🧪 Mix Index

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by HannahBug

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Mix: The offspring of two different keke types that combines their traits into something new

🌿 Rules & Overview 🌿

🌱 Mixes are posted in order of creation (er...99% in order)
🌱 Be sure to read each guide very carefully! There are lots of little things to watch for (if you notice something missing, feel free to poke me)
🌱 In general, mixes can earn things that their parent types can (the "type + type" listing below their mix). Say we're working with a Molten Mix. They're a Goober/Shiny hybrid, so they have access to both Goober-restricted and Shiny-restricted upgrades. They could also apply the gilded special morph (some morph restrictions may apply - details will be in the mix's or the morph's description)
🌱 The above rule does not stack. For example: you breed a Soggy Mix and a Pegasi Mix. The child is a Soggy Mix. They would have access to Goober-restricted things, but not Plumie or Fawnette
🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 These types of keke must be obtained through breeding, events, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Navigation 🌿

📈 Outcome Spreadsheet 📈
⭕ Click to see breeding results in a chart format if you like charts : )

🔻 Open the spoiler below for nav links! Using ctrl+f, F3, or command+f (Mac) strongly recommended

 Regular: Soggy (Goob), Encrusted (Shiny), Scruffy (Plumie), Cloven (Fawn), Sticky (Ewe), Flutter (Rur), Mush (Soup), Stunted (Wyrm), Dinner Mint (Spice), Crooked (Cece), Grubby (Exo), Solar (Zen), Terrarium (Gel), Trickster (Charm), Porcelain (Still), Fingerling (Elver), Matchstick (Fern), Shoehorn (Arie), Wildmane (Pann), Squinting (Leo)
💧 Goober: Soggy (reg), Molten (Shiny), Wet Paint (Plumie), Slasher (Fawn), Pudding (Ewe), Skybound (Rur), Dipped (Soup), Tearful (Wyrm), Lava Cake (Spice), Iced (Cece), Jury (Exo), Ooze (Zen), Divided (Gel), Enveloped (Charm), Hammerhead (Still), Algae (Elver), Pinned (Fern), Sodden (Arie), Emo (Pann), Superglue (Leo)
🔔 Shiny: Encrusted (reg), Molten (Goob), Cherub (Plumie), Shimmer (Fawn), Priceless (Ewe), Beacon (Rur), Morning Star (Soup), Foresight (Wyrm), Sotas Lace (Spice), Pendant (Cece), Chitin (Exo), Midnight (Zen), Preserved (Gel), Metallic (Charm), Lurk (Still), Reflection (Elver), Transmute (Fern), Laurel (Arie), Mohawk (Pann), Scoophorn (Leo)
🦢 Plumie: Scruffy (reg), Wet Paint (Goob), Cherub (Shiny) Pegasi (Fawn), Snowy (Ewe), Courier (Rur), Angelic (Soup), Seraph (Wyrm), Cake Tester (Spice), Feather Duster (Cece), Doubled (Exo), Dawn (Zen), Gelfeather (Gel), UFO (Charm), Bristle (Still), Glider (Elver), Popsicle Stick (Fern), Pollinator (Arie), Wildchild (Pann), Singleton (Leo)
🦌 Fawnette: Cloven (reg), Slasher (Goob), Shimmer (Shiny), Pegasi (Plumie), Salad (Ewe), Clamber (Rur), Royal (Soup), Bladed (Wyrm), Fawndant (Spice), Sweetness (Cece), Shawl (Exo), Doe (Zen), Blot (Gel), Spiny (Charm), Sculpt (Still), Mermaid (Elver), Papillon (Fern), Haul (Arie), Bloof (Pann)
🐑 Subterfewege: Sticky (reg), Pudding (Goob), Priceless (Shiny), Snowy (Plumie), Salad (Fawn), Crasher (Rur), Selkie (Soup), Scamp (Wyrm), Undercooked (Spice), Masked (Cece), Summer (Exo), Plushie (Zen), Hairball (Gel), Skibble (Charm), Windblown (Still), Blank (Elver), Briarpatch (Fern), Pullover (Arie), Cub (Pann)
🦎 Pterrur: Flutter (reg), Skybound (Goob), Beacon (Shiny), Courier (Plumie), Clamber (Fawn), Crasher (Ewe), Crowned (Soup), Spyglass (Wyrm), Butter Curl (Spice), Venomwing (Cece), Muzzled (Exo), Monsterpaw (Zen), Slimer (Gel), Murrine (Charm), Rockabye (Still), Sailboat (Elver), Branching (Fern), Canopy (Arie), Softcrest (Pann)
 Superior: Mush (reg), Dipped (Goob), Morning Star (Shiny), Angelic (Plumie), Royal (Fawn), Selkie (Ewe), Crowned (Rur), Eldritch (Wyrm), Taffy (Spice), Painter (Cece), Overcoat (Exo), Mop (Zen), Cornucopia (Gel), Windchime (Charm), Sheetrock (Still), Siren (Elver), Lifeblood (Fern), Conflict (Arie), Filthy Little Gremlin (Pann)
