🧪 Mix Index

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

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Mix: The offspring of two different keke types that combines their traits into something new

🌿 Rules & Overview 🌿

🌱 Mixes are posted in order of creation (er...99% in order)
🌱 Be sure to read each guide very carefully! There are lots of little things to watch for (if you notice something missing, feel free to poke me)
🌱 In general, mixes can earn things that their parent types can (the "type + type" listing below their mix). Say we're working with a Molten Mix. They're a Goober/Shiny hybrid, so they have access to both Goober-restricted and Shiny-restricted upgrades. They could also apply the gilded special morph (some morph restrictions may apply - details will be in the mix's or the morph's description)
🌱 The above rule does not stack. For example: you breed a Soggy Mix and a Pegasi Mix. The child is a Soggy Mix. They would have access to Goober-restricted things, but not Plumie or Fawnette
🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 These types of keke must be obtained through breeding, events, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Navigation 🌿

📈 Outcome Spreadsheet 📈
⭕ Click to see breeding results in a chart format if you like charts : )

🔻 Open the spoiler below for nav links! Using ctrl+f, F3, or command+f (Mac) strongly recommended

 Regular: Soggy (Goob), Encrusted (Shiny), Scruffy (Plumie), Cloven (Fawn), Sticky (Ewe), Flutter (Rur), Mush (Soup), Stunted (Wyrm), Dinner Mint (Spice), Crooked (Cece), Grubby (Exo), Solar (Zen), Terrarium (Gel), Trickster (Charm), Porcelain (Still), Fingerling (Elver), Matchstick (Fern), Shoehorn (Arie), Wildmane (Pann), Squinting (Leo)
💧 Goober: Soggy (reg), Molten (Shiny), Wet Paint (Plumie), Slasher (Fawn), Pudding (Ewe), Skybound (Rur), Dipped (Soup), Tearful (Wyrm), Lava Cake (Spice), Iced (Cece), Jury (Exo), Ooze (Zen), Divided (Gel), Enveloped (Charm), Hammerhead (Still), Algae (Elver), Pinned (Fern), Sodden (Arie), Emo (Pann), Superglue (Leo)
🔔 Shiny: Encrusted (reg), Molten (Goob), Cherub (Plumie), Shimmer (Fawn), Priceless (Ewe), Beacon (Rur), Morning Star (Soup), Foresight (Wyrm), Sotas Lace (Spice), Pendant (Cece), Chitin (Exo), Midnight (Zen), Preserved (Gel), Metallic (Charm), Lurk (Still), Reflection (Elver), Transmute (Fern), Laurel (Arie), Mohawk (Pann), Scoophorn (Leo)
🦢 Plumie: Scruffy (reg), Wet Paint (Goob), Cherub (Shiny) Pegasi (Fawn), Snowy (Ewe), Courier (Rur), Angelic (Soup), Seraph (Wyrm), Cake Tester (Spice), Feather Duster (Cece), Doubled (Exo), Dawn (Zen), Gelfeather (Gel), UFO (Charm), Bristle (Still), Glider (Elver), Popsicle Stick (Fern), Pollinator (Arie), Wildchild (Pann), Singleton (Leo)
🦌 Fawnette: Cloven (reg), Slasher (Goob), Shimmer (Shiny), Pegasi (Plumie), Salad (Ewe), Clamber (Rur), Royal (Soup), Bladed (Wyrm), Fawndant (Spice), Sweetness (Cece), Shawl (Exo), Doe (Zen), Blot (Gel), Spiny (Charm), Sculpt (Still), Mermaid (Elver), Papillon (Fern), Haul (Arie), Bloof (Pann)
🐑 Subterfewege: Sticky (reg), Pudding (Goob), Priceless (Shiny), Snowy (Plumie), Salad (Fawn), Crasher (Rur), Selkie (Soup), Scamp (Wyrm), Undercooked (Spice), Masked (Cece), Summer (Exo), Plushie (Zen), Hairball (Gel), Skibble (Charm), Windblown (Still), Blank (Elver), Briarpatch (Fern), Pullover (Arie), Cub (Pann)
🦎 Pterrur: Flutter (reg), Skybound (Goob), Beacon (Shiny), Courier (Plumie), Clamber (Fawn), Crasher (Ewe), Crowned (Soup), Spyglass (Wyrm), Butter Curl (Spice), Venomwing (Cece), Muzzled (Exo), Monsterpaw (Zen), Slimer (Gel), Murrine (Charm), Rockabye (Still), Sailboat (Elver), Branching (Fern), Canopy (Arie), Softcrest (Pann)
 Superior: Mush (reg), Dipped (Goob), Morning Star (Shiny), Angelic (Plumie), Royal (Fawn), Selkie (Ewe), Crowned (Rur), Eldritch (Wyrm), Taffy (Spice), Painter (Cece), Overcoat (Exo), Mop (Zen), Cornucopia (Gel), Windchime (Charm), Sheetrock (Still), Siren (Elver), Lifeblood (Fern), Conflict (Arie), Filthy Little Gremlin (Pann)
