Journal of a Noble Little Heart

7 months, 26 days ago
4 months, 24 days ago
15 5341 5 2

Entry 3
Published 7 months, 24 days ago

The Ceruledge cursed with lycanthropy, Demise, has always kept a journal on him even as a Charcadet to ramble about his dreams & aspirations. Nowadays, he uses it to weep about the many things he wished he could do but can't anymore due to his instabilty.

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Entry #3 - First Day At The Job

Today was the first day I got to do my job and I gotta say…this is a lot easier than I thought I would be. I was told that the family doesn’t typically need that many guards and that they already had two of them, who are the coolest people I’ve ever seen! Siegfried looked super awesome with his blades and despite his size, was still able to defeat the training dummy so easily! I hope to be like him one day! I also had a little talk with him and he seems very cool!

Franz, on the other hand, looks scary…he looks like he is only here for a very specific reason and I really can’t read what he thinks of me! But, his Aura Sphere looks so cool though, I would love to learn how to do it one day…if I have the courage to talk to him more! Although, he does seem to act a little different from Siegfried, so maybe I do have a chance…

Also! The lady I have to protect? Octavia? She’s absolutely beautiful, especially with that poofy dress of hers, it almost makes me wanna unmask whenever I’m around her! Showing how cool I can be! But, that might be a little too early to do, so for now I’ll just stay who I am for a bit. Also, I was constantly warned about how much of a bitch she is, but so far she seemed to be really sweet? She talked a lot about wanting to conserve all the treasures her family has and wants to eventually start a museum where people get to appreciate them & cherish them forever. I think that’s not a bad goal…I don’t understand why the rest of the family hate her for it so much.

Oh well, maybe I’ll find out in the future. But, for now, I think I really like this job! It’s a lot better than sitting at home doing nothing while watching everyone else fight and think about how I’ll never be as strong as everyone else. At least I have some hope about that now!

- Aster