🤏 Wyrm: Stunted (reg), Tearful (Goob), Foresight (Shiny), Seraph (Plumie), Bladed (Fawn), Scamp (Ewe), Spyglass (Rur), Eldritch (Soup), Gumball (Spice), Gorgon (Cece), Wiggly (Exo), Observer (Zen), Showoff (Gel), Spectacle (Charm), Infinity (Still), Scraggle (Elver), Micro (Fern), Seedling (Arie), Littlebig (Pann)
🍪 Spiced: Dinner Mint (reg), Lava Cake (Goob), Sotas Lace (Shiny), Cake Tester (Plumie), Fawndant (Fawn), Undercooked (Ewe), Butter Curl (Rur), Taffy (Soup), Gumball (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Cece), Jointed (Exo), Semi-Sweet (Zen), Candybowl (Gel), Bafflemint (Charm), Rock Candy (Still), Jabot (Elver), Curlicue (Fern), Lollipop (Arie), Animal Cracker (Pann)
🍰 Cece: Crooked (reg), Iced (Goob), Pendant (Shiny), Feather Duster (Plumie), Sweetness (Fawn), Masked (Ewe), Venomwing (Rur), Painter (Soup), Gorgon (Wyrm), Chocolate Puff Mocha Crumble (Spice), Grabby (Exo), Fountain Pen (Zen), Redecorated (Gel), Magician's (Charm), Cement (Still), Masquerade (Elver), Ice Pop (Fern), Peeta (Arie), Five Second Rule (Pann)
🦗 Exoskeletal: Grubby (reg), Jury (Goob), Chitin (Shiny), Doubled (Plumie), Shawl (Fawn), Summer (Ewe), Muzzled (Rur), Overcoat (Soup), Wiggly (Wyrm), Jointed (Spice), Grabby (Cece), Critter (Zen), Royal Jelly (Gel), Boggle (Charm), Molar (Still), Twinfin (Elver), Wingflap (Fern), Leafbug (Exo), Antlion (Pann)
🌙 Zenith: Solar (reg), Ooze (Goob), Midnight (Shiny), Dawn (Plumie), Doe (Fawn), Plushie (Ewe), Monsterpaw (Rur), Mop (Soup), Observer (Wyrm), Semi-Sweet (Spice), Fountain Pen (Cece), Critter (Exo), Boots (Gel), Keychain (Charm), Petrified (Still), Adapter (Elver), Figurine (Fern), Lowlhand (Arie), Stompy (Pann)
🍓 Jellied: Terrarium (reg), Divided (Goob), Preserved (Shiny), Gelfeather (Plumie), Blot (Fawn), Hairball (Ewe), Slimer (Rur), Cornucopia (Soup), Showoff (Wyrm), Candybowl (Spiced), Redecorated (Cece), Royal Jelly (Exo), Boots (Zen), Vendosaur (Charm), Relief (Still), Attentive (Elver), Marmalade (Fern), Poultice (Arie), Tooth-Flavored (Pann)
🐇 Charmed: Trickster (reg), Enveloped (Goob), Metallic (Shiny), UFO (Plumie), Spiny (Fawn), Skibble (Ewe), Murrine (Rur), Windchime (Soup), Spectacle (Wyrm), Bafflemint (Spice), Magician's (Cece), Boggle (Exo), Keychain (Zen), Vendosaur (Gel), Rock Bridge (Still), Shipwreck (Elver), Glossy (Fern), Ironwood (Arie), Pendantpatch (Pann)
🗿 Stilled: Porcelain (reg), Hammerhead (Goob), Lurk (Shiny), Bristle (Plumie), Sculpt (Fawn), Windblown (Ewe), Rockabye (Rur), Sheetrock (Soup), Infinity (Wyrm), Rock Candy (Spice), Cement (Cece), Molar (Exo), Petrified (Zen), Relief (Gel), Rock Bridge (Charm), Framed (Elver), Wreath (Fern), Eyespot (Arie), Felid (Pann)
🐟 Elver: Fingerling (reg), Algae (Goob), Reflection (Shiny), Glider (Plumie), Mermaid (Fawn), Blank (Ewe), Sailboat (Rur), Siren (Soup), Scraggle (Wyrm), Jabot (Spice), Masquerade (Cece), Twinfin (Exo), Adapter (Zen), Attentive (Gel), Shipwreck (Charm), Framed (Still), Firefish (Fern), Swampland (Arie), Waterwing (Pann)
🍒 Furnan: Matchstick (reg), Pinned (Goob), Transmute (Shiny), Popsicle Stick (Plumie), Papillon (Fawn), Briarpatch (Ewe), Branching (Rur), Lifeblood (Soup), Micro (Wyrm), Curlicue (Spice), Ice Pop (Cece), Wingflap (Exo), Figurine (Zen), Marmalade (Gel), Glossy (Charm), Wreath (Still), Firefish (Elver), Fullbloom (Arie), Cottonwood (Pann)
🍃 Arboreal: Shoehorn (reg), Sodden (Goob), Laurel (Shiny), Pollinator (Plumie), Haul (Fawn), Pullover (Ewe), Canopy (Rur), Conflict (Soup), Seedling (Wyrm), Lollipop (Spiced), Peeta (Cece), Leafbug (Exo), Lowlhand (Zen), Poultice (Gel), Ironwood (Charm), Eyespot (Still), Swampland (Elver), Fullbloom (Fern), Cat Eye (Pann)
🦁 Pantan: Wildmane (reg), Emo (Goob), Mohawk (Shiny), Wildchild (Plumie), Bloof (Fawn), Cub (Ewe), Softcrest (Rur), Filthy Little Gremlin (Soup), Littlebig (Wyrm), Animal Cracker (Spice), Five Second Rule (Cece), Antlion (Exo), Stompy (Zen), Tooth-Flavored (Gel), Pendantpatch (Charm), Felid (Still), Waterwing (Elver), Cottonwood (Fern), Cat Eye (Arie)
🐱 Leopurr: Squinting (reg), Superglue (Goob), Scoophorn (Shiny), Singleton (Plumie)