🤏 Wyrm: Stunted (reg), Tearful (Goob), Foresight (Shiny), Seraph (Plumie), Bladed (Fawn), Scamp (Ewe), Spyglass (Rur), Eldritch (Soup), Gumball (Spice), Gorgon (Cece), Wiggly (Exo), Observer (Zen), Showoff (Gel), Spectacle (Charm), Infinity (Still), Scraggle (Elver), Micro (Fern), Seedling (Arie), Littlebig (Pann)
🍪 Spiced: Dinner Mint (reg), Lava Cake (Goob), Sotas Lace (Shiny), Cake Tester (Plumie), Fawndant (Fawn), Undercooked (Ewe), Butter Curl (Rur), Taffy (Soup), Gumball (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Cece), Jointed (Exo), Semi-Sweet (Zen), Candybowl (Gel), Bafflemint (Charm), Rock Candy (Still), Jabot (Elver), Curlicue (Fern), Lollipop (Arie), Animal Cracker (Pann)
🍰 Cece: Crooked (reg), Iced (Goob), Pendant (Shiny), Feather Duster (Plumie), Sweetness (Fawn), Masked (Ewe), Venomwing (Rur), Painter (Soup), Gorgon (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Spice), Grabby (Exo), Fountain Pen (Zen), Redecorated (Gel), Magician's (Charm), Cement (Still), Masquerade (Elver), Ice Pop (Fern), Peeta (Arie), Five Second Rule (Pann)
🦗 Exoskeletal: Grubby (reg), Jury (Goob), Chitin (Shiny), Doubled (Plumie), Shawl (Fawn), Summer (Ewe), Muzzled (Rur), Overcoat (Soup), Wiggly (Wyrm), Jointed (Spice), Grabby (Cece), Critter (Zen), Royal Jelly (Gel), Boggle (Charm), Molar (Still), Twinfin (Elver), Wingflap (Fern), Leafbug (Exo), Antlion (Pann)
🌙 Zenith: Solar (reg), Ooze (Goob), Midnight (Shiny), Dawn (Plumie), Doe (Fawn), Plushie (Ewe), Monsterpaw (Rur), Mop (Soup), Observer (Wyrm), Semi-Sweet (Spice), Fountain Pen (Cece), Critter (Exo), Boots (Gel), Keychain (Charm), Petrified (Still), Adapter (Elver), Figurine (Fern), Lowlhand (Arie), Stompy (Pann)
🍓 Jellied: Terrarium (reg), Divided (Goob), Preserved (Shiny), Gelfeather (Plumie), Blot (Fawn), Hairball (Ewe), Slimer (Rur), Cornucopia (Soup), Showoff (Wyrm), Candybowl (Spiced), Redecorated (Cece), Royal Jelly (Exo), Boots (Zen), Vendosaur (Charm), Relief (Still), Attentive (Elver), Marmalade (Fern), Poultice (Arie), Tooth-Flavored (Pann)
🐇 Charmed: Trickster (reg), Enveloped (Goob), Metallic (Shiny), UFO (Plumie), Spiny (Fawn), Skibble (Ewe), Murrine (Rur), Windchime (Soup), Spectacle (Wyrm), Bafflemint (Spice), Magician's (Cece), Boggle (Exo), Keychain (Zen), Vendosaur (Gel), Rock Bridge (Still), Shipwreck (Elver), Glossy (Fern), Ironwood (Arie), Pendantpatch (Pann)
🗿 Stilled: Porcelain (reg), Hammerhead (Goob), Lurk (Shiny), Bristle (Plumie), Sculpt (Fawn), Windblown (Ewe), Rockabye (Rur), Sheetrock (Soup), Infinity (Wyrm), Rock Candy (Spice), Cement (Cece), Molar (Exo), Petrified (Zen), Relief (Gel), Rock Bridge (Charm), Framed (Elver), Wreath (Fern), Eyespot (Arie), Felid (Pann)
🐟 Elver: Fingerling (reg), Algae (Goob), Reflection (Shiny), Glider (Plumie), Mermaid (Fawn), Blank (Ewe), Sailboat (Rur), Siren (Soup), Scraggle (Wyrm), Jabot (Spice), Masquerade (Cece), Twinfin (Exo), Adapter (Zen), Attentive (Gel), Shipwreck (Charm), Framed (Still), Firefish (Fern), Swampland (Arie), Waterwing (Pann)
🍒 Furnan: Matchstick (reg), Pinned (Goob), Transmute (Shiny), Popsicle Stick (Plumie), Papillon (Fawn), Briarpatch (Ewe), Branching (Rur), Lifeblood (Soup), Micro (Wyrm), Curlicue (Spice), Ice Pop (Cece), Wingflap (Exo), Figurine (Zen), Marmalade (Gel), Glossy (Charm), Wreath (Still), Firefish (Elver), Fullbloom (Arie), Cottonwood (Pann)
🍃 Arboreal: Shoehorn (reg), Sodden (Goob), Laurel (Shiny), Pollinator (Plumie), Haul (Fawn), Pullover (Ewe), Canopy (Rur), Conflict (Soup), Seedling (Wyrm), Lollipop (Spiced), Peeta (Cece), Leafbug (Exo), Lowlhand (Zen), Poultice (Gel), Ironwood (Charm), Eyespot (Still), Swampland (Elver), Fullbloom (Fern), Cat Eye (Pann)
🦁 Pantan: Wildmane (reg), Emo (Goob), Mohawk (Shiny), Wildchild (Plumie), Bloof (Fawn), Cub (Ewe), Softcrest (Rur), Filthy Little Gremlin (Soup), Littlebig (Wyrm), Animal Cracker (Spice), Five Second Rule (Cece), Antlion (Exo), Stompy (Zen), Tooth-Flavored (Gel), Pendantpatch (Charm), Felid (Still), Waterwing (Elver), Cottonwood (Fern), Cat Eye (Arie)
🐱 Leopurr: Squinting (reg), Superglue (Goob), Scoophorn (Shiny), Singleton (Plumie)


