VoK Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 6
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

Valley of Kings prompts for leveling up. NP = Not an official prompt.

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(Old!) Allegiances / A4

Prompt A4 - What allegiances does your pride have? (With npcs, rogues, other user prides, other creatures?) 200 words or 1 art piece minimum
Word count - 700 / 200
Exp: 150

The Ukusizana Pride is highly independent and strong in their belief that trusting in others too much is the biggest mistake one can make. That being said, over the years, they have learned to rely in part on the gifts and abilities other species can provide, as long as they turn first to their own pride.

Now mostly lore, it is said that the main noteworthy alliance was formed in latter years of Intukuthelo's reign. During the winter when the hunts were scarce, the King began to hear rumors and complaints of small, white dogs that would rush in as a swarm once a kill had been made and steal as much as they could hold, sometimes leaving the catches stripped of all of the fatty, nutritious meat. Of course, the hunters tried to stop them, but the miniature beasts were to quick for them once the cold had seeped into their bones. Seeing how his hunters were only the best of the best, he doubted how this could happen and began questioning his hunters before he took action. You see, thievery was a large crime, and any committers could be submitted to harsh punishments by the victim. Much to King Kuth's surprise, though, the story held up among all of them. Not even his most experienced hunters could tell him what these creatures were and where they'd come from. Now highly curious, at the next council he brought up the subject, but he was still not provided with any new and noteworthy information. Never one to back down or surrender, he resolved that he himself would put an end to these crimes.
When it came time for another hunt, King Kuth set off with the hunters, but instead of engaging in the hunt, he decided to sit back and watch for any suspicious movements. As the pack headed west into the Sand Flats, he stayed at the edge of the grasslands where the dead grass could obscure his dark coat. About an hour later, his efforts paid off. Almost the instant his hunters' prey hit the ground, the grasses around him erupted with movement. White, rodent-sized canines poured out all around him, practically forcing King Kuth out with them. Stunned but thinking on his feet, he called for his hunters to lift the carcass out of their reach.  Aggravated, the little beasts spun around and raced back the direction they'd come. Crouching, the King let out one of his infamous roars that echoed in the trees twenty miles away and caused ancient caves to trembled and collapse. Every one of those teensy tiny monsters froze in their places, wide eyes trained on their superior. Standing tall, King Kuth approached the group, scanning the group with a withering glare until he found who he was looking for.
As if on cue, the largest of the small dogs approached the King, shaking all the while, and stammered out the words, "My King, forgive us! We Snow Dingoes are new to this place, as ours has become too warm for us to live! We have no place to call home, so we grow more and more ill every day. We are not strong enough, as you are, to kill the prey these lands have to offer. Hundreds of my pack starve with each passing day. Please, we beg you, have mercy on us, and we will repay you a million times over!"
Doubtful that these puny creatures could help him but happy to come to at least a partial solution, he replied, "Fair enough. You may have part of our catches as long as you help us in a couple ways and only take what is given to you."
Bowing at King Kuth's feet (which happened to be as large as he was), the High Snow Dingo cried, "Whatever it takes! Thank you, Your Sovereignty!" The King just laughed in reply and lead them back to the High Slate Stones.
To this day the Snow Dingoes live atop the stones where it snows year round, using their superior scouting skills to watch for threats and their agility and speed in any situations the Pride requires in exchange for food, protection, and shelter.

You can read all about the allegiance with the Winter's Bane Pride here