Boots-Mix.png91: Boots Mix: Zenith + Jellied
Based on a suggestion by Anhelisk!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the regular guide (for simplicity's sake)
Anatomy differences > Cheek pouches will be made of jelly with a single bit of food in the middle replacing the hole that a Zen would normally have. Food can be whole or in peices, but must be raw (mushrooms yes, casserole no). Add semi-transparent jelly "boots" on the paws (they're the paw shape, but bigger). These shouldn't go much further than the wrists. On the tail tip, add a semi-transparent jelly tail. This can be the shape of any Zenith breeds available in the year of the mix's creation. Belly scales are swirled like a Zenith's. Mouth is smooth
Color differences > Jelly can be any color, but must all be the same color. Food can be its correct colors. Use the usual black and white belly scale colors
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Form should say "blood type". "Temperature" field is optional. Also include "food" and "breed" feilds

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Zen design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include an "art type" field and/or a "sour or bitter" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, draconic horns, drowsiness, eye plating, growth spurt, shimmer horns, short stature, fruit salad, purée, and slippery scales

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Trickster-Mix.png92: Trickster Mix: Charmed + regular
Partially inspired by suggestions from Anhelisk and Beepbeepmeow12345!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Regular guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be very large with an inside instead of just being a puff of fur. The cheek pouches will have one vertical line through them each. The baby fin will have one triangular notch out of it somewhere. Will have a medallion like a Charm, which follows the same rules except that it only has one horizontal line across it
Color differences > The accent color will be shiny and metallic. Medallion will match accent color
Baby stuff > Baby fin (belly or accent color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches chosen belly color. Goes a max of halfway up arms, muzzle, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type". Note that Trickster shifts don't...really work that well. It will probably still be pretty obvious they're a Snakekey due to the shift having traits it shouldn't have (ie keeping the naga tail, having the cheek pouches, etc...). If a Trickster shifts into an inanimate object, they'll actually be unable to move