Semi-Sw-eet-Mix.png76: Semi-Sweet Mix: Spiced + Zenith

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Spiced guide
Anatomy differences > Smooth mouth. The cheek pouch will have a spiral in it ending with a small hole in the center. Add a fluffy mane. The lower portion of the arms past the elbows will be candy spikes. The tail tip will also be a candy spike. Belly scales will have spirals in them. Ears are the same shape as usual, but made up of candy
Color differences > Candy has its own 2 unique colors different from the accent color. These colors can be blurred together with a gradient and/or swirled together. Accent color goes on the cheek pouch only.  Base may be any color and isn't restricted to Spiced color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Semi-Sweet Mixes do not have access to Zenith breeds, so do not include a "breed" field in the form. Blood type may be warm-blooded, cold-blooded (brown or one of the usual blacks), or toasty-blooded (cream colored). Cold blood is not rare in this mix, so do not include a "blood check" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Zenith desgin rules or the Spiced design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Candy fangs, chubby, drizzle points, drowsiness, frosted fluff, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, sprinkles, badhead, blotches, draconic horns, eye plating, glimmering accents, and shimmer horns

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Fountain-Pen-Mix.png77: Fountain Pen Mix: Cece + Zenith

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Regular guide (for simplicity's sake)
Anatomy differences > Add a curly head tuft. Smooth mouth. The cheek pouches have a small hole in the center and drip. Paw pads also drip. The belly scales are smooth except for one spiral at the very top. Tail begins to form a fluffy tuft, but it turns to a big goo mess
Color differences > The goo on the cheeks, paw pads, and tail tip follows the Cece drizzle rules including inversion
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Fountain Pen Mixes do not have access to Zenith breeds, so do not include a "breed" field in the form

