VoK Prompts

4 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
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Entry 12
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Valley of Kings prompts for leveling up. NP = Not an official prompt.

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Kuth's Parenting Goals / S4

Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? 500 word minimum
Word Count: 544/500
Points: 2

Never will you meet a lion that wanted kids more than King Intukuthelo. Growing up estranged from his parents, he always yearned for a deeper family connection.  By the time other couples in the pride started having cubs, he was too far gone with baby fever. Watching the loving interactions between parents and cubs brought him so much joy, and he could hardly wait for cubs to call his own. In the meantime, though, he became like an uncle to the pride's cubs, which contributed to him being so loved by all. Everyone always said that the only other position suitable for him would be in the nursery, and he could only agree.
Long before he could even have cubs, he dreamt about how he would raise them. Honorable, loyal, respect, kind, hardworking, dependable, the list goes on. He would never resort to violence as a method of teaching obedience, and he would teach them the value of self discipline for their futures. He would make them all feel loved equally by spending time with each one. His kids would never be disappointed or snobby, but grateful instead. He would protect them, while still letting them experience the harshness of the real world for themselves. He would raise them as any other cub so that their pride positions wouldn't get to their head. He even had names picked out; Injabulo and Onesibindi, Ngokushesha and Ukubekezelela. He could already picture how their rooms would be decorated, and trips they would take as a family. He could practically see their tiny faces and sparkling eyes, their little tails and disproportionate paws. Their hugs, their tears, their happy shouts and angry screams, their first steps and first kills, the annoying play fights and sleepy afternoons, he wanted it all. Most of all though, he wanted that one simply word, exclaimed with so much love, "Daddy!"
The day he met Umsebenzi Wobuciko, he knew she would be the perfect mother to his cubs, or so he thought. She supported all his dreams, and even added to them. Her love for cubs shown just as bright as his, and he knew they were a perfect match. Their wedding was beautiful, and Kuth was elated for the opportunities it opened. They tried for cubs right away, but nothing came of it. The second and third times yielded the same results. Of course, Kuth was a little disappointed but was no where close to giving up. Time after time they tried but always to no avail. Kuth clung to his open even though he felt his dreams slipping away. He never took no for an answer. Ubuciko, on the other hand, was much more logical. With every year that passed, the more obvious the truth became. They were not going to have cubs. Every time Ubuciko brought up the subject, though, Kuth grew furious, angrier than Ubuciko had ever seen him. Neither of them was willing to give in, and a gap formed in their marriage. Eventually, though, Kuth reluctantly eased into the truth and the flow of life of a cub-less couple. By the time he died, you could ask him, and he would tell you that he wouldn't have it either way, although his love for cubs never faded.