Journal of a Noble Little Heart

7 months, 25 days ago
4 months, 24 days ago
15 5341 5 2

Entry 9
Published 7 months, 22 days ago

The Ceruledge cursed with lycanthropy, Demise, has always kept a journal on him even as a Charcadet to ramble about his dreams & aspirations. Nowadays, he uses it to weep about the many things he wished he could do but can't anymore due to his instabilty.

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Entry #9 - The Day Has Come

I didn’t think I would write another entry so soon, but I’m writing this in the morning I'm supposed to be leaving with Siegfried & Franz for that Auspicious Armor. I overheard some not very great things from…I think it was my uncle? He doesn’t visit us very often, but apparently the stories of me finally going on my first mission made more distant family members interested in me. I do find it strange, since almost everyone thinks of me as just this weak Charcadet that won’t get too far. But, I promise I’ve gotten stronger!

I think I heard something about…uh…It was very vague, but all I heard was “Aster” and “will be missed”...I think? I’m not sure why they say it like that when it’s just a mission and with two strong friends, I’ll definitely be able to come back and tell everyone about the great tales. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to evolve with that armor because everyone told me I won’t be able to evolve, but we’ll see…

Despite that, I’m really excited to fight in a real context for the first time with my boyfriend & my friend! Siegfried & I came up with some very fun combination moves and we’re really excited to try them out! He wanted to particularly combine his Psycho Cut with my Flamethrower to do extra damage, which I thought was a pretty silly combo, but I’ll do anything for my love!

Part of me is a little worried things will go wrong, but I think if I keep my head up, it’ll be fine! Can’t wait to write my first entry after this adventure!

- Aster