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Cece design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, candy fangs, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, puffball spikes, short stature, sprinkles, upside down drizzle, blotches, and draconic horns,

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Critter-Mix.png78: Critter Mix: Exoskeletal + Zenith

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Exo guide
Anatomy differences > Add a tiny cheek pouch touching the back corner of the eye. The ear bands will be fluffy on the back sides. Add a fluffy mane on the neck. Remove the second set of arms. Paws have three small, armored segments, and two tiny, claw-like toes. The belly scales are not split in the middle, acting more like a regular's belly scales. They all face downwards. The tail tip has armor banding which leads to a lump. The bump has armor on top that looks like a beetle's wing coverings
Color differences > The armor on the paws and the tail will match the belly scale color. The cheek pouches will match the ear banding color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Critter Mixes do not have access to Zenith breeds, so do not include a "breed" field in the form. They're cold-blooded by default and have access to the extra belly scale colors that Exos allow. Scales cannot be white

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Zenith design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "bug quirk" field in the description

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, shimmer horns, short stature, arm molt, boa, fake feelers, pyrus joints, and sticky molt

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Terrerium-Mix.png79: Terrarium Mix: Jellied + regular

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Regular guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will go more up than out. Add large patches of jelly on the head, arms, and back like shown above (the jelly is actually inside the keke, but shows through a thin membrane). Jelly lacks peices of food in it.
Color differences > The baby fin and sail do not have to be the same color. Jelly can be any color, but all patches must be the same color. Belly scales can be any bright color
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing. Baby fin and baby sail.
Description form > Belly scales work like Gel's do, being brightly colored. Warm colors (red, pink, yellow...) are warm-blooded while cold colors (blue, green, purple...) are cold-blooded. Form should say "blood type" instead of "termperature"

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Regular design rules
Matures out of > Baby fin, baby sail, and belly color tingeing
Description form > Include an "art type" field. The "sour or bitter" field is optional

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fin shreds, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, fruit salad, purée, and sail shreds

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Divided-Mix.png80: Divided Mix: Goober + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Goober guide
Anatomy differences > Ears will be pointed like a Gel's. The upper half of the head and naga tail will be made of jelly. The neck, mane, and shoulders will also be jelly. In the jelly will be food (raw food, not like donuts or something) that can float around the ears, shoulders, cheeks, and/or tail tip. Can be whole or cut into pieces
Color differences > Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color
Baby stuff > Baby sail and optional tingeing like Goobers have
Description form > Include a "food" field that specifies what food the keke has in their jelly

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Goober design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail and color tingeing
Description form > Include an "art type" field and a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Chubby, color points, drowsiness, fruit salad, growth spurt, purée, sail shreds, short stature, slippery scales, waterfall mane, and sharp things

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, multitasker, and spook


Preserved-Mix.png81: Preserved Mix: Shiny + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Shiny guide
Anatomy differences > Mouth will be wobbly
Color differences > Anything affected by the belly color (disks, belly scales, mouth...) appears to be filled with jelly. Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color. There is no food inside it
Baby stuff > Baby sail, which can be accent or jelly color
Description form > Form should say "blood type" instead of "termperature"

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Shiny design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail
Description form > Include an "art type" field and/or a "hoard" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bell cluster, blotches, chubby, glamorous hair, glimmering accents, growth spurt, missing teeth, shimmer horns, short stature, drowsiness, fruit salad, sail shreds, and slippery scales

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Gelfeather-Mix.png82: Gelfeather Mix: Plumie + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Plumie guide
Anatomy differences > The ears, mane, and tail tip will still be feathery in apperance, but they're made up of jelly. The tips of the ears and/or tail will have bits of food that show what flavor the jelly is. Food must be raw (like berries, not sushi). Can be whole or cut into peices. Have one central paw pad around the "wrist" joint of the wing that matches the food in the jelly
Color differences > Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color. The food can be the appropriate color(s). Belly scales must be white or one of the blacks usually avaliable. The keke can't have accent color on the tips of the feathers
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "food" field that specifies what food is inside the jelly

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie design rules, though you can only use color method B. If you want to use method A, instead use the Jellied design rules. You can use either A or B, but it can only affect the jelly feathers
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include both an "art type" and a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, fan tail, feather crest, keratin formations, missing teeth, talons, drowsiness, fruit salad, purée, short stature, slippery scales, growth spurt, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Roostling, cygnest, and broodlett


