🧪 Mix Index

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

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Mix: The offspring of two different keke types that combines their traits into something new

🌿 Rules & Overview 🌿

🌱 Mixes are posted in order of creation (er...99% in order)
🌱 Be sure to read each guide very carefully! There are lots of little things to watch for (if you notice something missing, feel free to poke me)
🌱 In general, mixes can earn things that their parent types can (the "type + type" listing below their mix). Say we're working with a Molten Mix. They're a Goober/Shiny hybrid, so they have access to both Goober-restricted and Shiny-restricted upgrades. They could also apply the gilded special morph (some morph restrictions may apply - details will be in the mix's or the morph's description)
🌱 The above rule does not stack. For example: you breed a Soggy Mix and a Pegasi Mix. The child is a Soggy Mix. They would have access to Goober-restricted things, but not Plumie or Fawnette
🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 These types of keke must be obtained through breeding, events, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Navigation 🌿

📈 Outcome Spreadsheet 📈
⭕ Click to see breeding results in a chart format if you like charts : )

🔻 Open the spoiler below for nav links! Using ctrl+f, F3, or command+f (Mac) strongly recommended

 Regular: Soggy (Goob), Encrusted (Shiny), Scruffy (Plumie), Cloven (Fawn), Sticky (Ewe), Flutter (Rur), Mush (Soup), Stunted (Wyrm), Dinner Mint (Spice), Crooked (Cece), Grubby (Exo), Solar (Zen), Terrarium (Gel), Trickster (Charm), Porcelain (Still), Fingerling (Elver), Matchstick (Fern), Shoehorn (Arie), Wildmane (Pann), Squinting (Leo)
💧 Goober: Soggy (reg), Molten (Shiny), Wet Paint (Plumie), Slasher (Fawn), Pudding (Ewe), Skybound (Rur), Dipped (Soup), Tearful (Wyrm), Lava Cake (Spice), Iced (Cece), Jury (Exo), Ooze (Zen), Divided (Gel), Enveloped (Charm), Hammerhead (Still), Algae (Elver), Pinned (Fern), Sodden (Arie), Emo (Pann), Superglue (Leo)
🔔 Shiny: Encrusted (reg), Molten (Goob), Cherub (Plumie), Shimmer (Fawn), Priceless (Ewe), Beacon (Rur), Morning Star (Soup), Foresight (Wyrm), Sotas Lace (Spice), Pendant (Cece), Chitin (Exo), Midnight (Zen), Preserved (Gel), Metallic (Charm), Lurk (Still), Reflection (Elver), Transmute (Fern), Laurel (Arie), Mohawk (Pann), Scoophorn (Leo)
🦢 Plumie: Scruffy (reg), Wet Paint (Goob), Cherub (Shiny) Pegasi (Fawn), Snowy (Ewe), Courier (Rur), Angelic (Soup), Seraph (Wyrm), Cake Tester (Spice), Feather Duster (Cece), Doubled (Exo), Dawn (Zen), Gelfeather (Gel), UFO (Charm), Bristle (Still), Glider (Elver), Popsicle Stick (Fern), Pollinator (Arie), Wildchild (Pann), Singleton (Leo)
