I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!


Swissy 2, 8, and 17 for Sun!


Prefer anyone from here OR from here



Oh! how about 2,6, 11, 15, and 20 for Alina?

Anyone in here or in here please c:


11. Bad or petty habits

Jacob is a walking mix of bad habits all meshed up together, bottling up or canalizing trough unhealthy means the emotions he feels uncomfortable facing is the most glaring one and the one that affects him the most too, it's one of those things that everyone else notices except for him apparently, like some days he appears to be extra irritable and the other members of the band just know it's going to be a long day, other things like overworking without taking any breaks and not sleeping come from a similar place really.

12. Grudges and vendettas

He doesn't hold grudges for too long, if it's not something that benefits him or the band then he simply shoves it to the back of his mind, other than that, the rivalry he had with Noah comes from a deeply, deeply petty place that boils down to imagining power dynamics in every single interaction he has (another bad habit of his), so when Noah criticized him, Jacob assumed it had something to do with Noah being better than him and it's one of the reasons he treated him particularly bad to which Noah reacted by being even more aggressive towards him and it made both of them hate the other's guts.

16. Dark secrets or skeletons in the close

After his mother and him moved he never contacted his old teacher ever again, he kept the letters he sent him, most of them unopened but didn't have the heart to write back and it's one of the things he still feels guilty about.

Astabelle Ulsie SapphireBatWings

coypuppy For Jacob: 11, 12, & 16

For IC and/or Astabelle (trying to develop her more).

2. Their emotional/moral weak spots

Her weight is a rather pressing issue; she used to be very skinny. That isn't the case anymore there was a period of time where she was very insecure about that. Her other very weak point is remembering how her voice used to sound vs what it sounds like presently. She uses EDM music to distort her voice so that the rasp isn't so noticeable. But she isn't very fond of her speaking voice.

9. Humiliating memories

The first was the night that she irreparably damaged her voice being as it happened on stage. Before that though, she had something of a wardrobe issue. As mentioned, Astabelle used to be very skinny. The first time she tried on a dress that didn't fit was a very embarrassing/awkward moment for her because she was in the company of her costume and makeup artists. It was pretty awkward for them too because they didn't want to make things worse.

18. Things they’ll never admit

Astabelle is a very confident woman generally. She doesn't like to admit that she had even a period of doubt and insecurity. She also doesn't like to admit that sometimes those insecurities are still there. 

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

She's actually more of the influencer than the influenced lol. Most of her influences are pretty vague; a collection of other musicians. 

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Azar Mazatl23

Kawaiimarshmallowkit maybe 1, 18, 16 and 10?

Murasaki Ume (梅 紫) kabuto


5, 6, 12, and 21?

2. Their emotional/moral weak spots

Murasaki can easily be convinced to go along with bad/morally dubious acts due to peer/administrative pressures.

6. Their vices (physical or emotional)

Girls and social acceptance.

13. What gets them flustered

He has an awful time in math classes.

18. Things they’ll never admit

He wishes he could experiment more with gender non-conformity.

Amber hedgemaze

dethklok 2, 6, 13, 18?

Amber: Woof, you've given me kind of a tough one with Amber, because a lot of these involve plot points I don't want to say too much about before they're revealed in my comic.

10. Fears/phobias - Amber's terrified of losing people that she loves, to the point that she tends to push herself away from the people who care about her to soften the potential future blow.

17. Regrets - Her biggest regret is that she couldn't prevent the death of an important person in her life. Realistically there was nothing she could have done, but wracked with survivor's guilt, she tortures herself with what-ifs.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines - I want to give this a different answer than 17 or 21, so: if she'd never met Jill, her life would have been very different.

21. Turning points in their life - The biggest one is probably when Amber and Jill find out about Catband and Jill insists they sign up for the contest. If not for that, they would have gone on just working in the music shop, and Amber would have kept her musical talents to the privacy of her bedroom.

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly - Besides the aforementioned deceased, her father has always been important to her, and her best friend Jill, whom she's grown up with, and by whose side the two of them have grown into the women they are now.

Theo: (profile)

5. Guilty pleasures - There's a lot I could say here, but he's tricky because he's not the sort to feel much guilt about things he loves. Janky JRPGs from the '90s, maybe, and their handsome bishounen protagonists.

10. Fears/phobias - The man's not scared at all of climbing a bridge or running from the cops, but what keeps him up at night is worrying where his art career's going, if what he's making matters, if any of it's even worth it. As breezy and fun-loving as he seems, he also wants his art and his life to have a purpose and to have a positive impact on the world.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines - Like Amber, the obvious one is probably if his family had never moved to New York, and if he'd never met Ira.

21. Turning points in their life - Probably when he and Ira started getting into urban exploration when they were teenagers, when they joined up with Luke, and now, when they become, so to say, wanted men.

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly - Besides other artists who've inspired him, his parents, especially his mom, who has always been very supportive of him-- and, of course, Ira.

Thanks for the questions!

Robin Delgado PixelatedButterfly


I Picked Amber and Theo

For Theo-5,  21, 20, 22 and 10

For Amber-17, 22, 10, 21 and 20


Edit: Ooh some really good questions, I will answer them 

10. Fears and Phobias:  Robin is afraid of snakes due to a close death experience during her childhood days. She's also afraid of lizards,. she finds them pretty creepy, stating that their eyes seem unnatural to her and also mirrors. She fears that one day her soul could be trapped in a glass prison and steers clear away from any reflective surface.

16.  Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’. Robin defiantly has some dark secrets of her own, one I will have to list for her is working for someone that was a bad influence on her

17. Regrets- Defiantly regretting harming a dear friend of hers during a dark time that I won't go into to prevent story spoilers.

