
Anatomy differences > In place of disks on the forehead, add two small tufts of metallic hair around the area where eyebrows would go. This hair is incredibly stiff and more like horns. Shape the tail bell into a fur tuft shape and shrink it in size. The eyes will remain closed through this mix's whole life!
Color differences > The belly color will follow your typical rules, being a totally desaturated white, grey, or black. The eyebrow tufts will match the metal color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > No change. Belly color has no relation to blood-type, pick whichever you like

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Shiny or Leo design rules 
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "hoard type" and/or "art type" field. Mention which sub's color rules you're using!

🌿 Youth:
Matures into > The mane, tail bell, and brow tufts increase in size substantially! The mane grows fully around the neck into a lion-like ruff. The brow tufts elongate into slightly inward-curved horns, giving the mix its name. The tail bell becomes much larger with a "fluffier" edge
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, patchy mane, pokey teeth, short stature, blotches, puffball spikes

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Lesser, middling, greater, joey, fae, reach, goblin, silverback, and hoardmaster

🍒 Due to the odd shape of the tail bell, it's not really uncommon for the clapper inside to get kind of stuck in one of those fur-shaped points. Usually, this can be dislodged with a swift flick of the tail, but may occasionally call for more... intense measures
🍒 With an easy head motion, Scoophorns can, well, scoop something up in their horns and fling it behind them! While this is a great method for getting out of fights with small enough creatures, you can expect the teens with their newly grown in horns to cause some trouble


Singleton-Mix.png194: Singleton Mix: Leopurr + Plumie

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Plumie guide
Anatomy differences > Add a simple muzzle, little pokey teeth inside the mouth, and a feathery head tuft. The ears are a rounded Leo shape (Leo youth+) tipped with a feather or two. The mane is absent and the tail only has a single feather on it...! The mouth is smooth and the eyes remain closed for this mix's whole life!
Color differences > The feathers may be a different color than the base and must all match in color. All feathers may optionally be tipped with the accent color (this you don't have to do on all of them if you don't want). The inside-mouth-teeth will match the accent color
Baby stuff > Optional baby spots (small dots the same general color as the base (green spots for green base, etc). Must be darker than the base)
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie  or Leo design rules 
Matures out of > Baby spots
Description form > Include an "art type" field. Mention which sub's color rules you're using!

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Baby camo, bedhead, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, pokey teeth, short stature, snoutless, blotches, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, fan tail (...??), feather crest, keratin formations, talons

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Lesser, middling, greater, roostling, cygnest, and broodlett

🍒 While capable of flight, this mix might suffer some steering issues due to their less-than-effective tail. And, you know. The blindness


Wink-Mix.png195: Wink Mix: Leopurr + Fawnette

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fawn guideguide
Anatomy differences > Ears are droopy. The cheeks are not fluffy and are instead covered by a cheek pouch that runs from the jawline to the bottom of the eye. The mouth has four attached fangs - two on top and two on bottom. Wink Mixes start with reduced hair on their heads and no neck mane (tragedy!). They have a slightly pointy muzzle and a Leo's zig-sag belly scales. One eye is stuck closed!
Color differences > The head tuft, neck, and inner ears will be a new color, but should all be the same color. This can be any brown, cream, black, grey, or white. The belly color matches the Leo rules, that being that they must be a totally desaturated grey, white, or black
Baby stuff > Baby spots: small dots that can go anywhere on the body. Unlike Leo baby spots, those of a Wink Mix will be white or very near it. They must have a minimum of one
Description form > No change. This mix may be warm or cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow either the Fawn or Leo guide
Matures out of > May optionally mature out of the baby spots, but can also get more of them instead...! It's up to you
Matures into > The ears begin to elongate into a rabbit-like shape and the patch of color on the neck starts to grow poofy fur! The head tuft also grows longer - up to halfway down the face
Description form > If using the Leopurr color methods, include a "color method used" field. The "art type" field is optional. Can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band

🌿 Youth: 
This mix skips the youth phase! 

🌿 Adult:
Matures into > Adults grow a three-pointed blade on the tip of their tail with the outermost points being smaller and the center point being quite long. This will match the accent/cheek pouch color. The neck mane and head tuft will have grown quiet long, as is expected for a Fawn. The ears are now long and rabbit-like in shape
Default morphs > Lesser, middling, greater, common, regal
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style

🍒 Thanks to having one eye shut, this mix lacks depth perception. They can get pretty good at navigating without it, but they still.... lack depth perception,,