🦌 Fawnette: Cloven (reg), Slasher (Goob), Shimmer (Shiny), Pegasi (Plumie), Salad (Ewe), Clamber (Rur), Royal (Soup), Bladed (Wyrm), Fawndant (Spice), Sweetness (Cece), Shawl (Exo), Doe (Zen), Blot (Gel), Spiny (Charm), Sculpt (Still), Mermaid (Elver), Papillon (Fern), Haul (Arie), Bloof (Pann)
🐑 Subterfewege: Sticky (reg), Pudding (Goob), Priceless (Shiny), Snowy (Plumie), Salad (Fawn), Crasher (Rur), Selkie (Soup), Scamp (Wyrm), Undercooked (Spice), Masked (Cece), Summer (Exo), Plushie (Zen), Hairball (Gel), Skibble (Charm), Windblown (Still), Blank (Elver), Briarpatch (Fern), Pullover (Arie), Cub (Pann)
🦎 Pterrur: Flutter (reg), Skybound (Goob), Beacon (Shiny), Courier (Plumie), Clamber (Fawn), Crasher (Ewe), Crowned (Soup), Spyglass (Wyrm), Butter Curl (Spice), Venomwing (Cece), Muzzled (Exo), Monsterpaw (Zen), Slimer (Gel), Murrine (Charm), Rockabye (Still), Sailboat (Elver), Branching (Fern), Canopy (Arie), Softcrest (Pann)
 Superior: Mush (reg), Dipped (Goob), Morning Star (Shiny), Angelic (Plumie), Royal (Fawn), Selkie (Ewe), Crowned (Rur), Eldritch (Wyrm), Taffy (Spice), Painter (Cece), Overcoat (Exo), Mop (Zen), Cornucopia (Gel), Windchime (Charm), Sheetrock (Still), Siren (Elver), Lifeblood (Fern), Conflict (Arie), Filthy Little Gremlin (Pann)
🤏 Wyrm: Stunted (reg), Tearful (Goob), Foresight (Shiny), Seraph (Plumie), Bladed (Fawn), Scamp (Ewe), Spyglass (Rur), Eldritch (Soup), Gumball (Spice), Gorgon (Cece), Wiggly (Exo), Observer (Zen), Showoff (Gel), Spectacle (Charm), Infinity (Still), Scraggle (Elver), Micro (Fern), Seedling (Arie), Littlebig (Pann)
🍪 Spiced: Dinner Mint (reg), Lava Cake (Goob), Sotas Lace (Shiny), Cake Tester (Plumie), Fawndant (Fawn), Undercooked (Ewe), Butter Curl (Rur), Taffy (Soup), Gumball (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Cece), Jointed (Exo), Semi-Sweet (Zen), Candybowl (Gel), Bafflemint (Charm), Rock Candy (Still), Jabot (Elver), Curlicue (Fern), Lollipop (Arie), Animal Cracker (Pann)
🍰 Cece: Crooked (reg), Iced (Goob), Pendant (Shiny), Feather Duster (Plumie), Sweetness (Fawn), Masked (Ewe), Venomwing (Rur), Painter (Soup), Gorgon (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Spice), Grabby (Exo), Fountain Pen (Zen), Redecorated (Gel), Magician's (Charm), Cement (Still), Masquerade (Elver), Ice Pop (Fern), Peeta (Arie), Five Second Rule (Pann)
🦗 Exoskeletal: Grubby (reg), Jury (Goob), Chitin (Shiny), Doubled (Plumie), Shawl (Fawn), Summer (Ewe), Muzzled (Rur), Overcoat (Soup), Wiggly (Wyrm), Jointed (Spice), Grabby (Cece), Critter (Zen), Royal Jelly (Gel), Boggle (Charm), Molar (Still), Twinfin (Elver), Wingflap (Fern), Leafbug (Exo), Antlion (Pann)