Trickster-Mix-hatchling-guide-by-Dreepym🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Regular design rules
Matures out of > Baby fin and belly color tingeing
Description form > No change. A Trickster's art type is often some sort of mimicry (such as ventriloquism), as they seem to be adept at this sort of thing. Art type isn't restricted to this, though

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, fin shreds, missing teeth, puffball spikes, and short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin

-Hatchling image guide courtesy of Dreepymom!
-Optional hatchling base


Enveloped-Mix.png93: Enveloped Mix: Goober + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Goober guide
Anatomy differences > The keke is overall somewhat less gooey than usual. The ears are long and rabbit-like, drooping slightly downwards. The head tuft and mane will actually look like rounded fluff instead of globs. Paws are regular shaped. In a line along the spine, but submerged in the goo, there are three diamond-shaped plates with two horizontal lines each. The baby sail has a large triangular notch somewhere on it. Belly scales are 'V' shaped
Color differences > Goo can be any color. Plates can be any color, but must all match and appear metallic
Baby stuff > Baby sail (belly or accent color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches chosen belly color. Goes a max of halfway up arms, muzzle, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "temperature" field. Note that Enveloped shifts always seem to be wet...

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Goober design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail and belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, oil layer, sail shreds, sharp things, short stature, slippery scales, waterfall mane, bedhead, blotches, and missing teeth

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, multitasker, and spook


Metallic-Mix.png94: Metallic Mix: Shiny + Charmed
Suggested by hyph0n!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Shiny guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be long and pointed with ribbed insides. In place of disks on the head, there will be one rectangular medallion in the center of the forehead with two horizontal lines across it. The bell will be sort of a 'V' shape like a Charm's baby fin
Color differences > The medallion, cheek pouches, paw pads, belly scales, mouth, and bell will all be the same color. This can be any color, but all must match and appear shiny and metallic
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. Metallic keke's shifts always seem to be made up of some kind of metal...even if it's an animal or something!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Shiny design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "hoard type" and/or an "art type" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, bell cluster, and glamorous hair

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


UFO-Mix.png95: UFO Mix: Plumie + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Charmed guide
Anatomy differences > Remove the medallion and the usual plates. The ears will be tipped with feathers and the mane made up of feathers as well. Tail will have a feather tip like a Plumie. Cheek pouches will be regular. Add two wings on the back like a Plumie's arms. These will have one plate on each wrist joint (plates look as they usually do). Wings will grow at the regular rate for Plumies
Color differences > Accent color will not be metallic by default. It can optionally go on the tips of the ears and tail feathers. Plates will be their own metallic color, which can be anything as long as both plates match
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. No matter what it is, a UFO's shift is able to fly. Even if it's a chair or something! This earned them their name

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Plumie design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, dorsal feathers, downy plumage, fan tail, feather crest, keratin formations, and talons

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, roostling, cygnest, and broodlett


Spiny-Mix.png96: Spiny Mix: Fawnette + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Fawnette guide
Anatomy differences > The ears are longer than usual. Cheek pouches have two vertical lines across them each. Cloven hooves will have 3 toes instead of 2. The baby quills will all have a diamond-shaped base like a Charm's plates with their baby quills growing out of them
Color differences > The cheek pouches, baby quills, and baby fin will be metallic. They can be any color, but must all be the same color. The base and belly color aren't restricted to natural colors, but the belly color must be lighter than the base still
Baby stuff > Baby quills (grow out of back plates) and baby fin. The fin has a notch in it like a Charm's and should match the metal color
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This mix can be warm or cold-blooded. No mater what they shift into, a Spiny Mix's shift will be somewhat pokey - handle with care!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Charmed design rules or the Fawnette design rules
Matures out of > Nothing! Both the baby quills and baby fin will remain. The baby fin will start to get a little stiff sort of like a plank of wood
Description form > Can still participate in the Rite of Passage and earn a band. "Art type" field is optional

🌿 Youth:
This mix skips the youth stage!

