Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q137. You're throwing a party, and you can invite 5 of your OCs. Who do you pick and why?
Arthur may be one of my favourite character and probably a guy I could befriend, but I would probably not invite him to my party, because I know he would be dead drunk at about half of the party, and would just be annoying as fuck. If I had to pick five, it would be the following (not counting myself or my soulmate as characters) :
- Eden, because I am sure we could be friends, and he is never drunk.
- Amadeus, because he needs friends, and is so adorable.
- Kaoru, because I know he would not come :D
- Bleykasten, to spend the night talking about science ♥
- Wilfried, because it may be a way to learn to know him.
Or, if I can pick characters who do not have a TH profile (and will never have), I would totally pick Alexandre and Isaac ♥

Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?
When he was a teen, Wes had found a Pokemon nest. Assuming the parent had abandonned the eggs (the mom actually was just gone hunting), he took the eggs home and took care of them until they hatched. This is how Wes obtained three baby Eevees. He named them Amber, Ember and Umber, and they grew together. Ember was his favourite, his best friend, they were so close and loved each other so much. Until the little Eevee got killed. Wes would never forget.
(I am sorry I really do not know how to conjugate in English)

Amadeus grew in a very loving family. His mother and his father were loving and caring, his little sister was adorable, and uncles, aunts, cousins, grand-parents etc all formed a great, caring, helpful and loving family. Everything was all rainbows and candies, until the day his father was diagnosed with a cancer. Then, things went quick, his father's health decreased quickly. Amadeus could do nothing but look at his father's pain. He was praying everyday. They always have been the perfect christian family, going to the church every sunday, praying before every meal and before going to bed, showing kindness and generosity to everyone, being honest and trustful, then why would God inflict them such a pain? He sure would answer to Amadeus' prayers, would He? No, He did not. Amadeus' father died, and the kid never forgave to God.

Alastyn lived only for his father and his brother. Nothing else on Earth had any importance. It was just them.
The kid's mother left when they were very young (Alastyn was 5, Aksel was 3) and never talked to them anymore, but the kid did not care that much. They were too young to really mind. They grew up with their father (and a little help of their uncle) and it was way enough to them. They were living in a small village in Norway, in a rural area. They soon started how to fish, to follow their dad on the sea. Their life was simple, but they were happy. They were a really loving family, and they needed no one else. The kids never bothered to make friends, as no one could be as interesting as their sibling and their father. They were living in a kind of autarky, not minding for the world.
Someday, Alastyn felt sick. It was just a very bad flu, not something to kill him, but still strong enough for him to have to stay in bed. But they still had to get some fishes, then his father and his brother went fishing without him. The sky was dark this day. Alastyn heard the rain and the thunder, but he trusted his father's sailing abilities. They would be home pretty sure with plenty of fish for the dinner and to sell to the local market. He just had to wait for them.
He waited. He is still waiting. He would ever wait.
Everyday, he went to the pontoon to watch over the sea, waiting for the little boat to come back. Maybe they were lost, or maybe there were not enough fishes so they are still looking. They will come back soon. He knows they will come back. Then, everyday, he come back and sit on the pontoon, waiting quietly for his father and his brother to come back. They will come back, for sure.
It have been monthes, Alastyn is skinny and weak. He does not talk anymore, he forgot how to smile, he forgot how to care about anything else than "them". His life is just waiting, everyday, for them to come back. He have been told they will never come back, but he knows they will. There is no other option. They are somewhere, fishing maybe, and they will be back to him. He will wait until they are back.

Cherinee lost his wife, but I do not know how yet. Probably some disease. Thus, Elijah being Cherinee's son, he lost his mother.

Mituns lost his sister. Their own mother killed her. Before cub Mituns' eyes. How to keep a normal relationship with your mother after having seen this ? He also lost his mother and aunts due to their age.

Murtagh and Namid both are orphans but they do not remember about their parents, then I am not sure if it counts ?