🌙 Zenith: Solar (reg), Ooze (Goob), Midnight (Shiny), Dawn (Plumie), Doe (Fawn), Plushie (Ewe), Monsterpaw (Rur), Mop (Soup), Observer (Wyrm), Semi-Sweet (Spice), Fountain Pen (Cece), Critter (Exo), Boots (Gel), Keychain (Charm), Petrified (Still), Adapter (Elver), Figurine (Fern), Lowlhand (Arie), Stompy (Pann)
🍓 Jellied: Terrarium (reg), Divided (Goob), Preserved (Shiny), Gelfeather (Plumie), Blot (Fawn), Hairball (Ewe), Slimer (Rur), Cornucopia (Soup), Showoff (Wyrm), Candybowl (Spiced), Redecorated (Cece), Royal Jelly (Exo), Boots (Zen), Vendosaur (Charm), Relief (Still), Attentive (Elver), Marmalade (Fern), Poultice (Arie), Tooth-Flavored (Pann)
🐇 Charmed: Trickster (reg), Enveloped (Goob), Metallic (Shiny), UFO (Plumie), Spiny (Fawn), Skibble (Ewe), Murrine (Rur), Windchime (Soup), Spectacle (Wyrm), Bafflemint (Spice), Magician's (Cece), Boggle (Exo), Keychain (Zen), Vendosaur (Gel), Rock Bridge (Still), Shipwreck (Elver), Glossy (Fern), Ironwood (Arie), Pendantpatch (Pann)
🗿 Stilled: Porcelain (reg), Hammerhead (Goob), Lurk (Shiny), Bristle (Plumie), Sculpt (Fawn), Windblown (Ewe), Rockabye (Rur), Sheetrock (Soup), Infinity (Wyrm), Rock Candy (Spice), Cement (Cece), Molar (Exo), Petrified (Zen), Relief (Gel), Rock Bridge (Charm), Framed (Elver), Wreath (Fern), Eyespot (Arie), Felid (Pann)
🐟 Elver: Fingerling (reg), Algae (Goob), Reflection (Shiny), Glider (Plumie), Mermaid (Fawn), Blank (Ewe), Sailboat (Rur), Siren (Soup), Scraggle (Wyrm), Jabot (Spice), Masquerade (Cece), Twinfin (Exo), Adapter (Zen), Attentive (Gel), Shipwreck (Charm), Framed (Still), Firefish (Fern), Swampland (Arie), Waterwing (Pann)
🍒 Furnan: Matchstick (reg), Pinned (Goob), Transmute (Shiny), Popsicle Stick (Plumie), Papillon (Fawn), Briarpatch (Ewe), Branching (Rur), Lifeblood (Soup), Micro (Wyrm), Curlicue (Spice), Ice Pop (Cece), Wingflap (Exo), Figurine (Zen), Marmalade (Gel), Glossy (Charm), Wreath (Still), Firefish (Elver), Fullbloom (Arie), Cottonwood (Pann)
🍃 Arboreal: Shoehorn (reg), Sodden (Goob), Laurel (Shiny), Pollinator (Plumie), Haul (Fawn), Pullover (Ewe), Canopy (Rur), Conflict (Soup), Seedling (Wyrm), Lollipop (Spiced), Peeta (Cece), Leafbug (Exo), Lowlhand (Zen), Poultice (Gel), Ironwood (Charm), Eyespot (Still), Swampland (Elver), Fullbloom (Fern), Cat Eye (Pann)
🦁 Pantan: Wildmane (reg), Emo (Goob), Mohawk (Shiny), Wildchild (Plumie), Bloof (Fawn), Cub (Ewe), Softcrest (Rur), Filthy Little Gremlin (Soup), Littlebig (Wyrm), Animal Cracker (Spice), Five Second Rule (Cece), Antlion (Exo), Stompy (Zen), Tooth-Flavored (Gel), Pendantpatch (Charm), Felid (Still), Waterwing (Elver), Cottonwood (Fern), Cat Eye (Arie)
🐱 Leopurr: Squinting (reg), Superglue (Goob), Scoophorn (Shiny), Singleton (Plumie)


