Journal of a Noble Little Heart

7 months, 26 days ago
4 months, 25 days ago
15 5341 5 2

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 26 days ago
211 2

The Ceruledge cursed with lycanthropy, Demise, has always kept a journal on him even as a Charcadet to ramble about his dreams & aspirations. Nowadays, he uses it to weep about the many things he wished he could do but can't anymore due to his instabilty.

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Entry #1 - Receiving the Journal

I just got this sweet little journal from big sis Azure! She told me that while I’m not fit for fighting, she firmly believes that I’ll be able to be a great writer. The only thing is that I did want to become a protector, but I don’t think writing will help me reach that…

But, writing in this journal is surprisingly fun! It would definitely be great to go back to older entries and read how I’ve been feeling. Hopefully I’ll be able to make myself proud once I become an Armarouge! And, maybe big sis Amaranth will actually acknowledge me as someone strong…

Amaranth always saw me as a weakling, and the amount of times she left me in the middle of nowhere during her own missions does make me…really sad. I don’t understand why she would act like this. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong to upset her like that. But, at least I have big sis Azure, but even she has to do her own missions with Amaranth…

So I guess this journal is good for when I want to ramble about my feelings but have no one to talk to…

Thanks, big sis Azure…

- Aster