Q141. Which OC of yours has the biggest family?
Do we count uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc....? Well, I guess I will only count they ones they are close to, or at least the ones who are still alive ? I don't know. I do not think that much about their family beside the ones they are or were close to.
Like, Arthur has a brother, a dad and a mom, but he also have several aunts, uncles, cousins etc which I could not count because I really do not care at all about them. I just know he has family. Same for Amadeus. He has a big family, but beside his dad, mom and sister, I do not know them.
All of my lions have a somewhat big family, because, you know, animals... They breed a lot, most of the females got cubs every year or every two years, then it makes lots of cousins. But they are not really characters. The one who may count are Audren, Krolowa and Mituns because most members of their family have a name, a design, a background and a personality (but few of them have a TH profile, it would be too much). The "blue blood" family includes Audren, Krolowa, Weisen, Deus, Amede, Amadei, Wladca, Udzielny, Phileis, Sila, Wienczyc, Korona, Zasada, Nibieski and Rozowy. But many of them are dead at the "present times" (I kinda make stories at different eras of times for this family) so not sure if it counts....

Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?
Some of my characters changed (design and personality) but they are still kind of the same? Like, if I changed everything about them, they would be another character ?


Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?

No, but I should because I have a childhood one that would make a relatable children's book character.  Please excuse the name, but he goes by Soyo McFoyo.  His design is based off the illustration of the Honah Lee inhabitants in this version of Puff the Magic Dragon book that I cannot find online.  However, he's fatter and has a smaller head than them.  He also has huge eyes, a small nose, and a tiny mouth.  Both his hands and feet have 4 digits which are webbed.  He's also got some black, short, and ratty hair on his head.  When he is happy, he stretches to a taller and skinnier length and may turn from pale flesh tone to red. 

When I was a kid, his only character trait is that he loves to have fun, but always gets in trouble by his mother just like me.  Now, I may develop him more to help kids cope with the things that happen to him.  One thing I have in mind is to make him a middle child because they get this kind of shit all of the time (I know by experience).  I also want to mention the idea of being unique and not sell out to the norm unless it comes in as a natural passion.


Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?

Voodoo is the way he is because his owner, Annabelle died in a car wreck.  However, he never found out, so he wanders around looking for her. He went insane from loneliness and depression, and now he can barely feel any emotion other than joy.  

He's probably my most fleshed out, developed character.

  • Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?  - Maybe Gremlin? I know she can definitely talk a lot...
  • Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships? - Not currently. -u- I've got some characters crushing on others, and I do have some PLANNED couples but I haven't made them yet.
  • Q63. Which OC of yours is the most prone to illness? - Hmm, I dunno really. o: I don't have any particularly sickly characters...I could say Prim since she's around sick people a lot, but she's probably immune to more illnesses than any of my other characters at this point so...I dunno?
  • Q64. If your OCs were in a video game, what genre would it be? - ACTION ADVENTURE RPG, YAY! 'Cept Gidget and Flixit, I'd put them in a FPS with mechs.
  • Q65. Which OC of yours does the most reading? - Probably Barley, since she has so much time to kill?
  • Q66. Which OC of yours has the best sense of direction? The worst? - I'm gonna say Asbel has the best, Westie has the worst. West because he's just generally unlucky, so...
  • Q67. Do you have any OCs that are morning people? How about night owls? - Alba and Swissle are both early birds (pun sort of intended) and Warin, Owen and Stealer are probably all night owls. Or rather, Warin would be if his work permitted, but he's gotta be up pretty early as the princess he guards is.
  • Q68. Which OC of yours has the strongest sense of justice? - Evren! He's a royal guard, definitely in it to help people more than for the pay, haha.
  • Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most? - In a modern AU I always figured Eris would be the meme queen.
  • Q71. Which OC of yours would want to pilot a giant robot the most? - Throwback to their original story, Flixit and Gidget. xP
  • Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange? - Hmmm, Alba or Devi I think? Alba is a harpy so she's probably ate a few weird things before, and as a chef Devi would be happy to try something new!
  • Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death? - I think it'd be Warin, as he's dedicated his live to the princess. Even if that means dying in the process.
  • Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest? - Richest is Asbel, cause he's a prince. Poorest is Mushroom Kid cause HE LITERALLY HAS NO MONEY because he lives in the forest by himself..
  • Q75. Which OC of yours does the most eavesdropping? - Clancy has been known to accidentally hear conversations (maybe its the ears), but intentionally? Gidget.