18, Things she will never admit- What she will never admit is some of the choices she made both alive and in death. It plagues her greatly. She will also never admit to petty theft back in her early teens.


Thank you for the choices, if I think of more I will edit again

 Allister confusedthing


For Robin Delgado: 10, 16, 17, 18 

10. Fears/phobias

He would never admit to having any fears or phobias, but he "doesn't like" the thought of being on sea. The depths of the ocean make him uncomfortable, or rather the thought of what might be lurking underneath that seemingly peaceful surface. He tends to avoid any larger, deeper body of water because of that. (Thalassophobia)

12. Grudges and vendettas

Allister is, while grumpy, a pretty peaceful individual and is not one for Vendettas. However, he can hold grudges for ages if something really, really ticks him off. He specifically dislikes Riuji because that guy once thought doing his job in Allister's shop would be a great idea, kind of wreaking havoc in the process.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines

I don't really have any, but for the sake of this game: in a world without magic he would work in some office, maybe a call centre, maybe as an accountant, probably (eventually) dying of a heart attack because he basically is fueled by coffee. He'd be a lot grumpier and completely isolate himself. 


For allister... 10, 12, 20


[FFVII] Reign kabuto


1, 6, 8, and 15 for Jaime?

3. Scars or painful spots

Reign tends to heal from most of his fights fairly well, 

11. Bad or petty habits

Bites his fingernails. 

16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’

Hmm...not a dark secret per se, but he doesn't really like to talk about his childhood, mostly because it's sad/embarrassing and he's not looking for a pity party nor is he looking to get made fun of. 

He also doesn't like talking about his time in SOLDIER too much, traumatic yadda yadda. That's a little more dark. 

His sexuality isn't a BIG secret, nor is it particularly dark, but he mostly fears other people's reactions to it, which is why only a few close friends of him really get to know it. 

Lastly, I would say is feeling guilty about how much he picks on Cloud when they're still getting to know each other- growing up, everyone seemingly told him that BS about if you get picked on by someone it means they really like you, and not really having anyone around to model what romantic love is for him, and especially not gay romantic love, he just...sorta imprinted on that. And sure, he's grown up feeling physically attracted to guys ever since he could comprehend what those feelings really meant, but falling actually in love in love with another guy? A completely new and sorta scary thing for him to go through. Again, not super dark but it's a big emotional dump.

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

The Sephiroth and in general SOLDIER propaganda was a big influence to him wanting to join Shinra in his youth. 

His mom as well, he grew up seeing her struggles as a single mom and now in adulthood often thinks about her, what she'd do if she were in certain predicaments or situations.

His former babysitter Vox too, in a way, mostly by her deciding to up and leave their hometown. Being a lonely bullied kid, he didn't have too many friends so Vox was a nice constant to have in his childhood while his mother worked. When she left, he was pretty bummed about it but understood exactly why she wanted to leave that hellhole.

Isak Holt dandikix

dethklok i wanna ask 3,11,16 and 22 

Fracture Amorset Semety


6, 12, 16, 17 for Saatlit?


2 - emotional/moral weak points - Frac is ruled by impulse to the point that it can be detrimental to his health. Other than pit fighter, which is not viable out of Hell, he would have trouble keeping a job. He spends whatever money he makes, which is mostly change, on energy drinks or alcohol. He talks way too openly about things he shouldn't. All action, no thought. 

10 - Fears/Phobias - being helpless, trapped, taken advantage of again. He's afraid of being the pretty little thing he appears to be.

14 - Habits - He rushes everywhere, always half-running, except on the days where he's exhausted from needing to feed and being too picky about it. He also collects small rocks to throw at small animals for fun, and usually has a couple in his pocket.

22 - He hasn't been majorly influenced by many people. Too easily distracted and usually ignores advice. The one who raised him probably influenced him somewhat, but it was more giving him the opportunity to be vicious than creating a fighter. Sazz inspired him, but then disappeared for a century. And his mother indirectly influenced him, though he never met her, most of his looks, some abilities, and his bloodthirstyness are inherited traits.

 Coraline confusedthing

Semety 2, 10, 14 and 22 for Frac?

5. Guilty pleasures

Does the ability to eat peanut butter straight from the jar count? She doesn't really live in a world with a lot of access to TV shows and stuff, but she would probably binge cooking shows if she could.

11. Bad or petty habits

She is not very petty, although the spiteful motivation of "you told me not to now watch me" is a thing for her. :"D A bad habit of hers is turning most struggles inwards and having a hard time accepting help from other people.

15. What it takes to make them cry

Not much tbh, she does not have a lot of confidence, so someone questioning her abilities/telling her she is bad at her job is usually enough. She also carries around a lot of stuff that causes random breakdowns.

21. Turning points in their life

She had some for the worse but for better definitely when she met her husband! He is very supportive of her and has been basically since they met. For the first time in her life she would actually say she is happy, so that is a huge thing for her. (I could go on about them for hours but I am just going to cut it short and leave it at that. ;v; )

King Azrael "Jobi" Shadowzim777


For Coraline 

How about 5, 11, 15 and 21?


2. Their emotional/moral weak spots: King Azrael tends not to think about his past life with his mother. It's a rather sore spot. He tends to go rather crazy with rage when his past is brought up. Life of Poverty or watching his mother die in front of him.

7. Their tickle spots: I would say the torso with a light feather.

11. Bad or petty habits: Pretty much everything he does is a bad habit, insulting others, killing, inprisoning or feeding innocent people to his crocodile pit. But he also tends to talk to himself a lot even when people are around him.

15. What it takes to make them cry: His mother. Always his mother. The last moments with his mother will make him cry.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines: I'm thinking a What-If situation might have Jobi be a farmer. Someone willing to help others in need while he tends to his farm life.