What is the person above's trademark?

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by circlejourney

(Related threads: What are your trademark character archetypes, What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?, ☀️ Say something nice about above user's art)

I often find that a lot of people have themes and signature elements across all their creations that make them identifiable as theirs. There are a few threads around where we get to talk about our own trademarks, but I think it'd also be cool to find out what makes your creations unique and recognisable to other people. You might even learn something you never noticed about your own work!

How to participate: Look through the person above's OCs and works, and tell them what you think their trademark is. How can you always tell that an OC/art/writing was created by them? What stands out about their work that makes it recognisable as theirs, and no one else's?

  • Themes and tropes that they're fond of?
  • Personality types and physical traits that a lot of their OCs share?
  • A recognisable art style?

More detail is always appreciated. You can talk about designs, art style, writing style, and even all of those at once!


  • Focus on OC profiles, art, literature and designs. Less focus on details that haven't got much to do with their creative work, e.g. their online identity, icon, profile themes (unless they made them themselves), and posting habits.
  • You can still mention these, of course—just say something about the user's creations first.
  • This is a compliment thread so please be kind and don't take this as an opportunity to diss people!

First comment is a free space!


Definitely your super expressive style! I really like how all the characters have very "intense" facial expressions perhaps thanks to their large eyes, as they all look distinctively different from each other & your style in general is very unique and really easy to recognize! Also, perhaps because of the first characters of yours I interacted with, I have really learned to associate vampires as your trademark, even though you really seem to have 6 of them out of a big cast of characters. 

In addition, whimsical and unique character descriptions! They all seem so exciting and interesting and you have such a great way of also presenting them almost like they were a cast in a cartoon show! 


I always adore your art! Gosh it's so darn good >:^(!!!

Your thin smooth and well-weighted line art is definitely one of your art trademarks. I love (I'm going to say that a lot bare with me), the subtitle earthly tones you gave your line art most of the time.

Speaking of earthy tones, that's another trademark! Your soft way of color picking and color matching ugh its just so good 👌👌

Your way of drawing hair is another trademark, yet again combined with the previously mentioned trademarks (the thin line art and the amazing coloring) really gives the hair of the shape of your character and is a natural way of drawing hair!?

Your characters in general, they are all so well designed and gosh darn their eyes!? The way you draw eyes is the uniques way of drawing them that I saw in a long time! 


this is kinda a short answer but honestly i reckon ur trademark is mustaches

like some of ur OCs have got those fancy lookin mustaches and so does the guy in ur icon and i don't think i've ever really come across any other user who has those kinds of mustaches on their characters

also speaking of 'the guy in ur icon', if trademarks can be characters he's definitely urs


a SUPER DISTINCT style of ART and WRITING, i am super in LOVE with the bios of your CHARACTERS.

I think all of your characters have interesting personalities, and I think one of your trademarks is how you explore traits that many would consider “unwanted” or “weird”. You somehow make them all lovable!


Your characters have palettes that are either pastel colors or nice and contrasting colors. All of them also appear to be designed in the fashion of eastern culture, as well as most of them appearing to be wearing eastern clothing.


I'd say your lovable art style! It looks like it jumped straight out of a fun video game, and the colors used are so nice! (sorry for taking so long! it must not have posted originally)


In terms of art, I could definitely recognise your work from the crisp lines, the frequent use of (probably) MS Paint, and how they look sketchy yet clean.

You have a lot of unique creatures—some of them are more recognisable species, but others, like Cowberry, are not like anything I've ever seen before. Lots of unusual heads, crests, horns and ears, and I'm also noticing you have a fondness for robot OCs with screens/LED displays (?) for faces.

They're just the right balance of bizarre and lovable, and hyperactivity + jumpiness seem to also be a common thread in a lot of them, which matches their bright colour schemes!

That's really accurate! (and thank you for the compliments, you are so nice) I didn't think anyone would ever remark on the uncluttered designs, because it's really true--the reason is simply that I haven't got the attention span for detail (both drawing and memorising) and I tend to reserve it just to the hair.


I totally understand that! I have a short attention span as well. But honestly, your style is so pretty and I think it works really well with the characters. uvu

I feel as if, with designs, you are very much into either regular humans, or fantasy type of designs. You tend to lean more towards natural tones, even if you dabble in some more out there colors.

You do not like very cluttered designs, and that is also represented in your art! Your art is very clean (and gorgeous may I add!) I can tell that you put in hours of work just so it turns out the way you want it to be.

All in all, very clean cut is what I notice! Also, extremely high quality!

HAHA I feel as if that is extremely accurate! Great observation skills!!!!

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from ur art:

  • facial structures! the way you draw faces is p unique :^)
  • lots of sketchy stuff :0
  • muted/earthy color palettes/bright n saturated colors sometimes
  • you color in a painterly style a lot!

from ur writing/characters:

  • some sensitive/edgy topics
  • fantasy/sci-fi elements for otherwise "normal" characters (i saw this w/ dorothy and rose :0)
hope this is ok :^0
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From your art-

  • Thin lineart
  • Oblong face shapes
  • 'Pointy' character shaping
  • Feeling of overall "brightness"

I have really learned to see the colours black and blue (especially dark blue) as your trademark: they're colors that often pop up in your own designs, and coincidentally your profile page also features these colors right now! I also feel like this certain kind of scifi vibe in your own designs is another trademark of yours, even when I they're not necessarily in a scifi setting? Maybe futuristic would be a better word? In your digital art I think crayon-ish lineart is your trademark, and in both traditional and digital dark colours often mixed with gray! 

I admit I'm not super familiar with all your OCs by any means and I could be wrong too, but from the ones I have read profiles of etc I feel like science often plays a role in the characters lives, whether because they work on them or something has been done to them, and I'd consider that a trademark as well!

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Hello, I don't really know you very well, but your art is really good!

For your artstyle, it's really distinct, and it reminds me of an indie game. You use a variety of colors for your characters, which makes them stand out pretty well. Also, your character tend to have a lot of personality coming from their overall design, and seem to have different roles.