What is the person above's trademark?

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by circlejourney

(Related threads: What are your trademark character archetypes, What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?, ☀️ Say something nice about above user's art)

I often find that a lot of people have themes and signature elements across all their creations that make them identifiable as theirs. There are a few threads around where we get to talk about our own trademarks, but I think it'd also be cool to find out what makes your creations unique and recognisable to other people. You might even learn something you never noticed about your own work!

How to participate: Look through the person above's OCs and works, and tell them what you think their trademark is. How can you always tell that an OC/art/writing was created by them? What stands out about their work that makes it recognisable as theirs, and no one else's?

  • Themes and tropes that they're fond of?
  • Personality types and physical traits that a lot of their OCs share?
  • A recognisable art style?

More detail is always appreciated. You can talk about designs, art style, writing style, and even all of those at once!


  • Focus on OC profiles, art, literature and designs. Less focus on details that haven't got much to do with their creative work, e.g. their online identity, icon, profile themes (unless they made them themselves), and posting habits.
  • You can still mention these, of course—just say something about the user's creations first.
  • This is a compliment thread so please be kind and don't take this as an opportunity to diss people!

First comment is a free space!


ok ur trademark is definitely ur icon as no matter how many times u change it or what u change it to - it's always the same blue haired girl (idk who she is tho rip 😅) but i see her and it's like 'oh! that's that user again!'

character wise ur trademark is how a decent chunk of ur characters are all these cute, small, fantasy looking creatures (like nef and kana)! i've never seen anything quite like them in the year+ i've been on this site and they're all really unique :D

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Wonderland I would say your trademark art traits are-

  • Sketchy lining/A lot of lines
  • Realistic aspect ratios
  • Flat coloring with close color shading!
I definitley find your icon the most "trademark" thing about you because I recognize it everywhere. As for characters, I'm seeing a lot of elves and fantasy inspired OCs.
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Your trademarks are...

- Cute and quirky artstyle

- Smooth color choices

- Semi-thin/thick lines for your art

- Most of your characters are in casual wear.

- Most of your characters also have a slightly dark skin tone.

That's all I have to list.

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A lot of your characters tend to be realistic, either bio-wise or design-wise! The outliers tend to be really quirky in a fun way, but all of your characters stand out from one another. Most of your characters also have a decent amount of development, even the ones with "minor profiles" and such! All of them just seem like people I could meet in the real world, so to speak. I noticed most of them don't deal with "sensitive" topics, but the ones that do deal with them in a really respectful way. Your style is also quite realistic in terms of proportions but the eyes are quite cartoony; your art style is one I definitely love seeing around! 

If I could sum it up, I'd definitely say well-developed realistic characters with a lovely art style!


I'm seeing some dramatic supernatural/celestial character themes going on here for sure. definitely a good number of humanoids, and there seems to be a biased as to the number of females

your art style is definitely pretty distinctive - it looks kinda cute with those big eyes, and it reminds me almost of anime, especially with how the lines overlap


Architeuthid You seem to use flat colors with quiet cell shading, which would be your main trademark. You also tend to use colors outside of black for your lining.


(sorry for going again aaa, thread was stuck for 20 hours)

Your art style seems to be a lot more on the realistic side, so it's naturally one of the things that stands out to me; the pencil-like lineart and the cel-like shading also stood out to me as well. That aside, I noticed that you tend to write very detailed character bios as well, and one thing that stood out to me was how they went into things like speech habits and even the characters' mental and emotional health. I usually don't see character bios go that in-depth, so it does stand out to me a lot. You also seem to not be afraid of using heavy topics, but you use them in ways that are respectful!

All in all I'd say your trademark is realistic and detailed characters along with a realistic art style as well.

- — —

OOF LATE EDIT BUT,, thank you so much dude aaa...


I'd imagine other people have also said this, but most definitely feathery wings! A lot of your characters are angels/angel inspired so I guess that explains it pretty well, and I honestly think it's a really rad trademark to have! Likewise I think glasses are probably your other design related trademark; even though most of your characters don't have them, you still have quite a lot of glasses wearers & I have perhaps learned to know the glasses ones the best? Clothes with multiple, detailed layers to them too

Art and story wise I think gods and immortality are the things I know you by, as well as the concept of pain and suffering. A lot of your characters I have interacted with are immortal or very long-living species, and their stories often deal with grief, loss and trauma of sort that they're trying to cope with or overcome. Maybe it's because of the names but a lot of your creations give me ancient Roman vibes, especially with how a lot of them revolve around was and battles the Romans were quite known for compared to their Greek predecessors. In art style I think large eyes with sharp eyelashes on the sides are your trademark, same for how a lot of your designs use very cube-like shapes if that makes sense? It's very unique and shows especially in the way you stylize the legs, and I think it's really neat!! 


Definitely your art style! I believe most of your characters' profile  art is made by you, and it looks really good and recognizable. I don't  know why, but i get a really soft vibe from you, the pastel and light  colors you use in your designs and layouts, the overall calm look of  your account always makes me think of you like a very soft erson when i  see you around, so, maybe, softness?

Also, to me, story/design  wise, something that really stands out is how most characters look like  normal people from outside, until you get to read their profiles or  simply look at their galleries. All of them have different features that  make them stand out in their own way.


The thing that stands out to me the most about you hnai is the sharp style I see in your character art! It's very crisp and I like the feel of it. Your trademark seems to be bold characters. They have colorful designs but most of them aren't too cute-on-purpose. Sorry if this is short, I'm not very good at explaining myself ;v;


edit: posted twice. internet is annoying

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