Porcelain-Mix.png106: Porcelain Mix: Stilled + regular
Based on a suggestion by SourHour!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Regular guide
Anatomy differences > Remove the mane and belly scales. The tail will be tipped with a rounded club
Color differences > Base color follows Still rules (a greyish shade or a pastel)
Baby stuff > Optional tingeing. This tingeing is unique and will be the accent color! Can go a max. of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and/or tail tip
Description form > A "blood type" field is optional. These keke can be warm or cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the...Zenith design rules...? Okay, sure
Matures out of > Tingeing (optional, can be kept!)
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, rough patches, and scallops

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 Porcelain Mixes are mute by default. They communicate the same way Stills do with a sort of telepathy!


Hammerhead-Mix.png107: Hammerhead Mix: Goober + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Goober guide
Anatomy differences > The keke will have the consistency of clay instead of goop. The head will be sort of a gentle downward curve with two sharp, downward facing ears to give them a hammer-shaped head. Ears are not goopy and paws aren't as mushy as they would usually be. The baby sail is formed form the clay instead of appearing separate. Belly scales have the apperance of being carved into the clay. No mouth
Color differences > Base follows Still rules (a greyish shade or a pastel). Doesn't have a belly color. Instead, scales will match the base
Baby stuff > Baby sail, though it will be the same color as the base
Description form > Include a "temperature" field. Options are warm or cold

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Goober design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, sail shreds, sharp things, short stature, built-in bracelets, and scallops

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, and multitasker

🍒 As they're made of what seems to be clay, Hammerheads are much firmer than their other relatives and really don't have to worry about dripping everywhere nor pulling themselves back together
🍒 If pressed on too hard, this mix may flatten out and get a little squished... Thankfully, they're able to reform into their proper shape (though hatchlings might be a bit rusty at this)
🍒 The clay of this mix typically refuses to be removed through non-violent means. Sure, they can lose some if they get smacked too hard, but a keke can't just come up and take a handful away


Lurk-Mix.png108: Lurk Mix: Shiny + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by Anhelisk and ChillyStarr!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Shiny guide
Anatomy differences > Will have the same head shape as a Still. Ears are smooth and pointed at the tips. Belly scales can be lumpy/jagged around the edges and have no noticable scales. Little chips of the belly scales may be present anywhere on the body. Instead of a bell, the tail is tipped with a solid metal ball. No eyes nor paw pads
Color differences > The belly color can be anything, as it's made up of a crystal. All belly scales (including little chips on body) must be the same color. Accent matches belly color. The disks on the head and the tail ball will be either gold or silver and must match
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Do not include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Stilled design rules or the Shiny design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bell cluster, blotches, chubby, glamorous hair, growth spurt, missing teeth, shimmer horns, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, color points, rough patches, and scallops

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Bristle-Mix.png109: Bristle Mix: Plumie + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by Anhelisk!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Plumie guide
Anatomy differences > Remove the mouth and belly scales. The mane will be rounded lumps, as the keke seems to be carved from stone. While they still have feather ears, wings, and tail tip, each appears to be one very large feather carved in the stone
Color differences > Base should follow Still rules (a greyish shade or a pastel)
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Do not include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include an "art type" and/or a "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, fan tail, feather crest, keratin formations, growth spurt, short stature, color points, built-in bracelets, chips, rough patches, scallops

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, roostling, cygnest, and broodlett

🍒 Despite being made of stone, Bristle Mixes are still capable of flight. The rock they're made of is light an airy, similar to pumice, so it doesn't weigh them down


Sculpt-Mix.png110: Sculpt Mix: Fawnette + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by Anhelisk!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fawn guide
Anatomy differences > Remove the mane on the neck, but keep the head tuft. The ears will be deer-like, but quite pointy (so, almost horse-like). The hooves will be tipped with metal, as will the very tip of the tail
Color differences > The keke can be any natural mammal color in brown, cream, black, grey, or white or they be a greyish shade or a pastel. The inner ears can be any one of the previously mentioned colors as long as they're lighter than the base. The cheek pouch, belly scales, hooves, baby quills, and tail tip will be metallic and one of the metal options for Stills (gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white)
Baby stuff > Baby quills (color rules above)
Description form > Include a "blood type" field. Oddly, this mix is always cold-blooded

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Stilled design rules
Matures out of > Baby quills
Description form > As they grow, the keke's head tuft will elongate at the regular rate for Fawns, so they can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band (though they may need hair upgrades, else the band will probably have to go on their bangs.) "Art type"/"favorite pose" field is optional

🌿 Youth:
This mix skips the youth stage!