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Common, regal, joey, fae, reach, and goblin
Matures into > The baby fin becomes the adult's tail blade, being very sharp all around
Misc > Can still participate in Feats and earn a hair style


Skibble-Mix.png97: Skibble Mix: Subterfewege + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Subterfewege guide, but follow the youth stage's anatomy instead of the hatchling phase
Anatomy differences > The ears will be very long. Besides the head tuft and mane, the entire head and neck will be clear of wool. The keke will have vauge cheek pouch shapes like a hairless Ewe and these remain the skin color. The paws and naga tail remain covered in wool. There are three triangular plates on the back and one on the forehead. Each plate has two horizontal lines across it. The keke has two eyes as a regular would. There is no belly mouth
Color differences > The skin can be any color. Cheek pouches remain the skin color. Plates can be any color, but must all match and appear metallic. Eyes can be any color, but must match
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "shift" field. Skibble mixes seem totally unable to turn into anything that isn't at least a little bit fluffy

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Ewe design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or an "sweet or spicy" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, arm puffs, and drip wool

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Murrine-Mix.png98: Murrine Mix: Pterrur + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Pterrur guide
Anatomy differences > Instead of a head crest, the keke will have a diamond-shaped metallic plate on the forehead. This plate grows into a pointed horn of any size with two horizontal lines across it. The wings have two large, diamond-shaped plates each, all having two horizontal lines across them. The baby fin has a triangular notch out of it's tip
Color differences > All of the plates can be any color, but must all be the same color and appear metallic. This mix is not restricted to browns, so the base and membrane colors can be anything
Baby stuff > Baby fin (accent, belly color, or membrane color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color. Goes a max. of halfway up the arms, muzzle, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This mix is cold-blooded by default. A Murrine's shift has the strange ability to be way louder than it should be no matter what it is...

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Charmed design rules
Matures out of > Baby fin and belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fin shreds, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, boomnana crest, fork crest and tower crest

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Saur, saurus, and saurling


Windchime-Mix.png99: Windchime Mix: Superior + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Soup guide
Anatomy differences > The keke will have small, ribbed bunny ears. Instead of fluff, they'll have a thin plate of metallic marterial on the head, neck, and tail tip where the head tuft, mane, and tail tuft should be
Color differences > The metal strips can be any color, but must all be the same color and metallic looking
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This Mix seems to be able to shift into whatever the heck it wants (provided it still follows the size rules), but they tend to avoid things that don't have their beautiful hair or are ugly or gross. Hatchlings seem to be unable to change into much, but gain this ability as their hair grows in

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Soup design rules
Matures out of > Can optionally mature out of belly color tingeing
Matures into > As they grow, the hair will begin to form on the metal strips. This takes the form of many diamond-shaped plates like a Charm's. Each can have two horizontal lines, but it's optional. The bunny ears will also grow as they age
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, and short stature

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Spectacle-Mix.png100: Spectacle Mix: Wyrm + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Wyrm guide
Anatomy differences > The mane will be regular keke length. Eyes are replaced with diamond-shaped plates with two horizontal lines across each. The keke can still see through these and eye upgrades can be applied to them. There's on identical plate in the center of the back as well. The tail tip has a triangular notch out of the end of it
Color differences > All plates can be any color, but must match and appear metallic
Baby stuff > Baby fin (accent or belly color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color. Goes a max. of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. Spectacles' shifts tend to be smaller than they should...? Despite the fact that they should be able to be as large as the keke themselves, shifts often end up being tinier than the max size

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Wyrm design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, sticky arms, and mini munchkin
Matures into > At the youth stage, the keke will sprout a small set of second arms which grow at the regular rate for Wyrms. These arms appear to be made up of the same material as the plates and will match them in color. They may optionally have two horizontal lines across them

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Goblin, pod, and minskin


Bafflemint-Mix.png101: Bafflemint Mix: Spiced + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Spiced guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be made up of three rounded notches with the uppermost notch being rabbit-like ears. The cheek pouches will have a horizontal line across them that ends in a little swirl. The belly scales will be downward facing triangles. Add a diamond-shaped plate on the head with a swirl on it somewhere. Also add a diamond-shaped tail tip that has a swirl on it somewhere. The paw pads will be like those of a regular keke
Color differences > The cheek pouches, plate, blood, paw pads, and tail tip will all be the same color as well as metallic. These will be two colors, which can be blended together with a gradient and/or swirled together
Baby stuff > Optional drizzle points (one of the accent colors)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This mix has the option of being toasty-blooded. Bafflemint shifts seem to be super hard. Like seriously, are they invulnerable or what...?!

