Cas' Memories

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
58 28653

Entry 23
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Explicit Violence

A love-starved dragon learns how to live again.

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She doesn’t like not knowing things.

Ash taken form into dragon-hunting monsters. A regenerating army supposedly lurking just out of sight, biding its time. A strange dragon, or what’s left of a dragon, with ties to the Grey. Like him.

I was destroyed by it long ago, but persisted, my tether to the Material Plane severed. And so I need a vessel…

And now there’s another. Another powerful being destroyed by the Grey, reincarnated. How many more will she meet…?

The golden necklace snaked through her paw cuts into her scales as she squeezes her eyes shut. Before a few months ago, she’d thought of it as nothing more than some strange disease. 

She didn’t care where it had come from or why. The world was full of senseless cruelties that existed for no reason at all. This was just another.

Now she knows that the ash can take form. That it must be vanquished, or else this will only get worse. That destroying the Grey is far bigger a task than she ever could have thought.

Slate’s already stretched out on the bed, somehow taking up all of it with a spray of limbs and wings. How can he sleep so peacefully? Despite having had others before her, so he’s mentioned, he had no idea either.

He doesn’t seem to have a clue what’s going on. She needs answers, but even her guide doesn’t have them.

Out the window, the polluted skies hang starless above the tall, intricate stonework. The moonlight is enough to set the polished necklace glimmering, but it’s an eerie shimmer, unnatural. Why didn’t you tell us any of this before?

From warning them about their mysterious new “ally” and whether he can be trusted, to even the simple fact that the Grey had an army,an army of monsters that can’t be slain by normal means. Why did she walk into this blind?

In the rare moments she allows herself to think of him, he never answers. He doesn’t break his silence now.

The necklace crumples in her paw, and she shoves it to the bottom of her bag. Leave her in the dark, then. Screw them all.