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Common, regal, joey, fae, reach, and goblin
Matures into > The tail blade forms into a hook like one that is used to shape clay (must be the same hook type as shown above)
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style (though they may require hair upgrades to do so)


Windblown-Mix.png111: Windblown Mix: Subterfewege + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Ewe guide
Anatomy differences > Mix is born with as much skin exposed as a young Ewe would have. The wool is not really curly, but very eager to stand up in little points. It grows up towards the head, covering most of the face. The muzzle pointed like a Still's. Lacks distinct fingers. Has a metal tail loop like a Still
Color differences > Skin can be any greyish or pastel color. Wool can be any of these: gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white. The tail loop (and film inside) will be the same general color type as the wool, but do not have to exactly match
Baby stuff > Baby film (lighter color of chosen loop color)
Description form > No change

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Ewe design rules
Matures out of > Baby film
Description form > Include a "flavor type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, film scraps, rough patches, scallops, bedhead, arm puffs, back plates, bone disks, drip wool, half-face

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍒 Windblown Mixes have stony skin which is capable of chipping or breaking like a Stilled can


Rockabye-Mix.png112: Rockabye Mix: Pterrur + Stilled
Rock crest suggested by VyrusVoyd!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pterrur guide
Anatomy differences > In place of wing membranes, this mix has large, metal loops that connect from the wrist to the elbow. Ears are more pointed and face upward a bit more. The head crest is made of stone and can be any simple rocky shape, but should not grow taller than the ears stand (like shown above)
Color differences > Base color can be any greyish color, brown, or pastel. The cheek pouches and arm loops are metal and must be gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white. The rocky crest can be any greyish or pastel
Baby stuff > Baby fin (belly or crest color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color. Can go a max. of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "blood type" field. This mix is cold-blooded by default

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Pterrur design rules or the Stilled design rules
Matures out of > Baby fin and belly color tingeing
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, drowsiness, fin shreds, boomnana crest, dual crest, fork crest, mountain crest, plow crest, tower crest

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Saur, saurus, and saurling


Sheetrock-Mix.png113: Sheetrock Mix: Superior + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Soup guide
Anatomy differences > The face will be narrow with a slight, rounded muzzle. Remove the mouth. The ears will be fluffy and upright at birth. There are no visible scruffy patches where a Soup hatchling would usually have them. Remove the belly scales
Color differences > None
Baby stuff > Optional tingeing. Tingeing will be the accent color and can go a max of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and tail tip
Description form > Include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Soup design rules
Matures out of > Can optionally mature out of tingeing or can keep it!
Matures into > As the grow, the mix will develop "hair" made from curtains of stone. This forms a head tuft, mane, and tail tip. It's quite heavy, but moves as if it were hair instead of a solid object. Can be any greyish or pastel color, but all hair must match in color. The muzzle will also extend at the regular rate for Soups
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips (hair only), rough patches (hair only)

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin


Infinity-Mix.png114: Infinity Mix: Wyrm + Stilled
Based on suggestions by VyrusVoyd, Anhelisk, and Kryptic-Splash!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be longer than usual and very upright facing. In place of a third eye, there will be a metal loop on the forehead. The tip of the baby fin will curl on itself, forming a loop and turning to metal
Color differences > Metal parts can be gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white. Both metal bits must match
Baby stuff > Baby fin (accent or belly color) Optional belly color tingeing (atches chosen belly color and can go a max of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and tail tip)
Description form > Include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Wyrm design rules
Matures out of > Tingeing. Baby fin stays!
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, bad eyesight, fused blindness, mini munchkin, sticky arms, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets
Matures into > At the youth phase, the mix will sprout a second, smaller pair of arms behind their first set. These do not have distinct fingers and will grow at the regular rate for Wyrms

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Pod, minksin, goblin, and fae


Rock-Candy-Mix.png115: Rock Candy Mix: Spiced + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by VyrusVoyd!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Still guide
Anatomy differences > Ears will be shorter and more rounded. The whole of the keke is made of rock candy. Has a short, rock candy mane and a large, club-like rock candy tail tip
Color differences > The candy can be any two colors. The colors will be striped or swirled together with a gradient (or both). Accent will be metallic and gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Do not include a "blood type" field. A "blood check" field is not nessisary

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Stilled color method A
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, rough patches, scallops, drizzle points, frosted fluff, sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin