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Spiced design rules or the Charmed design rules
Matures out of > Drizzle points
Description form > Since both Spices and Charms have a color method A and B, please include which A or B you're using (ie Color method: Spiced B)

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, short stature, candy fangs, cookie mane, drizzle points, frosted fluff, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Magician-s-Mix.png102: Magician's Mix: Cece + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Cece guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be half-flop and rabbit-like. Both the mane and head tuft will be straight instead of curled. The cheek pouches will be diamond-shaped. The tail tip curls on itself very sharply. Has a medallion that follows the Charmed rules. Doesn't have any drizzle. The belly scales are smooth except for two horizontal lines across them
Color differences > The medallion and belly scales can be any color, but must match and look metallic
Baby stuff > None
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This mix is able to invert the colors of its shift on command! Flashing this back and forth rapidly can be quite effective in scaring off problems

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Cece design rules
Matures out of > N/A
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, arrowhead pouch, candy fangs, and sprinkles

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, goblin, layered, and overflow


Boggle-Mix.png103: Boggle Mix: Exoskeletal + Charmed

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Charmed guide
Anatomy differences > Add a second set of bunny-like ears below the first set. Add a small, secondary set of diamond-shaped eyes before the first. The cheek pouches shouldn't have any lines through them. Remove all plates. Add a set of cheek pouch bands on the wrists. A medallion will hang from each of these bands. There is no medallion on the body otherwise. The belly scales are split into two segments. The upper set ends in a downward point and the lower set begins in a 'V' shape. All belly scales are pointed and face downwards
Color differences > The keke will have a non-metallic accent color. This goes on the cheek pouches, wrist bands, paw pads, blood, and (optionally) the baby fin. The medallions can be any color, but must match and be metallic. The belly color can be white, one of the default blacks, or one of the two colored blacks available to Exos
Baby stuff > Baby fin (accent or belly color) and optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color. Goes a max. of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "blood type" field. This mix is cold-blooded by default. For some reason, a Boggle mix's shift will always have at least one more set of legs than it should... If the shift wasn't supposed to have legs, well...it does now

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Charmed design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing and baby fin
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or an "bug quirk" field

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, fin shreds, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, boa, fake feelers, and sticky molt

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Keychain-Mix.png104: Keychain Mix: Zenith + Charmed
Partially based on a suggestion by Anhelisk!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the regular guide (for simplicity's sake)
Anatomy differences > The ears will be long and rabbit-like with furless insides, but a fuzzy outer edge. The cheek pouches will have a diamond-shaped hole in the center and have fluff towards the edge. Belly scales will be sprial-shaped. Tail tip will end in a puff of fur. Back will have three diamond-shaped fuzzy patches. The keke will have a charm attached to them in a way that follows the Charm rules. This charm will somehow reflect the animal of their chosen breed. Keke don't know what these animals are, but they sure are funky!
Color differences > The patches on the back will match the accent color. The charm can be any color
Baby stuff > Optional belly color tingeing (matches belly color. Goes a max. of halfway up the muzzle, arms, and/or tail tip)
Description form > Include a "shift", "breed", and "blood type" field. A Keychain's shift tends to steal traits from their Zenith breed! For example, an elegance breed with a shift of a bush might have a fluffy bunny tail

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Zen design rules
Matures out of > Belly color tingeing
Description form > No change

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, color points, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, draconic horns, eye plating, glimmering accents, and shimmer horns

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin


Vendosaur-Mix.png105: Vendosaur Mix: Jellied + Charmed
Suggested by Anhelisk!

🌿 Hatchling:
Creation > Follow the Jellied guide
Anatomy differences > The ears will be long rabbit ears with pointed ends and ribbed insides. Instead of having a food inside the jelly, it will be any item! The item can be whole or in peices. Can float in the jelly around the ears, shoulders, paws, cheeks, and/or tail tip. Must be in at least one place. The paw pads will also be the item type
Color differences > The item can be its correct colors. Belly colors can only be white or one of the default blacks
Baby stuff > Baby sail (accent or belly color)
Description form > Include a "shift" and a "temperature" field. A Vender's shift tends to take on some quality of the items inside their jelly. For example, the keke above with paintbrushes in their jelly might be able to turn into Whinoodle, but instead of wool, it would have bristles

🌿 Young:
Design > Follow the Gel design rules
Matures out of > Baby sail
Description form > Include a "art type" and/or an "sour or bitter" field (though it's not recommended a Vender offer anybody their jelly because it's...probably super gross)

🌿 Youth:
Usable youth upgrades > Bedhead, blotches, chubby, drowsiness, growth spurt, missing teeth, puffball spikes, short stature, purée, sail shreds, slippery scales, and waterfall mane

🌿 Adult:
Default morphs > Joey, fae, reach, and goblin