Blot-Mix.png83: Blot Mix: Fawnette + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fawnette guide
Anatomy differences > The inner part of the ear that leads to the ear cannal is absent, making the ears sort of just blobs.
Color differences > The keke will have multiple spots upon hatching. These follow the baby spot rules in size, being no larger than half the face. However, they're colored like jelly. Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color
Baby stuff > Baby quills (belly scale color)
Description form > This mix has the option of being toasty-blooded. Scales do not need to be a specific color to be toasty or warm-blooded. Cannot be cold-blooded - do not include the "blood check" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Fawnette design rules. Adding more spots is not required if the keke already has at least 2 jelly spots. All additonal spots will have the jelly texture as well
Matures out of > Baby quills
Description form > Can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band. You can choose whether or not to include a "sour or bitter" field in the description form

🌿 Youth:
This mix skips the youth stage!

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Common, regal, joey, fae, reach, and goblin
Matures into > Usual tail adult blade. Matches accent or jelly spot color
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style


Hairball-Mix.png84: Hairball Mix: Subterfewege + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Ewe guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be pointed and similar in shape to a Gel's. The body is covered in jelly instead of wool. Inside the jelly, there are tufts of wool. Wool can go anywhere, but must be in at least 1 place
Color differences > Jelly can be any color. Wool tufts can be any color
Baby stuff > Instead of having a baby face, the keke will have food in two spots: where the eyes would go. Food must be raw (mushrooms yes, meatloaf no). Can be whole or in pieces
Description form > Include a "temperature" field. Also inclue a "food" field that says what the "eyes" are made up of!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Ewe design rules or Gel design rules
Matures out of > Can mature out of food "eyes", but it's optional
Matures into > The muzzle pokes out of the jelly, but the paws stay covered. The jelly stops just before the belly mouth. Tail tip will have a jelly blob on it. Like Ewes, skin can be any grey, black, or white. an be tinted, but only slightly
Description form > Include a "flavor type" and/or a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Arm puffs, back plates, bone disks, chubby, drip wool, growth spurt, half face, short stature, fruit salad, purée, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Slimer-Mix.png85: Slimer Mix: Pterrur + Jellied
Suggested by alleyballey!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pterrur guide
Anatomy differences > No head crest. Ears are long and pointed. The wings membranes are made up of jelly. They can optionally have bits of raw food in them (fruit yes, sandwiches no) which can be whole or in peices
Color differences > Base can be any color and is not restricted to browns. Jelly can be any color, but must all be one color. Food, if there, can be its appropriate color(s). There is no "membrane color" in this mix, so the baby fin can be the belly scale or the accent color only
Baby stuff > Baby fin (belly or accent color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color, goes a max up halfway up the arms/muzzle/tail tip)
Description form > Include a "blood type" field. "Temperature" field is optional. This mix can be cold-blooded or warm-blooded. Include a "food" field if food is added into the wings

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Gel design rules. Color method A can only effect thing wings, but color method B can effect both the wings and the base color
Matures out of > Baby fin
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, color points, drowsiness, fin shreds, chubby, fruit salad, growth spurt, purée, short stature, slippery scales, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Saur, saurus, and saurling

🍒 Slimers are named for what seems to be most young's favorite thing to do: phasing their wing membranes through a keke, leaving them totally covered in jelly... Yay.
🍒 The jelly on this mix seems to be of infinite supply, never appearing to get dents or notches out of it. This is great because...Pterrurs can be clumsy. Many jelly-covered crashes ensue


Cornucopia-Mix.png86: Cornucopia Mix: Superior + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Soup guide
Anatomy differences > Ears are long and pointy
Color differences > None
Baby stuff > Baby sail (accent or belly color). Optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color, goes a max of halfway up arms/muzzle/tail tip)
Description form > Form should say "blood type" instead of "termperature"

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Soup design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail. Can grow out of belly color tingeing, but it's optional
Matures into > As the keke's hair starts to grow out of it, the ends seem to be made of bits of food. These bits can be any solid color and do not all have to match. They're just little crumbs and unidentifiable as anything specific, generally. The muzzle and hair will continue to grow at the regular rate for Soups
Description form > Include and "art type" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, drowsiness, and sail shreds

