VoK Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
35 43247

Entry 28
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Valley of Kings prompts for leveling up. NP = Not an official prompt.

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Okuphakade's Role / I4

I 04:  Explain this character's role in their group or home. How do they contribute (or not contribute?)
Word Count: 168/150
Earning: 1 white feather

Okuphakade has always been around, always doing things behind the scenes, both big and small. Unknown was always his way, and he never had any intention of changing that, that is, until he was discovered. (Why did mortals have to go around claiming God's land anyway?) He never wanted recognition, because what was temporary fame to an immortal? It was less complicated to be unknown and unseen, and even better if they didn't even sense the effects of his work (because if they did than he wasn't really doing his job, now was he?) Now that he was recognized, he'd just have to bide his time for a generation. Who knows, maybe he'd even make a difference in their lives, or even them in his. He still has no intention of taking part in any of the pride's silly mortal work, but would also rather not cause trouble. Order is always the best option, and whatever the pride wanted to believe were his intentions were their own concern.