5inthemorning guess who owes me some undying affections B)

Seiden Yeah, for that question you'd count even family members your OCs aren't close to, but not any that are currently dead. And for the last question, recycling sort of means like if you made an OC a long time ago, stopped using them or thinking about them for years, and then decided to reinvent and use them again someday rather than a character just sort of slowly changing over time.

ALRIGHT so uh i kind of... woke up at 6 pm today, so... here's... a question???

Qxx. Even if I can't get online until it's really late in the day, should I go ahead and ask a question anyway?

I've always kind of avoided asking questions if I can't get online before 5 PM my time (CDT) or so, with the motivation that if I asked a question late in the day people might not get around to it until the next day, at which point they'd end up with two questions to have to answer. However, in retrospect, I don't know if that's really that big of a deal, especially these days as people tend to prefer (or just kind of end up) posting answers in batches anyway (which is totally cool and fine, for the record!).

So, what do you guys think? Would you prefer I post a question every day regardless of time (unless it's beyond, like, 9 PM or something at which point I might as well wait until midnight anyway lol), should I exclusively post questions when I'm able to early enough in the day for everyone to be able to answer them that day, or are you totally indifferent either way?


I don't mind when the questions are posted really, I'd just answer them whenever I hop on. Totally don't mind answering more than one at a time or anything, so I'm cool with whatever! I say do what works best for you. Since it's really awesome of you to keep up with these questions for everyone else, I think you should also make it comfortable for yourself, so whichever schedule suits you best is what I'd say! c:

Izel Jamil Rumby

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

Izel Jamil ( I joined toyhouse and told my friends in SoK about it, so put this guy up first so he can jump into the world on Toyhouse.


I do not mind when the questions are posted, I cannot answer them everyday anyway, so, I'd say, just post them whenever you want to post them, and don't stress yourself about this. You don't have to post everday.

BTW yes I remembered about something for that question :

Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?

You know, when you are a kid in a car and you are bored, there is that man/animal/thing that runs after the car, jumping over obstacles? Many kids had this "game". Mine was a horse, an arabian stallion with a nice dark bay coat, running beside the scar and jumping over everything. And, like 15 years later, I decided to draw some pieces of this horse, give him a name, a story, etc.... And this is how Rayzekah El'Asad is born. No TH profile yet but he will have one soon, when I've written some things for him. I guess this count as recycling ?
There are several OCs I have not used for years, and then went back into them like 8 years later. I changed some things about them, most of them had their name changed because back ago, I was in my "yay japan" period and all of my characters had japanese names, which does not make sense anymore, and I changed some bits of their design and personality, but they still kind of are themselves.... Just.... a V2.1 of themselves ?

  • Q76. If your OCs were Pokemon, what types would they be? - I'm gonna pick three people for this, let's say Sylphia, Asbel and Miesale! Sylphia would be Fire/Dark, Asbel would be Ground(maybe ground/electric) and Mieslae would be Water/Grass!
  • Q77. Which of your OCs is the messiest? - I gotta pick three for this one also. Alba, Gremlin and Nightcrawler. Alba kinda just has too much stuff and doesn't care about where she puts it, Gremlin's house is really small so there's just kinda stuff laying around everywhere and Nightcrawler is just in general a disorganized person. P:
  • Q78. Which OC of yours likes animals the most? - Probably West! He works with them all the time~
  • Q79. Do you have any AUs for your OCs? - None that I really keep up with. I've got some random one-time-only ones that are just for roleplay purposes. o:
  • Q80. Are any of your OCs religious? - I don't really know cause I haven't thought much about religion in my world in general. ;v;
  • Q81. Which OC of yours does the most planning ahead? - Probably Miesale. o: As a pirate captain she's kinda gotta~
  • Q82. Which OC of yours is the biggest procrastinator? - Asbel, guilty as charged.
  • Q83. Which OC of yours is the most easily discouraged? - Maybe Fudge. He's fragile.
  • Q84. Have your OCs (or anyone else's) ever been in one of your dreams? - Umm...I don't recall, but probably??
  • Q85. Which OC of yours is the calmest in the face of danger or stress? - Warin, I'd say. He's encountered enough of it by now that he's well adjusted.
  • Q86. Which OC of yours is the luckiest? - I don't really know, but I'd like to say Devi, haha.
  • Q87. Which OC of yours is the unluckiest? - WEST for sure. Some people say his family is cursed, hawhaw.
  • Q88. What comes first when you create an OC? - Mmm, it really depends. I have lots of different ways of working on my OCs, so it just depends. o:
  • Q89. Do you have any specific voices imagined for your OCs? - Yesss, I do. I've even got a couple headcanon voice actors and such.
  • Q90. Which OC of yours is the worst person? - Hhh, I would probably say Kelpie, which pains me because I do love her still. I don't really have many "bad" characters honestly...

