Cas' Memories

11 months, 1 hour ago
11 months, 1 hour ago
58 28653

Entry 37
Published 11 months, 1 hour ago

Explicit Violence

A love-starved dragon learns how to live again.

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You already know what the Grey can do.

You’re the one I’m supposed to get rid of!

His words echo in her head as Vela somehow struggles to her feet and weakly clambers out of the river. Blood drips into the snow from the gaping hole in her stomach, but somehow she stays standing.

Cas finds herself frozen where she is, not feeling the sting of water running over her paws. It’s warmed by the elemental that nested here, but still chilled by the cold mountain air. She can’t bring herself to move.

What does she really know about Vela? Other than her unnatural cheerfulness or at least persistence when the odds are against them, she was just a friendly wanderer and a cleric of Varah.

At first, she hadn’t cared. And then she hadn’t stopped to wonder.

No, that wasn’t true. She’d known there was more to her. The kirin that hag turned into, her reaction to it. There’d been glimmers of a troubled past.

There was “troubled” and there was having the ashenkin trying to kill you personally.

A past interwoven with the Grey, like her own… But she had a feeling it was a little more than simply losing a family member. She was hiding something. Something big. And maybe she wasn’t so innocent as she seemed.

This time, she does the confronting.