Cas' Memories

10 months, 30 days ago
10 months, 30 days ago
58 28653

Entry 51
Published 10 months, 30 days ago

Explicit Violence

A love-starved dragon learns how to live again.

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New Memories

Just another day. It’d never been important. Dragonets were destined to live long lives, and so even Cephi usually didn’t get that much more than an acknowledgement each year he grew older. Her, less than that.

On her own, it’d mattered less without easy ways to track time. It was just another year ticking forward. The last time she even noticed it was the day she ran away from home. Six years ago. Somehow.

Other dragons were different. She’d once been jealous, seeing her classmates with their parents openly doting and friends celebrating with them. It felt like something missing from her life.

But it could have easily passed by unnoticed as it always had.

It’s a weird feeling, celebrating a day like this. Someone caring enough to want to with her. It’s for Kadoren mostly, and it’s somewhat of a relief that the small commotion isn’t all for her. But still… It’s strange.

Not least because they’ve got bigger problems. There’s not much time left, and they don’t have hardly any direction. If they don’t stop this, then the world won’t last another year.

But all her friends are circled around the table, chattering at each other and eating cake like it doesn’t matter. Light snowfall drifts down out the window, frost building up on its corners, but inside the tower it’s warm. For a little while, the Grey doesn’t exist at all. And everyone looks happy.

She hugs her robe, soft and new, to her chest. Maybe she is too.