Cement-Mix.png116: Cement Mix: Cece + Spiced

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Still guide
Anatomy differences > Ears will be shorter rounded at the ends and half flop on themselves. Add a curly head tuft, mane, and tail tip. Remove the tail loop. Add a mouth, a Cece's eye pouches, and a Cece's drizzle (goes on forehead, shoulders, and down the back)
Color differences > The base can be any color. The drizzle must be a gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white. It will be somewhat rock-like, not metallic
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Cece design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, chubby, growth spurt, puffball spikes, short stature, arrowhead pouch, candy fangs, sprinkles, blotches, color points, built-in bracelets

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin

🍒 The drizzle on a Cement Mix is akin to clay. It's still edible and has a poison mode if the keke needs to prevent themselves from being eaten
🍒 A Cement Mix's insides are...strange. With Stills being made from stone and Cece's having cake-like insides, Cement Mixes are sort of like stale baked goods in there. This does make them a bit harder to injure


Molar-Mix.png117: Molar Mix: Exoskeletal + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Still guide
Anatomy differences > Ears will be pointed and face backwards. There will be four of them and each will have a band like an Exo. The face will be rounded like a regular keke head shape. The arms will have two toes. In place of hollows under the arms, there will be a carving of a second set of arms curled against the body (these lack toes). Remove the cheek pouch
Color differences > The ear bands will match the tail loop's coloration and be metallic
Baby stuff > Baby film
Description form > Do not include a "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Still design rules
Matures out of > Baby film
Description form > Include a "bug quirk" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, film scraps, rough patches, scallops, bedhead, fake feelers, Pyrus joints, sticky molt

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, strider, reaper, bumble, and tumble


Petrified-Mix.png118: Petrified Mix: Zenith + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Still guide
Anatomy differences > Add a pair of eyes. The cheek pouch will have a hole in the center and two spikes coming off the back side. The ears will be more mobile, slightly larger, and have a visible slit on them. Add a fluffy mane. Will have swirls on the belly like a Zenith's belly scales, but no actual belly scales themselves. The tail ends in a stony point
Color differences > Base can be any color. The stony sections, which are the ears, arms from the elbows down, and tail tip can be a greyish shade or a pastel. The accent will be gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Do not include a "breed" or "blood type" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Still design rules or the Zenith design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips, rough patches, scallops, bedhead, drowsiness, draconic horns, eye plating, shimmer horns

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin

🍒 Petrified Mixes are obviously stone on their ears, arms, and tail. Despite appearing differently, the rest of their bodies are rocky, too! (minus the mane, that is)


Relief-Mix.png119: Relief Mix: Jellied + Stilled
Based on a suggestion by VyrusVoyd!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Gel guide
Anatomy differences > Instead of jelly, the keke is made up of edible clay. The ears are large and curve backwards with some lobe-like lumps at the base. Lack distinct fingers. Have a metal tail tip bauble that somehow matches the flavor of their clay. Flavor is also visible by relief carvings of the food around the ears, shoulders, paws, cheeks, and/or tail tip. Food carvings must show in at least one place. Unlike regular Gels, this can be raw or prepared food like cake. There are no belly scales
Color differences > Base will be a greyish shade or a pastel. The accent is metallic, goes on the pouch, paw pads, and tail bauble, and must be a gold, silver, copper, brown, jade, teal-blue, ruby, black, or white
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "food" and "temperature" field

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Still design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "sour or bitter" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, rough patches, scallops, drowsiness

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin


Rock-Bridge-Mix.png120: Rock Bridge Mix: Charmed + Stilled

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Charm guide
Anatomy differences > Ears will be pointed. In place of the plate on the forehead and the three plates on the back, the keke will have stony patches that can be any shape (though each must be one shape, not multiple pieces). The paws have no distinct fingers. Will still have a medallion, but it'll be a stone instead of a rectangular gem. The tail is tipped with a rocky club that should have at least one triangular chip out of it
Color differences > All rock patches (forehead plate, back plates, medallion, tail club, and cheek pouches) must be a greyish or pastel color. All will match in color
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "blood type" field and a "shift field". This mix's shifts will be totally unable to move no matter what they are!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Charmed design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or "favorite pose" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, growth spurt, short stature, built-in bracelets, chips (rock parts only),rough patches (rock parts only), bedhead, drowsiness, missing teeth, puffball spikes

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, or goblin