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Showoff-Mix.png87: Showoff Mix: Wyrm + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm guide
Anatomy differences > The keke is made up of jelly. The ears are long and pointed like a Gel's. They'll have only two peices of food: one on the forehead and one on the tail tip. These protrude from the jelly. Both foods must be the same. Must be raw (berries yes, bread no). Can be whole or in peices. Because the food's in the way, these keke only have 2 eyes
Color differences > Food can be it's correct color(s). Belly scales can be any bright color like a Gel
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > Form should say "temperature" instead of "blood type". Warm colored (red, pink, yellow) scales are warm-blooded while cool colored (blue, green, purple) are cold-blooded. Include a "food" field.

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Gel design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > Include a "sour or bitter" field. "Art type" field is optional

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bad eyesight, beadhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fused blindness, mini munchkin, sticky arms, fruit salad, purée, short stature, slippery scales, growth spurt, and waterfall mane
Matures into > At the youth stage, the keke will sprout a small set of second arms which grow at the regular rate for Wyrms

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Fae, goblin, pod, and minskin


Candybowl-Mix.png88: Candybowl Mix: Spiced + Jellied

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Spiced guide
Anatomy differences > Add a bumpy cookie-cutout mane. Remove the candy on the tail tip. Ears will only have two rounded points each. There will be little candies on the ears, shoulders, paws, cheeks, and/or tail tip. If the keke's a mint candy type, the candies will be spirals. If they're a rock candy type, they'll be little squares
Color differences > Added candies will match the accent color(s). They can be solid or dual colored and do not all have to match. Belly scales can be any bright color like Gels
Baby stuff > Optional drizzle (accent color, follows Spiced rules)
Description form > Form should say "blood type" instead of "temperature". Warm colored (red, pink, yellow) scales are warm-blooded while cool colored (blue, green, purple) are cold-blooded. Cold-blood is not rare, so no "blood check" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Spiced design rules
Matures out of > Drizzle
Description form > Include an "art type" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Candy fangs, chubby, drizzle points, drowsiness, frosted fluff, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Redecorated-Mix.png89: Redecorated Mix: Cece + Jellied
Suggested by Cheshvo!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Cece guide
Anatomy differences > The frosting drizzle will be replaced by jelly, which is firmer and doesn't run. The mane is also jelly. Inside of the jelly are round food bits. The ears are long, bent at the top, and curled at the bottom. Cheek pouches are in the regular position. Belly scales are rounded and face downward as usual
Color differences > Belly scales can be any bright color. Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color. Food bits can be any color and don't have to match. Note the jelly is able to invert into poison jelly
Baby stuff > Baby sail (belly or accent color)
Description form > Form should say "blood type". "Temperature" field is optional. Warm belly scale colors (red, orange, yellow) are warm-blooded. Cool colors (green, blue, purple) are cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Cece design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail
Description form > Include an "art type" field and/or a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Arrowhead pouch, bedhead, blotches, candy fangs, drowsiness, growth spurt, short stature, sprinkles, short stature, fruit salad, purée, sail shreds, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, layered, and overflow


Royal-Jelly-Mix.png90: Royal Jelly Mix: Exoskeletal + Jellied
Suggested by Beepbeepmeow12345!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Exo guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be made of jelly, thus a bit wobblier. Remove band lines. Ears are full size even on hatchlings. Have a small, swooped cheek pouch under each (main) eye. Secondary eyes are circular and sit about where brows would go. The mane is a jelly ring. Second set of arms are replaced with jelly. Also have a third set of arms behind that made of jelly. Belly scales are connected in the middle and look like a regular's
Color differences > Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color. The arms and ears can have wobbly stripes of the accent color in them, mimicking ear bands. Belly scales can be any bright color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Form should say "blood type". "Temperature" field is optional. Warm belly scale colors (red, orange, yellow) are warm-blooded. Cool colors (green, blue, purple) are cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Exo design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include an "bug quirk" field and/or a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Arm molt, bedhead, blotches, chubby, fake feelers, growth spurt, pyrus joints, short stature, sticky molt, drowsiness, fruit salad, purée, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, strider, reaper, bumble, and tumble
Matures into > Adults get tiny, round, bug-like wings on the shoulder blade area. These are made of jelly and will match the jelly color. They do not enable flight