Thanks for all of the feedback, everyone! I'll just kinda keep doing what I'm doing but not worry too much if I miss a day or want to post a question late in the day. Anyway, happy National VCR Day!

Q143. Which OC of yours makes the most videos or otherwise does the most video recording?

If you don't have any OCs who make videos because they're not human, your settings don't have said technology, etc., who would probably do the most recording if they did?

Seems, no contest! It's sort of her job to record things, but even outside of that she likes making videos! She'll make fashion videos, Vines, all kinds of silly little videos of whatever... she doesn't like being away from a camera for long!

  • Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug? - Honestly, probably Owen because he just needs to feel appreciated.
  • Q92. How do your OCs handle alcohol? - Humm, I've never really thought about it before? I'll pick my two blue ponytail boys. I'd say Clancy couldn't handle it well, thus avoids it at all costs. Jules can probably drink anything and feel virtually no affect, though.
  • Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all? - They're kind of just...there? A lot of people use OCs differently, but the ones I really refer to as my OCs are kind of there for me to draw. Think of them as being character frozen in time, I guess? I sometimes RP them in one-time-only AUs though.
  • Q94. Do you have any OCs whose designs you just can't get down? - Definitely. Right now, Melete and Stealer are giving me some troubles. I'm just in general unhappy with Melete's colors but it seems to be deeper than that, and Stealer I just can't seem to draw at all. OTL
  • Q95. Which of your OCs get the most character development throughout their story? - Ummm...see I can't exactly answer this question. All of my OCs are being actively developed right now...and I don't know if that'll ever stop really? So I can't pick anyone for sure...
  • Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to? - Most likely Warin, or then...maybe Nightcrawler? One of those two.
  • Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent? - Fudge and Mushroom Kid are kind of both...equally there. I would say Kayci, but I don't have her on toyhouse atm.
  • Q98. How many OCs do you have in total? - Don't...ask me that, lol
  • Q99. Which OC of yours is the most like you? - Ugh, geez. I'm tempted to say Eris, but I'm defintely not like her in some waysss...
  • Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have? - My very first OC was a sonic character, Jake the Fox. Earliest that I still have, I'm pretty sure is Fudge. o:
  • Q101. Which of your OCs is the best liar? The worst liar? - Best liar would be Siren. Worst would be Fudge
  • Q102. Which OC has the longest hair? The shortest? (in proportion to their body) - Gidget probably has the longest, Barley the shortest?
  • Q104. Which OC of yours is the worst with names? - Maybe Gremlin.
  • Q105. Which OC of yours is the closest to nature? - Mushroom Kid and this lady.
  • Q106. Which OC of yours is the most willing to take risks? - I feel like I'm wrong on this but maybe Swissle? She's an adrenaline junkie, and goes gliding daily despite the risks.
  • Q107. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to hug a total stranger? - Hahah, Jules~
  • Q108. Have any of your OCs been through a natural disaster of some kind? - Natural disaster? Not that I'm aware of, presently.
  • Q109. Which OC of yours is the most prone to talking on and on about things? - Probably Primrose, haha.
  • Q110. Which OC of yours is the most appreciative of the fine arts? - Jules, I'd guess?