Journal of a Noble Little Heart

7 months, 25 days ago
4 months, 24 days ago
15 5341 5 2

Entry 2
Published 7 months, 24 days ago

The Ceruledge cursed with lycanthropy, Demise, has always kept a journal on him even as a Charcadet to ramble about his dreams & aspirations. Nowadays, he uses it to weep about the many things he wished he could do but can't anymore due to his instabilty.

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Entry #2 - A New Job

Wow, not only do I get this journal, but now I get a job where I get to protect someone? With everyone telling me I’m too weak to fight, I’m surprised that someone even agreed to this. With me, even. But, I’m not complaining! They said they wanted me to protect a small Meloetta that’s just as peculiar as me and that I would probably get along with her.

I can’t wait to start this job! Hopefully people will stop bullying me for being so different from everyone else. Everyone at my age had already started to train towards evolving but I’m still wondering if that’ll ever be possible…

But hey! Even if it’s just one step forward towards making my big sisters proud, it’s still something!

They told me I would start in a few weeks, and that meanwhile I should just sit here and look at everyone else fighting. But, I wanna be the one fighting, you know! Fighting for someone’s innocence to be kept! That’s what I wanna do. But no…

Guess only the future will tell if my dreams will come true or not…

- Aster